Queer Horoscopes for June 2024

When I was in my 20s my friends and I firmly believed that capitalism and industrial civilization would collapse in our lifetimes—I didn’t learn to drive until I was 35 because I kept thinking cars couldn’t be around much longer. We also liked to play a game about what guilty pleasure we’d miss “after the Rev.” For some people it was ice cream, others contact lenses. I think mine was bicycling on perfectly smooth pavement. But if you asked me now I’d probably say—after chiding my younger self not to romanticize social collapse or anti-civ ableism—I already miss corporate Pride. Not the pinkwashing itself, but what was underneath it: the cultural assumption that they ought to care about the LGBTQ+ community, even if they didn’t. That mask has slipped over the last few years. As rightwing politicians scramble over themselves to outlaw the existence of trans people, Ron DeSantis is even coming up with bizarre reasons to prevent a bridge in Florida from shining rainbow lights this month.

It’s worth comparing where we are now to where we were when the Stonewall riots began this celebration in 1969. That was a time of massive social unrest, student protests against an unjust war, and police repression. That year Jupiter, planet of proliferation and spread, was conjunct Pluto, planet of exposing corruption and reckoning with abuses of power. A conjunction is the most powerful aspect two planets can have—it’s like a coiled spring. Conjunctions between slow moving planets like these are often correlated with major cultural shifts. But while Stonewall lit the match, it wasn’t until four years later that gay rights really caught fire—1973 was the year the American Psychiatric Association stopped calling homosexuality a mental illness, and it also saw the birth of several LGBTQ+ rights organizations that are still active today. That was also the year Jupiter had moved into a trine with Pluto—a supportive, expansive, ripening transit. One era was over, a new one was being born.

The most recent Jupiter-Pluto conjunction happened just a few years ago, in 2020—another year of massive social unrest. Protests after George Floyd’s murder became a worldwide movement. That was also the year new, aggressive anti-trans and anti-LGBT+ legislation began circulating in the US, as well as increased policing in direct response to the protests. This month, four years later, we’re experiencing the Jupiter trine to Pluto. What was a spark in 2020 is now becoming a fire. When we look back at 2024, we’ll note this as the time that something new took hold in the cultural imagination. We may need the benefit of hindsight to describe what it is. I’m hoping it will be a reflection of our integrity—our inability to stand by as we watch what is happening in Gaza, our welcoming of refugees, our calls for racial and climate justice. And I’m hoping it will be easier to find each other, to proliferate, to expand, and to ripen those seeds we’ve been planting for the world we need.

May we hold in our hearts this month who we’re fighting for and who’s fought for us to be here at all. May we remember the humanity of everyone involved. Let’s use this month’s powerful transit as a spell, magnifying our power to disrupt what needs disrupting and heal what needs healing.

I’ve got limited client hours this summer, so book early if you’d like some personalized support. But you can always join me on Patreon, where I’m offering in-depth astro weather for artists and lovers (it helps to know when the mood is right) as well as oracle deck readings from Wild Chorus. You can follow me on Instagram to stay in the know. May this month bring you into your integrity and into the arms of loving community.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Aries symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your mind. Jupiter’s transit is bringing you intellectual curiosity and the potential for more meaningful conversations and relationships. Keep reaching out for connection, keep asking the important questions. What you are learning this month will reshape your sense of purpose.

Stylized image of the Taurus symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your heart. It’s easy to fall into compassion fatigue. Whether in your personal life or the larger world, ongoing crisis can sap your energy until you have nothing left to give—and you tend to keep going until you’re empty. This month Jupiter’s transit is asking you to refill your own cup. Reach for what reminds you that it’s good to be alive. You need to receive in order to keep giving.

Stylized image of the Gemini symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your identity. Gifted with multiple inner voices and perspectives, you’re getting a boost from Jupiter toward weaving those tangled threads into a clear song. This month’s transit asks you to attune to parts of yourself that you often push away and bring them into the light. You are in a process of metamorphosis—let yourself grow into something new.

Stylized image of the Cancer symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your dreams. This can be an inspirational time for you, bringing your inner world and aspirations into clear focus. You may need more time for daydreaming and reverie. This is a year to conserve your strength and get ready for a bigger push next year, when Jupiter enters your first house.

Stylized image of the Leo symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your community. Jupiter often brings opportunity, and for you this may mean expanded opportunities for social connection and group activities. Your idealism is high right now, and whatever optimism you have for the future is sorely needed. Keep moving toward the world you want to create, in collaboration, relying on what keeps you going.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Virgo symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your visibility. Jupiter is shining a light on your achievements and you may experience increased attention and respect for your talents. This transit also helps clarify your purpose and goals and can see you stepping into the role of teacher or mentor. Keep leading with integrity and don’t give impostor syndrome the time of day.

Stylized image of the Libra symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your perspective. Jupiter’s bringing you a profound expansion in how you see the world, transforming your core philosophies. Much of this relies on you seeking out what you don’t yet understand and being willing to question, revise, and synthesize. The longer you wait before believing you’ve got the whole truth tidily summed up, the better. Keep reaching for the unknown—it’s bringing you precious gifts.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Scorpio symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your emotional healing. Jupiter’s transit this month brings you profound opportunities for deep healing. This is an excellent time to reach for therapists, support groups, or other modalities that can help you transform the emotional scripts you’ve been given. This is a time of rebirth and regeneration, allowing you to leave behind pain that you’ve been carrying for too long. Trust that what you’re ready to let go of now can become rich compost for the future.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Sagittarius symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your intimacies. Your sign is often most comfortable with an exit strategy—a plan B for when your plan A becomes suffocating or unworkable. But Jupiter’s transit through your seventh house is calling you toward saying yes to commitment and deepening together over time. This can be romantic or platonic love, but it asks you to trust a process of learning together over time. What would it look like to not need to run away?

Stylized image of the Capricorn symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your gratitude. Jupiter’s transit through your sixth house brings a warm glow to daily routines and rituals, helping you find the sacred in the mundane. You may also feel stirred toward a cause or act of service—this transit calls up your gratitude and your desire to devote yourself to an ideal. Enjoy the pacing of this time, lingering over small moments of simple joy, and focus your energy toward the good you want to be doing.

Stylized image of the Aquarius symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your love. This month brings a surge of creativity and opportunities for joyous self-expression and even flirtation. While this energy isn’t where you are most comfortable, it can be a welcome invitation to center pleasure and deep play. Bring your full heart to your personal relationships and creative pursuits. Let yourself overflow.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Pisces symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Magnify and focus: Your inner strength. Jupiter’s transit in your fourth house supports your emotional wellbeing, drawing you toward exploration of what truly feeds you. Pisces energy is known for its watery adaptability, but this transit is inviting you to put down roots and take in nourishment. To do so, you may need to say no to some other invitations right now and tend to yourself first.

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Corina Dross

Corina Dross is an astrologer, artist, and writer who spends as much time as possible in libraries or under trees. They offer astrological consultations, intuitive guidance, and creative coaching to clients worldwide. Corina is also one-half of a sibling art collaboration, Abacus Corvus. You can learn about their current work and offerings at www.flaxandgold.com.

Corina has written 106 articles for us.

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