Back To The Queer Future #7: STAR Search

You wake up leant against a trash can in a dark alley, and wonder what life choices led you to this moment. Before you can fall into a deep malaise, you remember that you did not exactly choose to be thrust back decades in order to save the queer timeline, but you better dust yourself off and get out there if you’re gonna find a way to make it home.
You stumble out of the alley, onto a New York city street. A pair of women are stood nearby, puzzling over a map and conversing in frustrated tones. You immediately recognise them as Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera! Undoubtedly they have been presented with some kind of problem that only a time-travelling queer weirdo can help them solve, so you offer your assistance.
Marsha and Sylvia explai...

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Sally lives in the UK. Her work has been featured in a Korean magazine about queer people and their pets, and a book about haunted prisons. She never intended for any of this to happen.

Sally has written 81 articles for us.