• Comics 101: The First Step Is Admitting You Have A Problem

    Have you ever wanted to read comic books but found yourself a) overwhelmed, b) intimidated or c-g) five kinds of confused? We lay it all out for you, kind of like a railroad magnate would. But he’d be laying railroad track, and we’re layin’ knowledge and we’re a layin’ it about comic books. So check it out– get schooled about the comic book, the graphic novel, the comic strip and that wily beast the webcomic.

  • Audiostraddle BiWeekly: Adam Lambert Does Acapella, Ke$ha Doesn’t Care

    Audio Biweekly: Adam Lambert does acapella in a new interview, Kelis, En Vogue and Kelly Rowland are coming to LA Pride, Katy Perry has a new single, wants to melt your popsicle. Also Britney hangs up on Gaga, there’s a new trend in hip-hop and Ke$ha disagrees with your unkind assessment of her art.

  • Supreme Court Justice Stevens Retiring; What Happens to the Gays?

    Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement Friday, and we have more info than you can handle, probs. Plus, the Southern Voice is coming back, Constance McMillen gets another shot at prom, and there will be a trial on DOMA.

  • Kristin Chenoweth Stands Up for Gay Actors, Calls Out Homophobic Newsweek Article

    Remember that Newsweek article from last week, when Ramin Setoodeh declared ‘gay actors can’t play straight’? Well, Kristin Chenoweth, currently starring on Broadway in “Promises, Promises” with Sean Hayes, has a lot of feelings about it too — and she’s speaking out against the homophobic article and defending gay actors.

  • Autostraddle Roundtable: Becoming Queer Feminists (Part 1)

    We finally wrote another roundtable, and it’s about feminism! This discussion is gonna take a while, so we’re going to start this by talking about how we first became feminists. Share your own experiences in the comments!

  • Gates Advises Against Immediate DADT Repeal, Dan Choi Isn’t Impressed

    The long hard march towards a DADT repeal continues, as do the chained-to-the-white-house-fence arrests — and Defense Secretary Gates saying repealing DADT would be a bad idea. Also, potential progress for gays in immigration reform and Olson and Boies get the shoutout they deserve!

  • Riese’s Team Pick: Clutch Magazine

    I recently discovered Clutch Magazine and fell in love in a serious way.

  • Brooke Means Business: Franco Stevens, Founder and Publisher of Curve Magazine

    Time for the second edition of Brooke Means Business, in which Autostraddle COO Brooke Levin finds ladies who will talk to her about business. Today we bring you Franco Stevens, who was 22 years old when she decided to stop looking for a National lesbian glossy magazine and start her own — and thus CURVE was born.

  • Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper Talk Safe Sex on Good Morning America (BAM!)

    On Good Morning America to promote Mac’s VIVA/GLAM lipstick (all profits going to MAC Viva GLAM AIDS fund), Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper stay on topic about the importance of safe sex for gay & straight women. Also; suggested changes to the DSM V are OUT!, wanna be sexy Elmo for Halloween, shopping for love, sexism by the numbers, nuns go all Salt’n’Pepa on Oprah, and feminism at school.

  • The Queer Style Revolution Will be Accessorized: Accessory Guide Part 2

    You’ve been standing there with a shoe and a scrunchie since our Accessories Guide Part One dropped. Now we’re back! Ready to tell time, cart baggage, clutch on, pin up, pierce out and travel in style? Perfect us tooo! Oh yeah, and belt it. JUST BELT IT.

  • Real L Word Premieres Sunday, Hated It

    The Real L Word premieres on Sunday, aren’t you so excitant? We reflect and look forward and read reviews and witness strap-ons. But really the best part is that Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia is gonna be doing exclusive Real L Word content for Showtime & Sho.com! I know! See! We got our grrrl in there, and she is perfect.

  • Chely Wright: ‘Magical’ to be First Lesbian Country Artist, Also BTW She’s Cute!

    People Magazine has released exclusives from Chely Wright’s coming out story (that means it’s really true)! Also; a lesbian party in Malaysia, blogging against disabilities, OutMedia’s big winner, the importance of body image issues to the feminist movement, the gay boy crowned prom king, blogging against ableism and more!

  • Queer the Census: Be Counted or Pay the Price, Homos.

    Get a sticker and queer the census, or go without education and health care. Just saying, it’s up to you. Patraeus says the time has come to repeal DADT. Also; just like kids in middle school, more and more seniors are daring to come out as queer or trans. Even more legal analysis of the Prop 8 trial and what it all means! Plus, a lesbian couple was granted a marriage license in CA because of regressive gender laws, and you can get married at Mt. Everest!

  • May is Masturbation Month! Celebrate NSFW Lesbian Sexy Sunday Style!

    May is Masturbation month! Whether you’re participating in international official Masturbation-a-Thons or not, you’ll still enjoy heaps of tips and other masturbatory related links, advice, info and britney spears videos. Also; anatomy of a Desert Hearts Love Scene, feverish photography, why porn matters, the joys of objectification, Tranywood Pictures, bad sex ed tapes, hawt phototography, bad sex songs and more!

  • New Gay Wedding Mag EquallyWed Wants to Commitment Ceremony You

    “Equally Wed” enters the untapped queer wedding magazine market, poised to get you ready for the big day even if it’s not legal yet. Also; lot of famous people got rejected from Harvard, women are rethinking “happily ever after,” Sugarbutch has thoughts on gay prom, The Real Housewife of Atlanta has a girlfriend for real, Liz Carpenter dies, marijuana legislation is queer, and the social construction of natural beauty.

  • Anti-Gay Leader Vacations with Rentboy.com Escort

    Another anti-gay evangelist caught being gay! Also; ten things you should never say to a lesbian, the new Usher & Nick Minaj video pushes the bisexuality theme a little too hard, why are boobs so awesome, and don’t forget about Mother’s Day! Plus, gendered iPad ads and the tales of gay magazines.

  • Brooke Means Business: Talking to Dinah Shore Masterbrain Mariah Hanson

    Welcome to Brooke Means Business — your look at the future of the lesbian marketplace. We debut with the lesbian party promoter responsible for all those girls oil-wrestling in bikinis at Club Skirts’ Dinah parties — the grand master Mariah Hanson.

  • Health Care Reform Passes: What’s Next, Gaymos? (Is Rush Limbaugh Moving to Costa Rica?)

    Health care reform passes — what do gays & ladies think of it? Constance goes to prom court and her school plans a private prom at a furniture mart and doesn’t invite her. Also; tea partiers protesting in DC manage to be horrifyingly disrespectful to everyone ever, gay sex might be decriminalized in Delhi, and reports on homophobic professors, companies, and bed&breakfasts.

  • Apple Reveals iPhone OS 4.0: Will It Cure What Ails Us?

    Apple unveils the newest iPhone OS 4.0. What upgrades and surprises will the upgrade from 3.0 yield? We can only imagine! Or wish upon a star or something. Check back for the latest updates to burst out of Apple HQ.

  • Leaked iPhone 4G Lost Then Found and Hipster Time Travel

    A secret version of the unannounced next-gen iPhone 4G showed up in a bar in California and someone whisked it up and unloaded the goods to Gizmodo! Also, you have to watch this weirdly artful home movie an octopus took because it’s totally amazing. And that’s not all: a hipster shows up in a photograph from 1941, Steve Jobs gets called out and more!