Real L Word LA Gears Up, Tabatha Takes Over, Glee Casts & Celebrates, Three Rivers Flatlines

REAL L WORD: Showtime’ s Winter 2010 TCA took places this weekend. Showtime has ordered 10 episodes of a one-hour drama series based on the infamous Italian Renaissance family The Borgias, The Big C, a series starring Laura Linney about a woman who finds she has cancer; and Episodes” about trying to bring a British comedy to the U.S. and starring Matt LeBlanc.

Reality spinoff “The Real L Word of Los Angeleshas finished casting and will air this summer. Sources tell us that filming will start next week, so get thee to The Abbey, all ye stalkers, and bring your Jenny Schecter iPhones! Should be some smokin’ hot twentysomethings anchoring the cast.

And speaking of actual lesbians and cast members of the ORIGINAL L Word, SheWired reporst that “Kate Moennig’s fledgling show Three Rivers has officially flat-lined. CBS pulled the plug on the medical drama that focused on organ donor doctors.”

GLEE: Also in Los Angeles, GLEE Actors Dianna Agron, Cory Monteith, Jane Lynch, Lea Michele, Jenna Ushkowitz, Kevin McHale, Jessayln Gilsig, Jayma Mays, Dijon Talton, and Amber Riley attend the celebration of Glee’s Golden Globe nominations with InStyle and 20th Century Fox held at Sunset Tower on January 9, 2010 in West Hollywood, California:

GLEE cast is full of GLEE

Broadway's Lea Michelle & her gay (Jonathan Groff = LOVE HIM)

Jayma Mays & Jessalyn Gilsig

The Cast Celebrates


SPOILERS: As we wait with baited breath for the second half of GLEE season one, let us look forward to what might happen next year. Recent casting calls for GLEE include:

18-25 year old blonde high school guys & girls that can look like Madonna

Guys and girls between the ages of 18-22 years old to play Audio Visual, nerdy type students.

Cute 18-22 year old girls to play High School Cheerleaders. “Must be young and cute with open availability.”

Males. Must have experience sinking baskets and playing in COLLEGE WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHOM HAVE PLAYED IN HIGH SCHOOL OR JUST PLAY FOR FUN. Let us know what COLLEGE you played ball at in the notes section (need to check references) Ages 18-24 Must look like you are in HIGH SCHOOL – MUST BE 6’1 OR TALLER/DO NOT SUBMIT IF YOU ARE NOT.

TABATHA: Don’t pretend you aren’t curious about what The Baddest Bitch On TV has to say about being an out lesbian in the public eye. LUCKILY SHE IS HERE TO ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS. “Yeah, people thought it looked quite fabulous to see Tabatha walking around with a baby, so there are obviously people out there who want me barefoot and pregnant. Some men have even offered to donate sperm, which is lovely; however, it’s not my thing.” (@advocate)

PERRY: In ridiculous and kind of infuriating news, Katy Perry has allegedly “warned husband-to-be Russell Brand that she will become a lesbian if he cheats on her.” Pretty ballsy for someone who has never actually kissed a girl! Claiming to have “a soft spot for women,” (albeit apparently not actual bisexual women completely stereotyped and alienated by her music) she says specifically: “Some women walk into the room and they are so beautiful and you are like – ‘I wanna smell you’.” There you have it, ladies. After all that teasing, Katy Perry might smell you. Also, once again in a bizarre journalistic turn of events, the only news publication to apparently care about this is The Hindustan Times. (@hindustantimes)

REAL WORLD: Remember when we talked about the supercute bisexual contestants on The Real World DC and you wondered if they were the answer to all your questions in life? It turns out maybe yes! Queerty says that if you scroll to the 37:00 mark in this video, Mike and Emily will explain why“…straight guys (and, apparently, bi ones) love watching two girls make out. But for whatever reason, straight girls generally don’t get off on seeing two men taste each other’s saliva.” (@queerty)

ALSO: Remember Andrew, the comic-artist-who-is-clearly-still-a-virgin? Among his other endearing qualities, Andrew has “admitted that he had been fired from his college newspaper for drawing cartoons that were “purposely trying to offend women and lesbians.” Apparently “lying is kind of Andrew’s thing,” but really, which is worse? Making homophobic misogynistic cartoons, or saying you did just to sound cool? (@ohnotheydidn’t)

TEQUILA: It appears that a) Tila is scheduled to appear on Larry King Live on January 12, where she will talk about Casey through a medium other than Twitter as a tribute, and b) the Johnson family is doing everything they can to get the appearance canceled. “The Johnsons just want Tila to go away,” a source told the publication. “They’re in mourning. She is the last thing they want to deal with right now.” Oh and you know what’s really awesome? has placed bets on which girl from the “hollywood lesbo deathfest” is gonna die next! GO WORLD! (@aceshowbiz)

OUR LIVES: Did you read the item above with more interest than you really want to admit? Are you struggling with why this story means so much to you when, realistically, it doesn’t mean anything to you at all? Then you need to read Riese’s piece on what the aftermath of Casey and Tila’s relationship tells us about the state of being gay in the US. THIS IS IMPORTANT, Y’ALL.

KE$HA/GAGA Jezebel asks: If 2010 is supposed to be “the return of the female pop star rivalry,” is it going to be the year of Ke$ha vs. Gaga? Ke$ha did just break Gaga’s download record, with 610,000 copies of “TiK ToK” being downloaded as compared to 419,000 copies of “Just Dance.” What do you think? While you’re reflecting, we give you one person’s opinion:

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You know what would settle this once and for all is if Gaga played Dinah Shore this year instead of Ke$ha! (@jezebel)

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. <3 glee … Tho iv only seen th pilot .. It's just starting to be shown over here … I have soo much to look forward to glee, greys anatomy, lost, desperate housewives .. Oooo n a new series of survivors , it's BBC thing u guys should def look up … Mostly zoe tapper hu plays a sexually ambiguous doctor is freakin hot! Her beauty spot is mmmmm! She was in another BBC drama "affinity" wher she plays a prisoner in Victorian England, a well do to do woman finds her intriging ( bacically fancies th pants off her) it's all desperate glances, grazes of hands, usually lesbian sexual tension! & th twist is amazin!!!!! Defo YouTube it!!! But yea … zoe tapper.. Aahhh … Can u guess I have a crush? Lol & now that iv read thru this iv noticed 2 things 1) my life revolves around my telly way too much & 2) my spellings terrible!! Soz !!

    • I think that Affinity was my least favorite Sarah Waters/BBC adaptation. Not that the girls weren’t hot, it’s just that… maybe it was the weirdest book?

      • I loved it .. Tho I think it’s a British/ Irish thing that we enjoy cruel twists .. We are a machistic bunch of weirdos.. Tho that cud just b me .., lol

      • Affinity was definitely the wierdest book. However, Zoe Tapper, I think, made it worth watching. Survivors is interesting, but wouldn’t hold my attention usually. But when she had a flashback to her relationship with a woman, so unexpected and awesome!

  2. tabitha looks scary…like drill army scary

    shane i’m so glad you are no longer working on that b.s show, now we can run away together like we always planned!

    K. guys that will be interesteing to see tila on t.v, but you know i just watched this video of tila and casey, its a video of her playing a trick on casey…and i gotta say i do believe Tila did love Casey, their relationship was def a real one, you can see the video of them here

  3. Ah, yes, our Jenny iPhones, that shoot video and make shutter noises while it does so.

    Katy, don’t push it.

    Damn, the Johnson’s won’t even let the girl speak. I mean as much as I think Tila should have her mouth sewn shut, it is just a fact that Casey loved her, so they should at least acknowledge that. I think.

    That chart on heavy is eh er uh… hmm. Wait so Courtenay and Lindsay are involved? I thought they were just friends. And Courtenay hates SamRo? Well who does she like, anyway? No one hates LiLo, yay.
    P.S. we shouldn’t be betting on deaths, and I shouldn’t even need to say that.
    P.P.S. Alice already pitched the chart idea, Heavy, you’re eons late.

    And yes, clearly I did read the item above with more interest than I’m proud of. And if you haven’t read that Riese’s Piece, you need to get off your keister and handle that.

    Haha, my best friend just said last night that Ke$ha is like a furthermore retarded version of Gaga. We like neither of them. (Although Westboro is making me have Gaga’s back.)

  4. “…But for whatever reason, straight girls generally don’t get off on seeing two men taste each other’s saliva.”

    Someone’s never read slash fanfiction.

    • omg, RIGHT? What is that about? I’m not trying to criticize, just genuinely curious. Straight girls: what is it with you and dudes who make out with each other?

  5. I can’t take anyone seriously who has a $ symbol in her name. I have my limits. Or I’m old. Or I’m old and have my limits.

  6. Really? We’re comparing Ke$sha to Gaga? Is there a comparison? I mean, the girl only has one #1 song, Lady Gay Gay has FIVE!

    • I’ve probably watched the Bad Romance video 300 times. You’re right- there is just no comparison.

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