The Comment Awards Are Ready for the Revolution

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Good morning good morning good morning, LET’S DO THIS!

This week, Baopu #92 was about the desire to feel solid again. I loved this!!!

Important: Which Cozy Season item are you?

Wishing a VERY happy Strap Week 2021 to all those who celebrate! We’ve got Addie and Akalac asking: to strap or not to strap? We’ve got A.C. writing about acts of service as a leatherdyke bottom. We’ve got Drew reminiscing about Kristen Stewart in Charlie’s Angels! We’ve got Kris and Rainn asking the important questions, and we’ve got Archie with a guide to strap-ons for every stage of your journey. And a partridge in a pear tree!

Elaine wrote about dating as a single dyke in her sixties, “like trying to climb a sheer mountain cliff armed only with a bottle of lube.” Can I give a Comment Award to a tagline?

For Intersex Day of Remembrance, Hans wants softness.

Shelli watched Tampa Baes so you don’t have to.

As Supergirl wraps up it’s very last season, Valerie Anne wrote one final recap. What! A! Run!

And then there were your comments!

On QUIZ: Which Cozy Season Item Are You?

The Serendipity Award to Johnny:

Just took this as I sit here recovering from top surgery and got the Because Bewbs pillow. Absolutely incredible timing.

On Dating as a Single Dyke in My 60s:

The Gay Love Award to N.:

Loved your writing and experience during different periods of time. I’m rooting for you. A friend recently told me that the love Story between Roxane Gay and Debbie Millman had made her wish for a movie adaptation of their romance (same). I am very happy AS is publishing your story.

On Kristen Stewart in Charlie’s Angels Inspired Me to Buy a Strap-On:

The Good Words Award to Maria:

I loved this perspective, also got weird envy from K-Stew in that movie and also just wanted to say that “I want to not disassociate while I fuck you

On Also.Also.Also: Halle Berry Is Running Around Calling Young M.A “That’s My Baby”

The Big Misunderstanding Award to cleo and msanon:

That Pete Davidson dildo article made me realize that I completely misunderstood “big dick energy

On “Supergirl” Series Finale Recap: I Hope You Dance:

The Cat Sees All Award to Jill and KG:

That was all beautiful, and the finale was wonderful, and your line about Lena’s wedding wardrobe made me cackle. But Are we not going to talk about the way Cat Grant asked Kara if she was, “BI-furcated?

On Suck My Silicone Or Save Your Mouth For Me?

The Best Week Ever Award to Mary:

I’ve gotta say, Strap Week might be my favorite Theme Week ever at Autostraddle so far. Everything I’ve read has been so good, especially reading this, both of these writers totally got me convinced on their sides. The feature images are also so cool!

And on I Always (Never) Feel Like — Somebody’s Watching Me:

The Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution Award to Deli Twotone:

Such amazing writing, thank you both. Each narrative helped me find parts of myself I’d never put into words before. New treasures. This series is nothing short of revolutionary.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. This comment award just saved my Friday. Woo hoo msanon.

    I want to thank Carmen, Queer Girl and Pete Davidson.

    • Your first AS piece got a spin-off server from the AS pop-up Discord hoping you’ll show up to the next AS pop-up so we can snag you for our cabal of gay-shenanigan-happy queer punsters. (We also, for the record, have a few people who claim to hate puns, but they’ve been caught indulging.)

  2. The Comments on the Comment Awards always make my Friday even if my Friday happens on a Saturday.

    Thanks QG and all, we are Straddlers, we are mighty indeed

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