Also.Also.Also: American Girl Denies Molly Came Out For Pride Month, But We Know The Truth

Am I having bacon Mac n Cheese tonight for dinner? YES I A SURE AM.

Queer as in F*ck You

Story time!! Yesterday, on the first day of Pride, the American Girl Doll Company announced the limited edition re-release of known favorite among bookish queer girls everywhere, Molly, with this very *wink *wink, *nudge *nudge sounding caption:

Which reasonably lead The Cut to ask, ummmmm Did American Girl Just Out Molly? (It should be noted that Autostraddle co-founder and CEO, Riese Bernard, CORRECTLY named Molly as gay all the way back in 2016).

However, sadly, in response to The Cut, the American Girl released the following statement: “The new Molly collection releasing today is simply aligned with when all of our new summer product is debuting. Nothing more.”

But hey, whose parents didn’t try to push them back into the closet after a flashy coming out online? amirite?

A screenshot of an Autostraddle article in which Molly the American Girl Doll is sitting on steps, a white person's hand is pointing at her. The caption underneath reads "You're Gay!"

PS: While we’re here, now is a great time to read which Historical Lesbian Bars Would American Girl Dolls Have Visited? 😉

Well, that’s fun! Let’s see about other news!

These Gay Moms Didn’t See Their Family Represented in Children’s Books — So They Wrote Their Own

Brittney Griner Receiving, Answering Wnba Players’ Emails While Still Detained in Russia. “The emails are printed out and delivered sporadically in bunches to Brittney Griner by her lawyer after they are vetted by Russian officials.” This is the kind of good news that’s good news but also very frustrating news, because we shouldn’t be in this situation to begin with. Anyway, #FreeBG. BRING! HER! HOME!

I Tried to Find a Size 20 Wedding Dress. Why Is It So Hard? No, this is enraging.

Saw This, Thought of You

Unlearning the Ableism of Cookbooks and Kitchen Wisdom

Still thinking about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial? Then here’s where to Donate to Support Survivors of Domestic Abuse. It always helps me to do something with my anger.

Thanks To TikTok, I Now Wear Boxers In Public

I’ve been watching more of the WNBA lately, and it’s left me thinking about this a lot. Top Athletes Get Real About Their Periods.

Political Snacks

How Chase Strangio Became the Face of the Legal Battle for Trans Rights. I have such admiration and respect for Chase, and I’m so glad we’re to uplifting him today.

The Lessons of Newtown for the Future of Uvalde

And One More Thing

Lynda Carter. That’s it.

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. thank you for the cooking accessibility article! i feel like i spend four times as long as abled friends on things like mincing and chopping and then the dishes sit there for years and then and then and then

    • I could and might write a cookbook with all the tricks I’ve learned from trying to feed myself in a pandemic with arthritis, depression, and having to walk to the grocery store. No lazy, shortcut cookbook is half as easy, simple, or pantry-dependent as I needed at the worst.

  2. “I Tried to Find a Size 20 Wedding Dress. Why Is It So Hard? No, this is enraging.”

    Simple solution: Lose weight for the wedding. Then put it back on once you get married. 😂😂

        • Ah. Pardon me if I was misread the tone of this comment…
          “Simple solution: lose weight for the wedding” had echoes to me of “why would you need clothes that fit–just lose weight/it’s easy/it’s a willpower issue/just eat less and exercise” type talk which is not the case. Losing weight is often far from simple as it sounds like you probably know. Maybe I’m being overly sensitive, hard to read tone in text sometimes.

  3. Pleseant Rowland created Molly, and when Rowland created American girl dolls,she made no adult jokes in the books or designs. She was very serious about that kind of stuff. This is how we know that Molly is not gay. AG was simply saying that they understood women who loved Molly in the 80’s and are upset that she was discontinued. If this isn’t a sign that AG dolls were are not gay, I don’t know what is. Ya’ll think your so funny sexualizeing a 10 year old girl fictional girl. Molly is fictional, but you still need to treat her character with repect. I know she does seem gay, but Molly Jean Mclntire is not gay. She’s just not and she wasn’t created to be gay. I feel bad fo Ag because they have to put up with sick people like you, Carmen.

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