The Comment Awards Are Getting Cozy

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

It’s Friday! Have you had a glass of water? Go do that! Right now! I’ll have one too. Look at us, hydrating. What a privilege!

This week, Heather watched the wrong lesbian dinosaur movie.

Malic’s here with a quiz to match your personality to the perfect sex toy!

“I had to spend a few minutes scouring my apartment before I found the perfect campsite, which turned out to be my entire fucking apartment.” This piece from Allie is too much.

In this week’s You Need Help, a letter writer came out and feels weird about it! I also felt weird about it when I came out! I think it’s a very natural part of the process! Anyway, Kayla’s got some fantastic compassion and advice.

You know you want to create your own Daria avatar!

Stef watched The Princess Switch, which was… not about switches.

Is it… time to celebrate? Sarai’s optimism might be broken in Foolish Child #84.

And then there were your comments!

On What’s Your Queer Sex Personality?

The I OBJECT Award to hihello:

I DO NOT UNABASHEDLY USE THE PHRASE ‘MAKING LOVE’ it is true, i am snuggly as fuck, but i contain erotic multitudes (this was fun, anyway- thanks!)

And the Facts Award to Northern-Barbarian:

You need a post-sex option of a nice nap.

On A Guide to Camping at Home During Quarantine:

The Intents Award to Gilbert:

Hahaha omg I have done the exact same thing, more than once this year. I find it’s helpful to tie the guy ropes to door handles etc, as my tent isn’t full free standing. Happy camping!

On Pop Culture Fix: So You Agree? You Think Buffy Is Bisexual?

The Once Bitten Award to Snaelle:

I too was smitten with the glorious drenched melodrama of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and chose Mina’s deep red dress as my final project to make for my costume degree, only to be told that I was supposed to choose a costume from a “classic

And the Have Faith Award to Jae:

This. Now, to be clear, I am very uncomfortable disagreeing with Stacey Abrams about anything, but I wonder if she might consider this slight edit: “To be fair, Angel was the right boyfriend for Buffy coming into her power. Faith was the right person to be with as she became the power.

On Also.Also.Also: Is What You’re Doing Tonight as Cool as Making Custom Queer “Daria” Avatars?

The Misery Chick Award to Morgan Le Gay:

Google translated the Daria page as “misery chick creator

And on I Watched “The Princess Switch” And It Turns Out It’s Not About Being a Princess Switch:

The What Dreams Are Made Of to EAHP and Stef:

The Princess Switch was co-written by a friend of mine, who is a bisexual Jewish woman so I like to think that energy is in the movie

And the Hand to Hand Award to Andrea_T:

On one hand, I love terrible Christmas movies, including this one. On the other hand, my girlfriend has been calling me the Christmas switch for a year now.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Have you ever noticed that post apocalyptic movies play on the fears of the time that they were made in? In the 70’s and early 80’s it was post nuclear. In the mid to late 80’s it was robots taking over because people were afraid of automation taking their jobs. Now a lot of the post apocalyptic movies are about post late stage capitalism societies. Where people are just a commodity to exploited by corporations and the rich? Funny that.

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