Get ready to meet the most wastey-faced culinary sensation of our time: Hannah “Harto” Hart. “My Drunk Kitchen” is exactly what you want it to be. One girl, one kitchen, many beers. Everything about this is so perfect, that I might be making it less perfect by even continuing to talk about it.
I need this to be a cook book now!
i would ask her to make me a sandwich. in the nicest, drunkest way possible.
I like this.
I liked it before. I like it again. I will like it in the future.
If it features Mac and Cheese I will be one happy queer.
Omelette is my favy fav.
there’s def one about mac & cheese
this is entirely unrelated, but your hair is badass.
^ There is an episode two! I think there are six now? If you click on the link above where it says “Hannah ‘Harto’ Hart” it takes you to the website where you can watch the others.
This is too fucking funny. I love cooking when I’m drunk, but I always set timers and whatnot for myself because I will set everything on fire accidentally.
soo funny
aaaargh please quit it with the spirit animal stuff YOU GUYS this is not that hard.
i thought we had fixed this already :[
Peeps need a refresher on inappropriate cultural appropriation?
And/or start saying Patronus?
Seriously. We shouldn’t make light of other people’s deeply held spiritual beliefs. I thought this site was above that…I’d be deeply offended if someone took one of the central tenets of my belief system and started making ignorant jokes about it.
It needs to end.
I’ve tried to bring this up and I think the exact quote from the writer was ‘patronus is fictional and I have no personal relationship to it’ or something else defensive and reactionary. Anima/animus is a possible alternative also! It’s just so odd from a site/brand that is usually pretty inclusive.
Using it as a compliment to something they like does not equal making light of it–that would be acting as if it is no big deal, or saying it is not important. I don’t see anyone doing that, more like a positive nod to the concept.
The way the term is being thrown about is the epitome of making light of something. This adorable queer chick on the internet is not the fulfillment of anyone’s arduous spiritual journey…it’s just an adorable queer chick on the internet. It minimizes and deems unimportant the faith of those who legitimately have gone through a journey to find their spirit animal every time someone is like ‘hahaha look at this funny/cute thing, it’s my spirit animal HAHA I’M SO CLEVER!’
An example would be if this website tacked onto a religious concept from Christianity and made light of it. More people would notice, but it’s offensive either way. Like if people started saying “hot queer girl on the internet is the patron saint of ” people would be offended. I would. And I would ask the writers of and contributors to Autostraddle to stop perpetuating it. They have been asked, both in comments and via other contact, to stop perpetuating the term spirit animal.
This is not hypersensitivity. This is basic respect. We should do our best not to belittle the deeply held beliefs of others.
(see above explanation) *below, er, i meant below
Funny you brought up patron saints, I was reminded of that when I wrote my response. My catholic family and others use ‘oh she’s the patron saint of….’ ah, for example: “She’s the patron saint of organizing our get togethers.” No one is offended, even if the one talking is not catholic and thus appropriating as you mentioned.
However, I can and do respect that this is meaningful to you and we differ on how we feel about it. I’m not sure about the use of hypersensitive and belittling in response to my post as there was none implied nor done in my response.
Also, it was nice to be able to get some background on how this started because until I read the comments on this post, I didn’t know it was a thing.
“Inherent in the concept of cultural appropriation is the notion of power. The group in power takes cultural aspects of a subordinate community out of context and uses them how they see fit.”
i disagree re: patron saints — a key element of discrimination and bigotry is who’s in power and who isn’t, the oppressor vs. the oppressed. i think it would be okay to jokingly mention a patron saint. i don’t think we’d do that here, but i don’t really think it’s a problem if i see it elsewhere.
black people can make jokes about white people but white people can’t make jokes about black people
gay people can make joked about straight people but straight people can’t make jokes about gay people (although they often do, and glaad gets upset).
white people, even if they are 1/16th native (as many of us are), can’t culturally appropriate native american things.
i feel like people want everything to be even and the same rules for absolutely everything in the world but it doesn’t work like that. Christianity is in power. When Christians make fun of non-Christians or pick and choose which elements of non-Christian culture they deem worthy of themselves, it’s rubbing salt in an open wound, it’s in fact a method of excercising power — and — KEY ELEMENT!! — we have no recourse, b/c we aren’t the majority, we don’t have the power to make them stop. they do have the power to make us stop being who we are, however, as evidenced by NOM and other anti-equality groups.
this can sometimes be fluid — when i was at U-Mich, 25% jewish, jokes about jews were funny b/c we had power there. but when i’m in the small town in ohio where other family members live (not the jewish ones!) which is 0% jewish, jokes about jews feel offensive and threatening.
the best metaphor i could come up with for this would be if Christians started throwing “Bat Mitzvah Parties” to celebrate turning 13, b/c BMparties are known to be large and spectacular, but didn’t actually know anything about the Torah or go through the b’nai mitzvah process. that would annoy me.
that being said we don’t make fun of christianity or appropriate it here, though we do make fun of the extremist, radically conservative strains of christianity that directly attack us and talk about us all the time.
I’m gonna go ahead and say this, though it may get me into trouble with the powers that be:
Riese, how can you jump into this conversation without acknowledging your own role in this debacle? You’re the chief editor here, you’re in charge, and you’re therefore responsible for whatever goes up here. And I know this has been brought to your attention before, you said that the contributors had been informed and it would stop, but it hasn’t yet and apparently–not all of them have been informed, as per both this team pick (thank you so very much for editing it, Taylor, that was both thoughtful and appropriate) and this profile:
I’d like to see some responsibility taken. Preferably and most appropriately in the form of public apology–a separate post so that those who have been most offended know that their concerns have been heard and are being worked on. The public part is for accountability, as the private communications obviously haven’t sufficed. Honestly, I thought you’d have jumped in with an apology already, but now is your real chance to acknowledge mistakes that have been made and vow not to repeat them.
If this gets taken down and I get blocked or something, it’s been a good run and saying this was totally worth it.
peace out.
Hi! Firstly, I’m sorry. I truly am. This wasn’t supposed to happen, not at all — everybody who worked for Autostraddle when the Spirit Animal Conversation was being had was informed not to use the term anymore. An extra layer of protection exists in that Laneia, Rachel or I usually look at everything before it’s published.
1. Taylor is one of 2 people allowed to write/publish her own things independently of me.
2. Taylor wasn’t working for AS when the spirit animal email was sent by Laneia. She has now returned to us thank jesus but at that time she hadn’t been writing for us for a few months. So she didn’t receive the email.
And! I’m in Michigan w/my family for my mom’s bat mitzvah, arriving at 2 a.m friday morning. my girlfriend was here w/me this weekend. friday evening was shabbat dinner and saturday was the ceremony — it was my mom’s day. I also spent some time with my “other Mom” and her son. Her other son just had a baby, justyce, who I finally met this weekend. Yes, I dared to actually make time for my family and step away from the computer/internet! (silly me!)
To prepare for taking a few hours off this weekend, i spent all of last weekend writing posts and scheduling them to publish while i was out. i also threw together a listling circa 3am the night before the bat mizvah but didn’t have time to survey activity on the entire website.
As soon as I was made aware of the spirit animal conversation which I think was saturday night, i immediately emailed taylor and told her to take it out and that i’d explain in the morning.
on sunday morning I emailed taylor and shared a conversation I’d had with a reader about spirit animals, as well as the email Laneia sent to editors saying to stop using “spirit animal.”
Taylor is also visiting family this week, so she said she’d respond to the comment as soon as she was back to a computer, which she did.
Laneia was moving all weekend w/o internet and didn’t see it either.
Sorry for this strange convergence of circumstance which led to a complete and total fail.
I’ll email Tess about Alex’s bio. I thought that had been handled after Laneia’s email but I guess not — we’re rearranging that page big time so looking at it before all the edits are done makes me feel crazy. (and yes, Alex was informed a month ago about this)
I’m sorry.
okay my mom is here to take me to the dentist, i will come back and probably hate this entire comment in 2 hours,
– Riese-
Okay! Thanks Riese! This is better. I just wanted a public acknowledgement and recognition that something was being done, because when it’s not public…all we see are the mistakes that are made, instead of the steps that you are taking to rectify the situation. So thank you for explaining those.
I hope you had a good time visiting family–I do recommend time away from the internet upon occasion, for everyone. THERE’S A WHOLE WORLD OUT THERE. IT’S CRAZY. And yes, you do deserve time off like everybody else.
As you can obviously see, I was momentarily extremely upset that you had noticed the situation but had not publicly acknowledged that there was a problem, so I appreciate that you posted this. Thank you.
I hope you didn’t have any cavities!
I spotted this on a friend’s fridge, it was made in response to a “spirit animal party”
Marika: You ARE my Patronus.
I <3 you.
And my example was not ideal, but I still think it got my point across. Apparently, too many replies to add it up there…I still think it's inappropriate to make light of any religious concept, but the way this one has been thrown about really ground my gears especially. BUT NOW IT'S OVER. For…the second time. And hopefully for real.
I love you too, bro.
I don’t know if I should step in here or not (I don’t really care about the patronus/spirit animal thing and I don’t want to start a fight), but from the beginning of this I’ve been wondering why religious concepts should get more respect than other things or be considered off limits from being made light of. I don’t agree that it’s inappropriate to make light of religious concepts, I think religious beliefs/concepts already get more deference in general than they should.
hi! i didn’t mean to cause anyone offense, and actually, through a confusing series of events (mainly that i’ve been somewhat absent from writing for auto for a few months) i wasn’t aware of the existing dialogue surrounding this issue.
it was a careless throwaway comment on my part, and i’m glad (now that i have been looped into that dialogue) to have been somewhat enlightened about the issue. i didn’t mean to undermine a cultural heritage (one that runs rather deep in my bloodline, even), or to set us back as far as autostraddle’s own reckoning with the issue goes.
since i am one of the few writers who frequently publishes without prior editorial review, it wasn’t that riese & co. who ignored this (like it probably looks), they just didn’t see it.
anyway, thank you for bringing this up and keeping us in check. onward and upward toward more expansive cultural sensitivity/competency!
This is where it was first brought up, for those that are confused:
I don’t have a problem with “spirit animal” personally, except that it’s really overused. “The rapture” and “spirit animal” are probably in my “top 100 words/phrases that need a time out” list.
Thank you. And sorry about my cranky comment that posted just after you posted this.
Yes, cultural sensitivity ftw!
no prob
I properly wouldn´t mind this cultural appropriation stuff as much if my culture wasn´t being appropriated mostly by white supremacists in the american prison system.
“It’s important to remember when cooking to use food.” Sage advice.
I’ve never been drunk and so sometimes I wonder what kind of drunk I would be. Could I ever be drunk enough that making grilled cheese without cheese would sound like a good idea? This is one example of the many important questions I ask myself.
I DIED laughing at this part.
woooooah. had i known this could have been a thing i would’ve totally taken video of just about every drunken meal i’ve ever cooked ever.
ps. OH! and just out of curiosity, taylor – how many spirit animals do you happen to have?
well, just tess and this harto character, really.
“not featured: cheese”
this is the best thing, taylor!
Thank you for bringing this into my life. Thank you so much.
Never heard of this before, but will be watching now. And she’s a cutie. Lol.
so funny! every other sentence out of her mouth is quotable. Bookmarking now
This is SO flippin’ cute.
THIS IS THE GREATEST THING TO HIT MY INTERNET ALL WEEK. I’m insanely jealous of her drunken focus.
Her grilled cheese adventure only took 4+ minutes, while my own drunk baking of monster cookies took about 4 hours (not at all because I kept sitting on the floor of my kitchen checking tumblr and forgetting to refill the cookie pans).
there is still the possibility that her editing lasted a good 4+ hours. JUST SAYING.
i feel that this is very true.
Love your Cloud Strife haircut.
this is the best compliment anyone has ever given me
I think this might be a good time to admit that I have no idea how to actually make a grilled cheese sandwich, but I’m the person who had to google how to hard boil an egg
It’s okay. The interwebs is here to help.
Or you could find a cute girl and ask her to show you how to make a grilled cheese sandwich.
I make a wicked grilled cheese with avocado. Just saying.
Why have I never found this girl. This is amazin’.
This girl is queer, right? She’s all over my gaydar. It’s freakin’ out.
But mine is all like wishful thinking wrong BUT SHE’S WEARING FLANNEL IN LATER EPISODES ARGH but she could just be Minnesotan.
Okay well her website says she’s a “big ol’ homo,” so apparently my gaydar still works! YAY!
two out of nine clear pictures on her homepage feature her with her hand in her hair. GAY.
Someone’s been reading Effing Dykes and I am so very proud. *tear*
My new love. *sigh*
she is perfect, this is perfect, the only thing not perfect about this was the absence of cheese.
really? i mean, i feel that the absence of cheese perfectly captures the “drunk” in “my drunk kitchen” y’know?
Oh trust me, Harto regrets the absence of cheese as much as you do.
She makes my Harto happy. I’M SO HAPPY THIS IS A TEAM PICK!
Butter yo shit!
And why have I only just come across this…???? I waste my life!
I enjoyed the rolling credits.
YES! So glad she’s a team pick. These vids are the best thing to ever come out of the youtubes.
The new one about brunch is gold.
This video series is possibly the most relevant to my lifestyle on the entire internet.
I love every episode, but anytime she busts out the champagne, I know it’s going to be a great time.
This makes me happy. The creepy/misogynistic comments on her videos not so much. Lots of jokes about how women belong in the kitchen, and commenters letting everyone know they would do/bang her. YouTube makes me sick sometimes.
Thanks for the link!= ]
She reminds me of DeAnne Smith in this video
1. When first glancing at the title I read it as “My Drunk Kitten”
2. This is brilliant.
I’ll make a series called “My Drunk Kitten”.
Will you be drunk or the kitten?
or both?
How does one get a kitten drunk anyways?
Booze + milk?
Booze + fish?
etc. ?
Would cats drink white russians?
Some cocktail involving copious amounts of catnip.
Possibly the most amazing thing I’ve seen in a while
I am so in love with this series.
omg. I love her.. :D
About Harto: “..In her freetime, she can be found listening to music and doing sudoku in cafes. She calls this “writing”.”
*swoon* :D
ahahahaha! beautiful find, i went on her website and nearly weed myself laughing at the mario episode, silly grandmas!
i love cheese
Oh. My. Dear. God. I love her. I want to drunk cook RIGHT NOW.
i keep getting the urge to like comments on this page, then realising i can’t. maybe thats a good thing cos i’d be liking an awful lot.
This show is the greatest invention since sliced bread. (Seriously, you ever tried to slice bread whilst drunk? Bad. Idea.)
Do you have a good bread knife? It helps to have a good bread knife.
I do now. Lesson learned. Bad bread knives make for really shitty squished up bits of bread. Ate it anyway…of course.
Harto is doing an ”Ask me anything” on reddit!
Mmm, closure.
Oh dear god I have such an internet crush on her.
Does she say somewhere that she’s queer?
Yep! In the about portion of her website. :)
*watches gaydies descend upon this poor, unsuspecting young woman*
If you look at the tags that she put on her videos, some of them say, “lesbian” or “super homo,” just as another confirmation. *lol*
This means that someone could find her by searching YouTube for “super homo grilled cheese.”
We have been discovered, flee immediately.
Thank you!
I love autostraddle. I love drunk autostraddle. I feel like we have some things in common… aha!
Can I marry you, Hannah?
Finally! An internet show about drunken cooking shenanigans without the rampant mysogyny/general dudebroness of Epic Meal Time. I am a little bit in love.
OH. i want to be her best friend.
this is the best thing that has ever happened to me
thank you for this! love it!
I don’t have my earphones at work.
Still hilarious