Executive Taco Box Realness Is Within Your Reach

Rachel’s Team Pick:

Earlier today, my friend Batia introduced me to the taco box.

Me: Maybe someone someday will love me enough to make me a taco box.
Batia: My future is me making myself a taco box. Is this liberation?

This is a taco box you guys:

image via the kitchn/Sara Kate Gillingham-Ryan

Do you get it? It’s everything you need for tacos. In a box. Also flowers. And beer. Guinness wouldn’t be my choice, but let’s not nitpick. There’s also some kale, which is an excellent decision. Also I have the exact same tupperware that the brown rice comes in. I’m hard pressed to think of anything I really, truly need in life that is not found in the taco box.

In the original post on The Kitchn, the taco box is presented as a gift for new parents, so that they don’t have to fit taco-making into their infant-centric schedule. It’s in the same vein as dropping off lasagna or casseroles for stressed or put-upon friends. I’m hoping I don’t have to have a kid to merit a taco box, though. I think there are many occasions in life that are well suited to being commemorated with a taco box. For instance:

+ new job
+ losing a job
+ finding a really perfect pair of boots
+ graduations
+ breakups
+ Tuesdays
+ your favorite show being canceled
+ finals
+ winning 1-3 Weblog Awards
+ not having any tacos
+ having your car totaled
+ getting a super cute haircut
+ new episodes of Julie and Brandy in your Taco Box Office
+ finding a new apartment
+ learning how to knit
+ half-birthdays
+ Valentine’s Day
+ Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day

What are you waiting for? This is a cold, cruel world, and needs more taco boxes in it. Be the taco box you want to see in the world.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. MAGIC! It’s like a real-life cooking show with all the ingredients portioned and ready to go.

    • i think i might just assemble all my dinner ingredients in a box before i start cooking tonight to make it seem more like a taco box

      • I think the next logical step to taco / other various dinner boxes are picnics. You can probably guess my feelings re: picnics.

        • Yeah. And picnic is just a other word for BBQ!!

          Sorry Rachel, the Varsity BBQ Team will be crashing this picnic…which is now a BBQ, with tacos of course….and maybe tamales bc e makes good ones…and Danielle and Natalie bake like mofos….Cap and Jader will get the booze, guess Im grilling….

          Ok, sorry–what were ylu saying?

          Oh yeah, the taco box. I so need one of those. :-)

  2. I would cook ALL the time if the necessary/delicious ingredients magically appeared pre-portioned at my doorstep, accompanied by flowers and beer.

    I’ve been saying that for years, but now it’s really a thing!

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