Queer Tarotscopes for Sagittarius Season 2021: How Is Your Perspective Changing?

This season’s tarotscopes feature The Numinous Tarot and the Compendium of Constellations.

We’ve taken our time in Scorpio season to grieve, to reflect, to grant ourselves time for acknowledgement and respectful goodbyes. And in the wake of Death, as we emerge from the endless depths of fixed water, Sagittarius comes blazing in with its mutable fire and powerful, passionate energy. With endless questions, a craving for exploration, and a need to balance understanding with mystery, this season is one for philosophy, travel, adventure, and new knowledge. Welcome to the wildfire that is Sagittarius season.

Like other mutable signs, Sagittarius is flexible, curious, adaptive, resilient, and creative, solving problems and making adjustments that allow us to finish important projects and reach essential conclusions. And like other fire signs, Sagittarius is independent, enthusiastic, driven, expansive, passionate, and adventurous, always looking for more, always questioning what they find. But on the heels of intense Scorpio and in the transition from autumn to winter here in the northern hemisphere, Sagittarius brings its own special kind of magic, its own brilliant inventiveness and sparkling inquisitiveness. There’s an abundance present here, a sense of luck and joy that defines this magnetic and changeable sign. Sagittarius longs to understand, not just the facts and truth of a situation but the underlying meaning attached to it. This is not exploration for knowledge’s sake, but rather a desire to unearth and excavate, to find the treasures that others may not take the time to discover. This is a hunger for truth, one that’s no longer weighed down by everything Scorpio helped us to surrender.

Associated with the major arcana archetype of Temperance, Sagittarius works to balance their eagerness to move with the power of their convictions. Temperance is a card of harmony, moderation, and awareness, urging us to make space for both the known and the unknown, the proven and the mystery, the anticipated and the unexpected. This is an archetype of magic and mystery, those unexplainable coincidences, the moments when things just seem to fall into place through no efforts of our own. Sagittarius has a lot of space for things that they cannot dissect, and can teach us so much about play, observation, joy, freedom, and movement. After the necessary goodbyes of Scorpio, what new motion are we free to embrace with Sagittarius? What are we eager to question, ready to understand, yearning to explore? When you start to color outside of the lines, what new discoveries change your perspective?

So many of our cards for this season find us in a home stretch, gathering our resources and making decisions about where we want to be, who we want to become. But in many ways Sagittarius wants us to explore, to leave ourselves space to roam and dream and get a little lost.In this season of Sagittarius, don’t be afraid to play, experiment, wander. What if you let yourself discover different pathways into yourself, instead of obsessing about the finish line?Experienced tarot readers or astrologers can plug the cards I’ve drawn for their sun, moon, and rising signs into the spread below to create a custom reading for this season. If you know your Jupiter placement, you can also include that card in your spread for a more complete picture of your Sagittarius season.

Spread of tarot cards

My first piece for Wired was published recently, exploring the challenges of metaphysical businesses when dealing with Stripe and other payment processors. I’m also thrilled to be working with Sovereignty Herbs on a ritual, tarot, and herbalism collection that honors the Moon and Star archetypes, which is available for preorder now. You can find my writing on Substack, Patreon, my website, and Instagram, and make sure you’re following me on Twitter for the latest announcements about my upcoming book.

As always with these tarot readings, take what you need and leave what you don’t. Happy Sagittarius season!


Spread of Tarot Cards

Explorer of vials / Knight of cups

As we move into a season of fire, you may find yourself eager to pursue big ambitions, feeling lighter and finding inspiration in everything you do. And while your natural fire is heightened by this season of joyful exploration and powerful curiosity, don’t forget to let your intuition and emotion be part of your work. Your passion is so often focused into your biggest objectives and brightest dreams, but you also have a big heart, one that you may not spend as much time exploring. Give yourself an opportunity to do some internal explorations as well, letting your heart lead you down unexpected paths. What would it mean to balance your brilliant fire with soothing water? How would it feel to take time for romance, connection, community, and compassion?


tarot spread

Five of vials

You may find yourself carrying some of the grief from the last season forward, as your heart feels more exposed, perhaps more fragile, than usual. You’re a tender soul, and while many may see you as determined and stubborn, there’s a gentleness to your spirit that may need some extra care and tending this season. If you’re experiencing a period of heartbreak, be extra kind to yourself. And if you find yourself grieving something that’s lost or changed, give yourself the space that you need to process those heavy emotions. How can you rely on community to help you through challenging emotional situations? What burdens can you share with those that love you? And in acknowledging any sadness or sorrow that you’re feeling, how can you release it in a way that clears a new path forward?


tarot spread

Mystic of bells / King of swords

It may feel like you’re firing on all cylinders this season, able to make important decisions and juggle different ideas with ease, power, and grace. Your natural sense of logic and ability to collaborate with many people at once is a real gift, and as you find yourself exploring new realms of thought, community, and legacy, pay attention to the different perspectives that you’re exposed to. How comfortable do you feel being in charge, and how often do you let others take the lead? What are you ready to move forward with, and which goals require more research, more information, more planning? Don’t be afraid to shake things up — you may have opportunities to move in a new and perhaps unexpected direction, but you’re smart and observant enough to make decisions that serve your long-term ambitions. How are you assessing opportunities? Where are you ready to grow?


tarot spread

Creator of bells / Queen of swords

After the rich emotion and deep personal exploration that you embodied last season, it may feel like you’re tightening up the protections around your heart, moving into a more pragmatic, logical, observant mindset. There can be real power here, a kind of wisdom and clarity that comes when we take our heart out of the equation and let our mind rule the day. Give yourself the space to assess things clearly and truthfully, being honest with yourself about what you need as well as what you’re dreaming about. Yet as you move into this more practical headspace, don’t lose sight of your emotions, your empathy, your natural sensitivity. How can you protect yourself while still being real about what you want? How can you balance logic with love?


tarot spread

The Magician

Your bold visions and captivating ideas are even more inspiring than usual this season, as it feels like the sky is the limit and absolutely anything is possible. Whatever big dreams you’ve been having are giving you joy, motivation, and a hunger to move, so pay attention to the doorways that seem to be opening, the internal voices that are crying out for growth, expansion, and taking chances. What have you been fantasizing about, itching for, craving? If you could reach for all of your wildest dreams, which one would you go for first? Spend some time considering all of your options this season, paying attention to the opportunities that are the most appealing, the most exciting. What are you ready to pursue? Where are your passions leading you? Which open door do you want to run through?


tarot spread

The World

Last season may have forced some big decisions, particularly around emotions, community, and intuition — but this season you may find yourself in a place of calm power, deep contentment, and complete satisfaction. You’re not always someone that knows how to slow down and enjoy the moment, detail-oriented as you are, so give yourself permission this season to be present, to be comfortable, to let joy and fulfillment flow through you like water. What have you been learning about yourself? How do you celebrate success? Before you know it, a new goal will likely reveal itself, putting you back on a path of reaching and growth — but for now, give yourself a chance to reflect, to take pride in your accomplishments and recognize just how far you’ve come. How do you mark your milestones? How can you share your triumph? What does victory look like to you?


tarot spread

Nine of candles / Nine of wands

Something that you’ve been working towards for a long time may be coming to a triumphant conclusion, yet you may feel that your energy is waning, your willingness to keep pushing starting to fade. Perseverance is a powerful force, but there’s also real wisdom in knowing your needs, in recognizing when it’s time to slow down, take a break, or ask for help. What resources do you have available for this final effort? What assumptions are you working under that might be more flexible than you realize? Reaching that finish line is important, but balance your determination with opportunities for healing, reflection, and care. Achieving your goals but being too burned out to enjoy it is not ideal, but if you are careful and gracious with yourself, you can get everything that you want and still have the energy to celebrate those victories. What do you need to succeed? And how can you keep your internal fires burning brightly instead of dwindling down to embers?


tarot spread

Nine of bells / Nine of swords

This season may find you isolating yourself, reluctant to share your fears, anxieties, or concerns with those around you. And while you have a tendency to be private, there are times when we need to ask for help, need to trust the people that we love to care for us in times of struggle or sorrow. Your mind is playing tricks on you, your perspective is likely skewed, and you’re not seeing things clearly — and when this happens, we need someone else to help us find our way out of the darkness, to get back into a safe place. Instead of telling yourself that you’re brave and strong and don’t need anybody, give yourself permission to lean on those you love, to accept care and tenderness from chosen family and trusted support systems. Asking for help is not a weakness, but rather a form of strength. How can you show yourself compassion? What will help you see the world and its challenges more clearly?


tarot spread

Eight of vials / Eight of cups

Happy birthday, Sagittarius! As we move into your season of dazzling movement and crackling fire, it may feel that the balancing act you were in last season is allowing you to evaluate your place in the world with new clarity. When we start new things, when we clarify ambitions, it often means that we need to make adjustments, to clear space for the new seeds we want to plant and cultivate. And if you’ve been recognizing a sense of dissatisfaction, a frustration or shutting down of emotion, it may be time for you to leave a difficult situation, relationship, or dream behind. Choosing yourself is an option, and in prioritizing your own comfort and needs over someone else’s, you open up so many new pathways for growth, evolution, and empowerment. What will sustain your long-term efforts? How can you show yourself the love and freedom that you so often give to everyone else first?


tarot spread

Seven of candles / Seven of wands

Last season was about getting organized, clarifying your purpose, and taking a long, hard look at everything you’ve been creating. And as we move into playful, curious Sagittarius season, give yourself a chance to shine, to be seen, to feel joy in all that you’ve been working towards. How often do you let yourself be proud of what you’re doing, who you’re becoming? How have you been standing on your own two feet, building something that is uniquely yours? How is your vision manifesting in the world? It may feel like you have to defend your work or your ideas this season, doubling down on all of the things that you want to create — but these kinds of challenges often have a way of helping us grow, pushing us to be certain about what we want and release any old baggage or fears that aren’t serving us. How can you create systems of artistic support for yourself? What helps you remember your magic when it feels like you’re the only one who can see it?


tarot spread

The Founder / The Emperor

As you continue down your path of growth and discovery, you may find yourself craving structure, systems, order. So much of last season was about assessment, and you may be realizing how many of your choices have been driven by a bit of fear, a scarcity mindset making you more risk-averse than usual. But systems can help us feel in control, can give us a sense of power, can help us know what we’re doing so that we can feel stable and confident about all that we’re building for our future. As you get organized and begin to make more solid plans for your future, give yourself a bit of flexibility, some room to play and experiment. Craving control over your present and your future doesn’t mean shutting every single door — instead it’s an opportunity to clarify your wants and needs, to set a purpose for your own future. How can you create systems of support for your biggest and brightest dreams? What do you need in order to keep building and growing? What resources can you gather for yourself?


tarot spread

Eight of tomes / Eight of pentacles

You’ve been taking time to clarify what you want, to refine your gifts, to understand all that you are truly capable of. And now that you know what you’re craving and have a clear path ahead, it’s time to put your nose to the ground and get shit done. You already have a lot of natural talent and skill, gifts that have served you well in the past — but this season is about putting those dreams into tangible practice, investing in yourself and your future by getting even better at something that matters to you. However you expand your own knowledge and experience, do so with intention and purpose, thinking about how the work you’re doing now will impact your path in the months and years ahead. What do you want to be known for? What do you hope your legacy will be? How are you shaping your own future by working hard in your present? And as you think about the ways that you are enacting change in your life, what skills or abilities do you want to master?

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Meg is a freelance photographer, writer, and tarot reader living in New York City.

Meg has written 103 articles for us.