The Comment Awards Are Feeling All Bubbly

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi there, you absolute rays of sunshine! Yesterday there was a huge, lovely storm, and today is apparently the day when my laptop has decided to stop connecting to the internet forever and ever amen, so here I am, typing up the Comment Awards on an iPhone! The things we do for love. (Yup, I love you. I’ve been, uhh, meaning to tell you for awhile now. Ya know, since the last time I told you.)

This week, Reine was all about the hobbies we’ve shared — and not shared — during quarantine.

Dani Janae’s been listening to She’s All Fat, a podcast you’re probably going to want in your life.

Riese wants us to fight.

Drew wrote about Hunter Schaefer’s special episode of Euphoria, and about finally seeing oneself on screen.

Vanessa reviewed Gabrielle Korn’s Everybody (Else) is Perfect, a collection of essays that are as smart as they are very, very gay.

Please read this perfect piece from Natalie: Dee Rees’ “Pariah” Will Still Break You Open and Let the Light Shine Through.

Wait. My mom is gay???

And then there were your comments!

On Which Among These Is Better: Spindrift or LaCroix:

The Feeling Flat Award to Chandra and msanon:

I know nothing of Spindrift, but I once bought this fancy-ass water brand that had intriguing flavour combinations like strawberry & rose or blackberry & hibiscus, and I was SO EXCITED to try them until I cracked one open and realized that it had NO CARBONATION. It was just a sad, watery memory-of-a-dream-of-a-flavour with no compensative effervescent bubbles. And that concludes my tragic flavoured water tale.

And the Complimentary Award to Kiki:

Have you guys seen the lesbian meme asking whether you’re one in the relationship who can’t finish their la croix or the one in the relationship who finishes the other person’s la croix? I felt very seen.

On “Euphoria” Finally Gives Jules Agency In A Special Episode Co-Written By Hunter Schafer:

The Seen and Unseen Award to Joanie:

Representation is complicated. To be seen when you’re so rarely seen is as painful as it is powerful. And when that image feels both true and false it has an extra layer of pain

On Who Is Newly Out Teen Sensation JoJo Siwa? An Explainer For Those Of Us With No Idea:

The Candyland Award to Ori:

Riese, I also graduated university in 2003, so I thank you for this fine bit of reporting. The only other time I’d heard of JoJo was when Trixie Mattel dressed up as her for a youtube video. I can honestly say that mid-80s me would have been into this entire aesthetic. Fits in perfectly with my Rainbow Brite/My Little Pony/Care Bear childhood. Also, candy.

On You Need Help: How Do I Survive My First Breakup to Stay Friends on the Other Side?

The Falling and Flying Award to biensurmacherie and elizabeth:

Just want to push back against another point of framing in the letter: relationships aren’t successes or failures. Your relationship wasn’t a failure just because you broke up. If you tell yourself you failed then of course it will be hard to face what comes next, because you’re telling yourself you’re not capable. You are capable and you didn’t fail, you had an important connection with another person and you’ve decided to stop or change that connection now, but that’s fine! That’s part of life. You can of course reflect on things you’d do differently next time but it’s still a valuable experience to have had.

And on Pop Culture Fix: Well and Here’s Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana:

The Just One, Di’s A Few Award to Stef and Chandra:

i want a princess diana movie where kristen plays every single part, charles, the queen, william, harry, james hewitt, camilla, etc, eddie murphy style, please make this happen for me.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Chandra! i missed that orphan black reply and i am so glad that queer girl picked it – so deserving!

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