• U of Oregon Gay & Lesbian Student Alliance Office Vandalized, Neo-Nazi-Style

    The University of Oregon in Eugene is one of this country’s most gay-friendly campuses, but this weekend vandals hit their LGBTQA office with swastikas. This comes amid growing controversy over The Pacifica Forum, a SPLC-labeled white nationalist “hate group,” holding its meetings on campus. We speak the University’s LGBTQA center volunteer coordinator about campus climate in the wake of the vandalism, and how she hopes this tragedy will provide an opportunity for the student body to open dialogue and inspire change.

  • Cynthia Nixon: Gay Identity a ‘Political Stance’, We’re All Bisexual.’

    The beautiful/perfect Cynthia Nixon is on the cover of Advocate’s pride issue, talking relationships, sexual identity, her Miranda identity, her hot butch partner and “Sex and the City 2.” Also; Katie Melua questions her sexuality, Julie Goldman covers SHE Mag, Lea Michele covers Women’s Health Mag, Bitch Blogs celebrates the Daria DVD release and Family Guy features a trans character.

  • Adam Lambert’s Idol Laser Light Lesbian Spectacular

    Adam Lambert & the Laser Light Spectacular & Camila Grey perform on American Idol, Ellen is on a “sugar fast” and talks about Portia, The Sarah Silverman Program may be dunzo, New Now Next Award nominations, and Kathy Griffin bedazzling her vagina and getting a pap smear poolside at a hotel in LA tomorrow.

  • Jennifer Beals Lands Lead in Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Top (Hot) Cop

    Jennifer Beals will star in the new Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Chicago’s first female police chief, and we expect lots of ball-busting to ensue. ‘Anyone But Me’ is up for awards and has a new episode! Also; photography of “girlfriends,” Rosie O’Donnell’s new show aims to fill Oprah’s void, Bitch Slap’s Lesploitation, Scream 4 is ON, Adam Lambert’s interviewed in Scotland, and Sue’s Corner is back.

  • “Pretty Little Liars” Recap 101 & 102: Just the Lesbian Parts & Our Feelings

    First we get real deep, and then we get real funny. It’s Autostradle’s first recap of ABC Family’s new show “Pretty Little Liars,” which features a probs-lesbian protagonist named Emily. You should probably read this recap. Just for funsies.

  • VIDEO: Dani Campbell Does Miami, With Pam Grier & Rea Carey

    As promised, Dani Campbell took Autostraddle with her to this year’s Winter Party Festival in Miami Beach, Florida; where she chatted it up with Pam Grier (Kit Porter from “The L Word” and FOXY F*CKING BROWN), who is actually the most awesome person of all time. Dani gets tips on becoming a better activist from Rea Carey, the Executive Director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force. The camera loves Dani Campbell, it just told me so!

  • Church Sex Abuse Scandals: Pope Not Doing What Jesus Would Do

    More Catholic abuse scandals than you can shake a stick at. Maddow’s full page ad in the Boston Globe. Poll results show that some people are, in fact, f*cking crazy (and just happen to be Republicans). Ana Marie Cox on DADT, Ann Coulter STILL makes us want to punch walls, racism at Harvard and MOAR!

  • Melissa Etheridge & Tammy Lynn Michaels Split; It Only Hurts When I Breathe

    Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels announce their separation after 2 children and nearly 9 years together. The lesbian universe weeps another loss.

  • Hey You! Did You Know Everyone’s Gay? Did You See That Comment?

    Why do people drink on St. Patrick’s day but not on April Fool’s day? This and other mysteries of life will not be answered in this week’s comment awards, but we will be giving out Internet hugs.

  • Be Queer, Buy Queer, Win $10,000: OUTmedia Wants Your Videos, College Kids!

    Hey! Have you supported your community yet today? No? Don’t worry, it’s not too late! OUTmedia and Campus Pride are working to make you think about where your dollar is going, and we think you should help.

  • Marisa Meltzer’s Actual Girl Power: The Autostraddle Interview

    Feminist author and nineties enthusiast Marisa Meltzer talks to Laneia about her new book, Girl Power. Also: zines, music, movies and even Lilith Fair, for crying out loud!

  • Let Us Now Praise Effeminate Men

    Alan Cumming’s latest blog post sums up the week perfectly, and addresses perhaps Newsweekgate’s most underasked question: “What is wrong with being effeminate, anyway?” It’s Friday, y’all. Let us praise ye wise men who know “queeny” isn’t even a word, give you some wisdom and share some of our favorite videos; Kurt’s Turn in Glee, Adam Lambert goes crazy, Alan Cumming emcees, Rickie finds World Happiness and Peter Paige finds Emmet’s truth.

  • International Record Store Day: What’s the First Record You Bought? The Last?

    Remember record stores? The ones built of bricks and mortar? They didn’t disappear the day you bought your MacBook. Your local record store continue to be a pivotal part of the music landscape and to celebrate, there’s Record Store Day – an international event happening on April 17. To celebrate, we’re reminiscing about the first record we ever bought, you should too –

  • Interviewing Bitch, Electro-Violinist Rock Poet Grrrl & Touring T.W.A.T.

    Fueled by a recent break-up, queer electro-violinist rock poet B*itch (formerly from queercore duo ‘Bitch & Animal’) is back a new look and her second solo LP, “Blasted!”. Our music writer Corey sits down to talk about her transformation into solo artist and what fans can expect from her new release & upcoming tour.

  • Lesbian Prom Update: Constance Suing for Damages & Westboro’s Coming to Graduation

    Constance McMillen is now seeking unspecified monetary damages in her case against Itawamba High School, citing public humiliation. Even worse, Westboro Baptist Church has announced they’ll be picketing her graduation to remind everyone that dykes are ‘filthy.’ Also; more on Scott Baio’s evolving lesbian rage, Gay tourism, forced gay marriage, bisexuals aren’t gay enough, Sikhism and feminism, tv bans plus size ads, and headache fun!

  • Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” Video: Even Gayer Than Actual Dance Clubs

    Lady Gaga & Beyonce’s “Telephone” video premiered tonight: a recap & a roundtable of opinions from our music team. OMG JAILYARD LESBIANS

  • When Lesbians Attack! Stuffed Wolf Stolen From Dinah Shore Party Has Been Returned

    Who stole Kelis’s wolf from her Dinah Shore performance? Martina Navratilova has been diagnosed with breast cancer, rules for the gayborhood, Jillian Michaels, Shannon Wentworth & Gloria Bigelow make Advocate’s 40 Under 40 list, a new study on the gay/straight pill hypothetical, and a woman attends a business seminar and finds men vs. women stereotypes are alive and well.

  • Hollywood Loves Gay Men & Teens, Just Ask “The Marriage Ref”

    Not since the dawn of Rickie Vasquez & Will Truman have gay men been so loved by Hollywood. It’s fine, ladies have tampons and performance art. Also; A new teaser for Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s We Have to Stop Now, Glee on Oprah, & Prop 8 Films’ gay marriage documentary ‘Till Death Do Us Part.’

  • It’s Autostraddle’s First Birthday!

    One year ago today, Jenny “died” and Autostraddle was born.

  • Right Now Lesbians Like Caster Semenya Much More Than Barack Obama

    People from all over the internet weigh in on how we should feel about Obama, Scott Roeder gets a life sentence but the Pope apparently can’t be tried, the GOP is crazy, and we still love Caster Semenya.