• Skins Recap Episode 404: Katie F*cking Fitch

    It’s Episode 404 of Skins, when Katie mixes a heavy dose of kickass with a little portion of feelings feelings feelings. How’d Naomi and Emily end up in the swimming pool? Let’s recap.

  • Revealed! Glaad Awards Lesbian Nominees, J-Beals’ L Word Book, Tila Tequila’s Whereabouts

    GLAAD nominees are announced and will specially honor Miranda Hobbes for being so sassy I MEAN CYNTHIA NIXON for advocating equal rights! Also; Jennifer Beals’ interview & L Word Book, Rihanna on W Magazine, Tila Tequila’s emotional interview, InTouch magazine’s anti-choice Palin cover and the second-best Lady Gaga Bad Romance YouTube video ever.

  • Why Taylor Swift Offends Little Monsters, Feminists, and Weirdos

    A symbolical analysis of the Taylor Swift canon (w/infographic). Is there art without sex? Love without raincoats? Feminism without girls? Beauty without dirt? Copycats without claws?

  • 52nd Annual Grammy Awards: Open Thread, Drinking Game, Lady Gaga Lovefest

    It’s the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards, and our first annual Grammy-Award-watching experience! We’ve got a drinking game and a casually updated live-blog of whatever happens after Lady Gaga performs. They give stuff out, right? Who knows!

  • Crystal’s Team Pick: Sia’s New Music Video

    Remember that time I explained the top 10 reasons why I love Sia hard? Here’s my eleventh reason. Today a handful of people with exceptional music taste sent me the link to Sia’s new music video for “You’ve Changed”, a track that will feature on her upcoming album We Are Born.  Sia’s music videos are […]

  • Lily’s College Lesbianage #6: Lesbians Are Scary

    When the Beastie Boys sang “college girls are easy,” I don’t think they’d ever gone into a lesbian bar…. with me.

  • The Prop 8 Revolution Will Be Televised – On YouTube

    Why the plan to televise the Prop 8 Trial on YouTube is BRILL. A round-up of reactions to New Jersey’s vote-down of same-sex marriage (“an absolute disgrace”), Portugal legalizes same-sex marriage, Glenn Beck says “African-American” is a made-up word!

  • Anti-Gay CA Senator Ashburn Walks Out of Gay Bar, Gets DUI, COMES OUT

    The lawsuit for those injured in the Atlanta Eagle bar raid needs your help, Roy Ashburn is a lying hypocrite, General Petraeus has worked with queers in the past and hasn’t been raped by a man yet, the VA Attorney General wants to take away college protections, Minnesotans are giving it their all for Uganda, and Roseanne wants to save the gay Mormon kids.

  • This Pretty Bouquet of Comment Awards is Our Way of (Bad) Romancing You!

    Ah, homo-love is in the air – can you feel it? … No? Well, you’ll always have us as your Valentine (and maybe if we’re both still single in 10 years, we could give it a shot, ya know, just for funsies). Forget the Hallmark cards, your Autostraddle Comment Award will keep your warm at night!

  • Day 8 of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: We Musn’t Dwell. Not on Dr.Tam Day!

    I DO NOT THINK THIS COULD GET ANY CRAZIER. Seriously, I thought I knew how crazy the other side was, BUT I DID NOT KNOW HOW CRAZY THE OTHER SIDE WAS.

  • 10 Fashion Icons in Music: Women Rocking Homosexy Style

    Female fashion trendsetters in the music world! Karmen and Becky have thoughts and feelings about hot girls on guitars and why they’re seriously styln’ and you get to read about it! Lot’s of girls, clothes, and music videos await.

  • Do Lesbians Need Rules for the Gay Girl/Straight Girl Friendship?

    Gawker’s laid out the rules of a gay man/straight man friendship just in time for Super Bowl. Is it different for girls? The Daily Show tackles men who need to reclaim their manhood, and old men who need to be kicked out of the senate for getting in the way of everyone else overturning DADT. FoxNews keeps calling Rachel Maddow a “man,” CNN does Real Sex dolls, gay Mardi Gras in Sydney, another queer high school and more!

  • In Defense of Dressing Up: On Trans Surgery, Fashion Writing & the “Natural Body” Myth

    Fashion blogger Meg Clark on why fashion blogging matters, trans activist lawyer Dean Spade unpacking feminist discourse around trans surgery. Though very different people/topics, both touch on how a “looks don’t matter” perspective disables us from having important conversations about gender/society/self. Also; 39% of young Swedish ladies lust for other ladies, fancy perfume, marriage officials love love, Margaret Cho directs a kickin’ new video, and Lesbians deal with HIV.

  • Day Three of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Let’s Get Offensive

    Day Three of the Prop 8 Trial recap, in which the other side wants to talk about how gay men sleep around, schools teach children how to be gay, and that because we have Will & Grace, we don’t need equal rights. What they don’t know is that Will & Grace has been off the air for a few years. The plot thickens…

  • Skins Recap 401: “Thomas” (Naomi & Emily Are Back!)

    Naomi and Emily are back! Laughing! Looking cute! Making out! Here’s a recap of the Skins season four premiere.

  • Lesbian Bromance is Here

    Two lesbians walk into a gay bar. One of them has to pee. The ladies room is occupied. What happens next will change their lives — and the world — forever. KC Danger on the birth of Lesbian Bromance.

  • Hollywood Lesbians: Harder Now (But Not Impossible) to Stay Closeted Forever

    The history of lesbian closeting in Hollywood — and why, even today, so many lesbians prefer to stay in the closet. Also a Desperate Housewives lesbian storyline mini-cap, Tila Tequila’s Australian karaoke, an amazing Taylor Swift parody and Lindsay Lohan’s new interview.

  • Day One of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Judgment Daze

    We’ll be recapping the Prop 8 Trial for you every day, and sorry for being a little late today! We’ve got all your Day One info, testimony, links, videos and analysis for our kickoff Judgement Daze.

  • El Perro Del Mar ‘Love Is Not Pop’ Album Review & Give Away

    Karmen shares her many feelings about ‘Love Is Not Pop’, the heartbreak album from Swedish songstress El Perro Del Mar and the soundtrack for Karmen’s winter. Love may not be pop, but we do love El Perro’s pop and so we’re going to give away a few copies of this album to our readers.

  • Lindsay Lohan’s PR Machine De-Gays Lesbian Relationship with Sam

    Bisexual Lindsay Lohan wants to get back together with Sam, but is now sticking to the “Sam is the only girl I ever liked” storyline. We know it’s just a story, but we explain why it matters that they’re making her tell it. Gaga exemplifies the modern age with her stardom. Natalie Portman is working on a female stoner comedy. Oh, and we shamelessly ask you to vote for us in some contests!