You Should Make A Blanket Fort This Weekend

A humble suggestion: you should make a blanket fort this weekend. Literally why not? Then you should take pictures of your fort, post them to Instagram, and tag us (@autostraddle) so we can share your forts on our feed and it can feel as though we’re all in a cozy blanket fort together.

Here are two forts I made this week, for inspiration!

Fort 1

Statement of design:

Built in 20 minutes, this fort’s purpose was to create a sunny reading area rather than be a fun build. I intentionally built it around a window to allow maximum light into my new lounge spot.

Fort 2

Statement of design:

A nighttime fort! The design was accidentally a teenage spaceship headed towards ice cream. That is all.

See you in your blanket fort! Virtually, while we all stay home.

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Molly Adams is an LA-based photographer. You can find documenting life from Afghanistan to Standing Rock to the LA queer nightlife. You can also find her on Instagram.

Molly has written 59 articles for us.


  1. I was lacking in plans enough to build a fort and take s photo, but I forgot that I can’t just upload photos here and I don’t want to put my photos elsewhere on the internet, sorry.

    My fort is pretty small a cosy, my house is a weird layout and I have a kind of nook in my lounge railings (my lounge has stairs that lead down to my kitchen) which is big enough for a swivel arm chair, a Christmas tree and as of now a small blanket fort, which I am typing this from.

  2. When I was little my grandma would let me rearrange her whole entire living room to make the most awesome blanket forts using a chesterfield sofa, a love seat, a Berger’s chair and ottoman. Then she would get into the fort with em and we would play together and watch Hart to Hart.
    I miss my grandma.

  3. Well, my original plan for this weekend was two 13 hr hospital shifts with a hour less to sleep (clocks change). However for health reasons the outside is now officially out to get me and I have strict instructions to never leave the house again. Looks like fort building is a go. I shall fort liked I’ve never forted before.

  4. Right after college my three roommates and I spent half the summer in a giant living room fort. No furniture in the rest of the house (couch, table, chairs–everything was used as fort support). It was amazing.

  5. Once upon a time my family fostered/tamed feral kittens.

    Don’t remember who’s idea it was but one day we made a blanket fort, the kittens LOVED it.
    Especially the rather standoffish majestic and only long haired kitten, he became an absolute PURRBALL.
    And le gasp CUDDLY.

    Naturally my sibling and I never wanted to take the blanket fort down ever but alas the evening news needed to be seen and the chairs back at the dinner table…eventually.

    11-12 year olds need as many purry kitten cuddles as they can get.

  6. Daytime –> nighttime fort with added coloured lights. Cat destroyed the walls a coupla times. Bonus: built around a heater under the window for light+warmth.

    P.S. I do not comment here much, think the last time was also about blanket forts, or the british bake off. But I am v grateful for the virtual community!

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