The Comment Awards Are Cuddling Up With Ghosts

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Happy Friday, fireflies! I hope you’re staying warm and cozy!

This week, Kayla asked an important question: What fanfic trope are you?

And just like that, Miranda Hobbes is bisexual? We hope? (Who wouldn’t be, after Sara Ramirez flirted with you, honestly.)

Riese reviewed the worst gay movie ever made.

Kristen Stewart is developing a gay, ghost-hunting reality show. I have questions!

Ro helped a reader who’s worried their mom might hate their girlfriend.

Heather watched the GOOP sex show, and it was…actually helpful.

Mary Lambert is engaged! They keep each other warm! I love this!

And then there were your comments!

On And Just Like That: Miranda Receives Strong Bisexual Eye Contact From Sara Ramirez in First SATC Reboot Trailer:

The Professorship Award to Reilly:

Oh boy better start assembling my materials for a crash course in the Historical Queer Journey of Sara Ramirez, which I’ll have to give my mom when she wants to discuss this show with me and inevitably fails to understand my obsession with them.

On I Saw “Too Much Sun,” The Worst Gay Movie Ever Made, and I Wish I’d Gone to Poodle Camp Instead:

The Who’s On First Award to trekkie_19 and Gator:

WHAT And more importantly HOW

And the Chair Bit Award to Nat:

All these lovingly captioned screengrabs, and I’m still not convinced this is an actual movie. Did the clocks go back to April 1? What is with the Blood Test Squad? How do you stretch out a chair bit that long? When is the HBO Max remake coming? So many questions.

On Quiz: What Fanfiction Trope Are You?

The DIY Award to Christy:

I’m really loving the fic related content that I’m seeing in AS lately. To me it represents so many core values of being a dyke. It’s DIY, non-commercial culture making and remaking to create the stories we want to see in the world. It can be romantic, chaotic, shamelessly erotic and/or deeply personal. And a good set of comments and kudos can build a invisible support network of like minded readers that lets both writers and readers they are not alone. So thanks, Kayla. Nicely done.

And the Gayos Award to Chandra:

Crossover fic. Chaos! No rules! Is this because I picked a meet-cute at a dog park but my favourite animal is a cat?

On Dispatches From My First Few Weeks in Florida:

The Truth Is Out There Award to Rosehips:

YO WAIT LISTEN I’m delayed in reading this piece but I finally am AND I TOO SAW A GREEN LIGHT FLASH ACROSS THE NIGBT SKY only I’m in New England. My partner saw it too WHAT WAS IT??? We saw it like September 10, 2021, thereabouts. I WOULD LOVE ANY INSIGHTS THANK YOUUU!

On Pop Culture Fix: Tatiana Maslany’s She-Hulk SMASH SMASH SOB!

The All True Award to Anne:

lol accidentally pressed enter before I finished: I love Tatiana Maslany with my whole heart but She Hulk should not be skinny

And on Kristen Stewart Hitting Target Demographic Dead-On With Gay Ghost-Hunting Reality Show:

The Crossover Award to Jill, cleo and Deli Twotone:

Opportunity to be ghosted by Kristen Stewart

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. QG thank you for including me because I need answers!!! Weird things don’t happen here all the time like they do in Florida!

  2. I don’t know if I’m more flattered that I actually got included in a comment award or that Reise replied with the the grammatically coorect yet grandiose WHOMST. These are the things that make nerdy/sapiosexual me swoon.

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