• Gays Playing Sports, Shopping for Menswear, Still Not Going to Prom

    Closeted gays play basketball, lesbians play softball, gay boys rank each other on websites that get startup funds (bah!), Constance McMillen has her day in court and the school officials whipped out some doozies, a good lesbian suit is hard to find, Elisabeth Hasslebeck and Whoopi fight about health care, also wait ’til you see these portraits of soldiers affected by Don’t Ask Don’t Tell!

  • New Reports on Traveling, Working & Aging While Homogay

    places to avoid while traveling homosexual, and places to go (like vegas for a sweet party). also; stats on closeting in the workplace & the lives of lady baby boomers. a gay teen is allowed prom but gets kicked out of the house instead, manifesta’s 10th anniversary, fabulis’s future and moar!

  • Apple Tablet Rumors Persist: How Steve Jobs Immaculately Conceived A New Mac

    Mac tablet rumors abound as we all completely lose our minds waiting for Apple to confirm or deny its existence. In the mean time, we have to figure out what the heck we’ll do with it. Will it change the face of technology as we know it? Do we even need an Apple tablet?

  • Top Ten ’90s Movies Beloved by Girls Who Turned Out Gay

    Looking back on it now, it all makes sense: these are films you probably loved if you were born in the ’80s and turned out gay. What are your favorites?

  • Audiostraddle’s 2010 Music Festival Survival Guide

    With South by Southwest kicking off next weekend, the 2010 music festival season is just around the corner. Our contributing music writer and festival expert Corey has compiled a guide that will help you navigate your way around some of this year’s biggest music festivals, including SXSW, Bonnaroo, Coachella, Lilith Fair, Lollapalooza, and Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival.

  • Top Defense Officials Seek to End Don’t Ask Don’t Tell For Real This Time

    Important announcement today as top defense officials seek to end DADT — but there is one catch. And also, John McCain is cranky about it. We’re happy to see that Obama is actually making some forward progress on repealing DADT! Newly-elected Senator Scott Brown explains his position on gay rights. Plus, Hawaii has rejected civil unions, Utah legislators shelved anti-discrimination laws, and CBS makes even more weird Super Bowl ad decisions.

  • Queer Music Party: Tegan & Sara’s ALLIGATOR VIDEO, Kaki King, Sarah Slaton, Ke$ha, Bitch, Gaga, Nicki Minaj & More

    Audiostraddle gets a make over! Also Tegan & Sara’s Alligator video premieres for real, Kaki King releases a new track from Junior, the Gossip announce US tour dates, the Vampire Weekend play doubles with a Jo-Bro and also; Ke$ha on bisexuality, Elton John says Jesus is gay, Nicki Minaj has a threesome and Lady Gaga is in a lot of magazines.

  • LOST Series Finale Liveblog: The Last WTF!

    Autostraddle’s LOST Liveblog! Shit’s gonna go DOWN, so get your Dharma-issued beer at the ready. Because we have a drinking game for ya, and well, cause it’s gonna be intense! And you might want to put towels under your doors like you did when you got high in college, because you know the smoke monster’s gonna be making a cameo. Join us! Be warned, this is basically one huge spoiler.

  • Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s Tomboy Look Scares Media Just Like Ours Scared Our Grandparents

    Apparently Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is a stylin’ tomboy, which means Angelina is brainwashing her into the bisexual lifestyle! Meanwhile, studies suggest tomboy-identification is good for girls. Also; South African boarding school shuts down after lesbian kiss, the NAACP Image Awards, out actor Guillermo Diaz, “Toe to Toe” looks at interracial friendships, Tegan & Sara in Austin, how to help Chile and old school Gaga.

  • Miss Lola Loves Tiny Dresses and Her Northface

    It’s time for another I’ll Have What She’s Wearing! This week we have Mary, a Filipino college student double majoring in Islamic History and Winter Apparel.

  • Live-Blogging Dinah Shore Weekend Part II: Autostraddle vs. The Lesbians

    Reading this Dinah Shore live-blog PART DEUX, updated constantly, is almost like being at Dinah Shore’s legendary lesbian Palm Springs weekend historical event of fun.

  • Let’s Take a Honeymoon — It’s Hey Did You See That Comment Friday!

    The world is crazy, but Autostraddlers are awesome! We’d give you wedding rings if we could, but until this legal madness ends in justice (could be a while…) we’re giving you comment awards. No proposition will ever take those away!

  • Cracking the Coming Out Code

    Ricky Martin came out yesterday. Sean Hayes came out a few weeks ago. My Mom came out in 1995. Is it only a matter of time before everyone comes out? Riese investigates and Alex makes infographics and together we get to the bottom of this well of homosexiness.

  • Janelle Monáe Covers Honey Mag, is Androgynous, Loves Androids

    Janelle Monae is next up to be the Next Best Thing. In related news, it’s tough to be Ke$ha in a Lady Gaga world. Plus, Kristen Stewart looks like Kate Moennig at Coachella, Lady Gaga on Idol, Hailey Wojick, Christina Hendricks & more!

  • Catholic Church Lets Sex Abusers Guide Children, But Not Gay Parents?

    A new round of sex scandals rock the church while the church fights to keep its anti-gay adoption policies and prevent the child of gays from attending its pre-school. Jon Stewart & “Deliver Us From Evil” report. Also; the trouble with the media’s take on the troubles of black women, clinical trials leave out glbts, ‘zines, is twitter a girl, gearing up for dinah shore weekend & a new LGBT Center in Long Beach, New York.

  • DADT: Dan Choi Back on Active Duty, Lissa Young Talks to AS, Black Women Disproportionately Affected

    It’s DADT News, and we’ve got good news and bad news. Dan Choi has been called back to active duty! Yes, really! Autostraddle catches up with DADT discharge Lissa Young for her reaction to last week’s hearing (“exhilarating and infuriating.”) Study shows black women disproportionately discharged under DADT (and the affects of all anti-gay laws hit the black community harder). Also; Iowans and New Jersey on gay marriage actions/reactions, Rhode Island’s gay marriage bill and more on Judge Walker.

  • Prom is Better Cancelled Than Ruined by Tuxedo-Wearing Lesbians

    Rather than allow a lesbian to bring her girlfriend to prom and wear a tux, the school has canceled prom altogether! FANTASTIC. Also; the cute video of the kid finding out about gay people, the death of coffee shops, gays and the census, Bill O’Reily defends lesbian couple’s child and the national equality riders are coming soon to an oppressive campus near you.

  • Salt-n-Pepa Headlining The Dinah: Sh*t Just Got Way Better

    Now we get to break it down Alice-and-Tasha-L-Word-Season-6-Style at The Dinah this year. Get your spandex ready, practice your running-man, and brush up on the lyrics to “Whatta Man” cause it’s ON.

  • Day 9 of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Who Needs Marriage When You Have Bisexuality, You Slippery Slopes?

    They should replace that show “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader” with “Are You Smarter Than A Proposition 8 Attorney, Yes You Are.”

  • Sing the Body Electric With k.d. lang’s Olympic Hallelujah (VIDEO), The Muppets & Adam Lambert

    Cover songs from kd Lang at the Olympics, The Muppets, Hope for Haiti and the American Idol kids delight us. Also; Ellen’s NYTimes feature story, French kiss-in, John Mayer being crazy, Lady Gaga being creative, Alexander McQueen, Taylor Swift, Tool Academy, Big Gay Out, ChatRoulette and a dolphin.