S L I C K: Syd Sysco Volume LXIX: At the Feet of the Goo Empress of 61 Cygni

S L I C K is an erotica series for A+ members about titillation, torture, fucking and getting off.

Content notes: non-human entities, t4t, feet, giant
We join our hero now after his voluntary surrender to the Bromeliac guards of the Temple of the Goo Empress of 61 Cygni.
Syd peeled off his spacesuit in front of the guards, and turned to face the red stone wall at the back of the cave. He braced his hands and belly against the wall while arching his back and spreading his legs open. Water gushed in spurts all over his back, his ass, his thighs and calf muscles. The water here was heavy, but not viscous, and clung to Syd’s hairy body. He moved to brush the heavy droplets away, but the Bromeliac guard barked a high-pitched reproach.

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Aegor Ray

Aegor Ray is a writer and organizes with the Sex Workers Outreach Project in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His work has appeared in Peach Mag, Cosmonauts Ave, Bright Wall/Dark Room and BOMB Magazine. Aegor is writing a collection of transsexual speculative fiction and paranormal romance stories. He is a Sagittarius.

Aegor has written 2 articles for us.