The Comment Awards Are Finding Light In New Places

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

It’s Friday! It’s Christmas! It’s Friday and it’s Christmas!

So: I know Christmas might not be your holiday, or that you might not be feeling particularly festive right now. I know this year is… this year! But hear me out: two days ago, I drove to a body of water that has been largely deserted since the pandemic began, and I met a few loved ones there at a very safe distance, and we counted down and then jumped off a long dock into very, very cold water. It was painful, and invigorating, and somehow exactly what I needed at the end of this long, strange year.

I know this won’t be the case for everyone, because things are HARD, but I’ve found an unexpected gift in 2020, something about freedom from tradition, or obligation — the chance to make new kinds of memories, to pare down my connections and experiences to their bare bones and ask myself what I want and need. And sure, I want to hug my loved ones, more than anything — but until then, the shared sensory overload of a cold water plunge will do.

So this week, I hope you find something that makes you feel held by the universe, something that helps you reset. I’m so glad we’re here together, wherever here is for you today. YOU are a gift, and I love you!

*Clears throat* Anyway!

This week in Home Alone for the Holigays, Vanessa watched Grease 2 and Meg watched Brandy & Whitney Houston’s quintessential Cinderella!

On Grey’s Anatomy, Teddy came out (yay!) to Owen (boo).

Shelli Nicole helped us remember what it is to dance.

This was quite possibly my favorite Autostraddle post that has ever existed: The Elf On The Shelf Is A Cop: We Need ‘The Anti-Fascist On The Bookcase’.

Stef lead us astray. 

Valerie Anne reviewed the teen version of Lost that I hated and loved and couldn’t stop watching, The Wilds. 

Carmen wrote about Ma Rainey’s unapologetic Black queerness, and Viola Davis’ masterful depiction of her, in Netflix’s new version of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. 

Jen! Richards! Got! Married!

And then there were your comments.

On Come Vibe With Me: A Little Less Conversation:

The You’ll Dance Again Soon Award to Mary:

Just before lockdown started, I was so involved with my local swing, blues, and fusion dancing scenes that I was out dancing three or four nights a week. Having that taken away has been one of the hardest things. I had a really cozy fusion dancing scene were people were super comfortable with dancing close and slow, totally platonically, for the sheer beauty and comfort of it. It’s just hard to have to dance alone.

On Gal Pal Watch: Gillian Anderson Breaks Up with Peter Morgan, Rebounds With Cute Brunette:

The Two, Four, Six, Eight Award to: Kristana! Iarran Mé! msanon! Chandra! thatottergirl! And Snaelle!

Boy, Gillian Anderson is dating down. She’s a ten and her gf is a…ca-NINE! HA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

The Playtime Award to Ar Grass:

yeeeissss more blatant clickbait articles !!! PLAY W MY EMOTIONS SO I DON’T HAVE TO

And the Super Dog Award to Blackmar:

I’m going to pretend that her dog’s full name is Stella Maxwell.

On Amazon’s “The Wilds” Brings Lesbians to a Deserted Island:

The Wilds: Zootopia Award to nosidam:

When they said “gyno-utopia

On Viola Davis Towers in “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” Giving Life to a Black Queer Legend:

The Dr. CP, True Gift Award to Heather Hogan:

Watching “Personal Best

And on Watching “Personal Best” Was the Main Way to Become a Lesbian in the ’80s and ’90s:

The Dedicated Athlete Award to Jean McKenzie:

Yeah it was a straight male gaze on Muriel Hemingway’s muscles, thighs, critch and butterfly kick. Spoiler alert, she is bi. Meanwhile, I becane a dedicated athlete watching the film. Be sure to catch the new gay Hallmark: “The Christmas Setup

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Yaay thank you! Kristana, Iarran Mé, msanon, Chandra, and Snaelle, I know I can count on you all to be an infinite source of witty comments.

  2. So, I don’t have a safe body of water within 5 miles of my house that I can jump into. So looks like it’s just gonna be me outside in Scotland in December with a bucket of water. But I need some sensory input, this is an open invite, any size body of water that you havr available, who’s with me?

    • Gilb I will absolutely pour a bucket of cold water over myself at the same time as you, but not in a weird way, I’m open any time 😂

      • i am unable to resist the urge to quote the great philosopher Misdemeanor Elliot: get ur freak on! california weird with a scotch twist.

        i must also admit i have never gotten said freak on. so you know, not as i do…

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