Soccer Stars Kristie Mewis and Sam Kerr Are Lesbianing Together — Thank You, Stacey!

Feature image via Zhizhao Wu/Getty Images and Sam Kerr’s Instagram

Friends, I will be the first to admit that despite a fondness for Gritty memes, I know very little about sports. What I do know a lot about is girls kissing each other, and that’s what we’re here to talk about!

While eagle-eyed sports fans have theorized that Team USA’s Kristie Mewis and Team Australia’s Sam Kerr were dating — or at least flirting heavily on the internet — very little information was publicly available until BASICALLY RIGHT NOW. In a very detailed thread, a Twitter user named Ayla took the time to break down every flame react and or emoji that could have possibly transpired in public between Mewis and Kerr.

Most of it consists of light roasting, which I always appreciate.

Isn’t it nice when two gals from different teams are such close friends? I for one applaud any and all examples of sportsmanship.

On Thursday of last week, their national teams faced off against each other in the bronze medal match at the Tokyo Olympics, and Team USA emerged victorious. After the game, photographers snapped Mewis and Kerr gently consoling each other on the field, like gal pals so often do:

And that is where Stacey comes in!!! Stacey believes in the power of friendship and I think that’s great. However, my darling Stacey sorta missed the boat on this one, which is how we ended up here.

For what it’s worth, Kerr and Mewis came out officially via Instagram a couple of days later, captioning a kissing photo with a red heart in an absolutely maddening missed opportunity to simply caption the photo, “They’re lesbians, Stacey.”

Is “They’re lesbians Stacey” the new “no its becky” or have I been on the internet too long?

And then as though this could not get any more meta:

For the record, here is our hero Stacey bravely holding wild animals.

Long story short, these soccer players are gay, Stacey is gay, it’s nice to be nice to your friends and I think I understand sports now.

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Stef Schwartz is a founding member and the self-appointed Vapid Fluff Editor at She currently resides in New York City, where she spends her days writing songs nobody will ever hear and her nights telling much more successful musicians what to do. Follow her on twitter and/or instagram.

Stef has written 464 articles for us.


    • And all of those blokes cuddling each other as soccer, AFL, and Thugby
      Never get a mention in the press like Kerr and Mewiss!!!

  1. Sam also recently came out of a relationship with a different American soccer player. I think that just adds more flavour to the story.

    • So did Kristie – she was dating her club teammate Rachel Daly; I wonder what the dynamics are like on that team since they still play together lol

  2. If y’all want to see more of these two, y’all should follow @kmewis19 on Instagram. Her stories have been lesbian 🔥 lately.

  3. Wow, Stacey’s job looks even more lesbian than Sam and Kristie’s. I love everything about this.

  4. Good on sam and partner, as long as they are happy together, what’s the problem ?? Enjoy each other, I’m a 74 year old male, and not a selfish person.

  5. Congrats Sam and Kris for such a splendidly enviable relationship, and thanks Stef for such an enjoyably erudite assessment!!!

  6. I never knew it would go this far. I’m so humble and enjoyed at the sametime. I love reading all y’alls comments and seeing all the retweets as well. Thank you to you all I not only have a smile on my face but also in my heart.

  7. Thank you for your valuable information. I got more ideas from your blog content. Keep sharing such good content.

  8. Ahhh, I’m so happy to hear this! I’ve been a huge fan of both Kristie and Sam for years, and I always felt like there was something special between them. Thanks for sharing this news, it’s truly wonderful to see more representation and love in the LGBTQ+ community

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