After Bisexual Top Off, Yung Miami Says Megan Thee Stallion Could Have Her for a Lifetime

Feature photo of Yung Miami by by Astrida Valigorsky/WireImage. Yung Miami, who’s bisexual, recently said that she’d spend “a lifetime” with Megan Thee Stallion if given the opportunity.

If you mindlessly keep up with Black celebrity gossip circles for some lite fun while you’re getting crust of your eye in the morning or standing in your kitchen on your phone while you wait for a pot of water to boil for dinner — first of all, same. You should come sit by me. But also — you already know that bisexual rapper Yung Miami (Caresha Brownlee), of City Girls fame and also the host of Caresha, Please, has been inescapable this week.

First, she made her Met Gala debut on the arms of her sometimes on-again, off-again boyfriend Puff Daddy. And yes I know we’re supposed to call him Diddy now, and that by referencing him as “Puff Daddy” I just made myself sound ancient, but listen “on the arms of Diddy” just sounded awkward in my mouth, okay? Anyway, Caresha walked the red carpet with this extremely grown man and then everyone couldn’t stop talking about how Diddy melted into a pile of human sweat upon being asked this one incredibly simple question by Lala Anthony, “do y’all officially go together?”

Yung Miami attends The 2023 Met Gala.

This is Yung Miami at the Met Gala. Yes, I could have included a photo with Diddy. But I choose not to. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Karl Lagerfeld)

He answers “we don’t put titles on it” — which left a lot of straight people aghast. Diddy recently fathered a new baby outside of his relationship with Yung Miami, so there’s been a lot of hand wringing around them as couple. Hence why Lala asked the question in the first place. Even though Yung Miami has already stated that she didn’t take the baby to be Diddy cheating and let’s be real, open relationships… exist. Ok. Sorry it’s a long backstory! But I needed you to have a full picture.

So while a bunch of straight aunties with a Twitter account have been clutching pearls worrying if Yung Miami was getting played to her face or not, she’s been actively the belle of New York. After the Met, she went with Diddy to Harlem to meet the infamous stylist Dapper Dan — marking what’s arguably her second major come up in less than a five day period. Caresha minds many things, but what Sean Combs is doing is quite simply not one of them. She’s too busy stacking a resumé. Let us all hustle in her name.

And paying P. Diddy no mind has never been proven more true than in this other story that you maybe didn’t hear — which occurred when Yung Miami was recently the guest on a different podcast, The Jason Lee Show. Jason and Miami were playing a friendly game of “would you rather” when Megan Thee Stallion’s photo came up. Yung Miami, being a bisexual person who knows a good thing in front of her, of course said yes, she would definitely… ahem… amorously spend time with a specific stallion, if given a chance.

This leads to, in my opinion, a very weird line of questioning where Lee, who is gay, asks Yung Miami if she’s actually bisexual or if it’s just one of those things she says to get attention. She responds that she has never hidden that she’s bisexual (true), she’s very open about it (also true). She maybe cannot imagine herself in a relationship with a woman right now… but for someone like Meg? Yeah, Meg could have her for a lifetime.

To fully appreciate the impact of this “lifetime” as it were, let us revisit Yung Miami’s own podcast, Caresha Please, where she interviewed Meg one-on-one, thus bringing our little gossip tale full circle.

On a beautiful warm and serene August day, just a brief nine months ago when were all zygotes in the enternal fountain of youth, I recapped Yung Miami and Megan Thee Stallion’s encounter for you as follows:

“The entire 46 minute interview has what can only confidently be called BBE, Big Bisexual Energy. It comes out of the gate, right at the top, with Miami asking Meg if she likes girls, which leads to Meg replying, ‘I like what I like, you know… I like you.’

Miami laughs, but in that way you do when you want your voice to get soft: ‘Would you f*ck me?’

Meg doesn’t miss a beat, ‘Yeah, I would.’

Oh really!? Miami asks, ‘So, who’s on top?’

And listen here… listennnnn here… the confidence with which Megan Thee Stallion arches back, shakes her hair behind her shoulders, and says ‘Me.’

Not a doubt. Not a question. ‘It’s definitely giving top, you know that.’

They both laugh, Meg’s got her exactly where she’s sitting. Blushing, Miami admits, ‘Okay, I’d be a bottom for you.'”

They go on to talk about girl-on-girl porn, the benefits of marathon lesbian sex, how sex with women is better, and a variety of other sapphic niceties. It’s very blushy and soft and hot and emphatically broke the internet.

And listen here, I’m no fool! I’m more than aware that these two are, at their core, publicly flirting for the camera and our entertainment.

But do I love watching two of the biggest names in rap right now, both bisexual, keep this same cat-and-mouse game running for nearly a full calendar year? This is what gives me life like when white lesbians get excited when Sarah Paulson and Cate Blanchett are sharing a press tour… so baby, you know I do.

This also presents an opportunity to say that while doing “research” for this incredibly important piece of journalism, I came across this photo of Yung Miami and her City Girls costar JT at a recent concert:

Yung Miami dances with JT (both are members of the rap group City Girls) while on stage.

I need to go outside more. (Photo by Astrida Valigorsky/WireImag)

City Girls UP.

You hear me??

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. Not to question her sincerity too much but…isn’t this the same woman who famously made the comment that she would beat her son if he came out as gay? And then doubled-down in her clarification of that statement that she has nothing against us she just wouldn’t want her child to be gay. Maybe she’s changed since then but…I remember thinking yikes at the time and have had no interest in her career ever since.

    • Ok I had never heard this until now, and I just started searching specifically for Yung Miami and “son” + “gay” (because if you just google her name + gay, you get all of her bisexual-related statements of the last few years).

      It looks like those statements happened in 2013, which was ten years ago? And then said she still “stood by them” in 2018, five years ago? I suppose it’s possible that she’s since had a change of heart and/or it was her own internalized biphobia that led her to say that in the first place? To be very clear. This is not an excuse AT ALL, just me processing learning this info in real time, because yiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes.

      We’ve covered Yung Miami before and no one brought it up then, either. This is.. wow. You’d think that would come up more (especially since she talks so frequently about being bisexual).

      • No worries. I had forgotten about it until I saw a news article about her coming out as bisexual and I was very confused cause like girl a few years ago you were ranting about…sigh. Yeah maybe she’s changed her views as a result of that but lord it was cringey at the time.

        • We started doing some more research at Autostraddle HQ, and I have an update, it looks like she did walk back those comments later in 2018:

          “My tweet, I shouldn’t have said it the way I said it. But, you know, if that was the road my son wanted to go down, I’d still love my son. I wouldn’t beat my son. It’s just that I tweeted that when I was a little girl. I’m grown now. I see things totally different.”

          This is still not excusing anything, at all, but I wanted to include it in our thread. If anything (not knowing Caresha personally at all, of course, like these are celebrities, but) it does make me personally lean towards maybe some internalized biphobia was happening, as I keep wrestling with it, taking the whole timeline into account.

  2. This is the kind of celebrity fluff coverage I want and need, thank you.

    1) I did know that Caresha had made those very homophobic comments before, and I’m really glad she walked them back. I was always hoping that she would come to change her opinion, knowing she made that comment at 22 and her son’s sexual orientation was completely hypothetical at that point. Plus, it’s fundamentally kind of hard to be a sexually liberated woman who loves herself and also hate gay men.

    2) It was really funny to me, in the interview extract from her podcast that’s linked in the article, that she and Megan are talking about watching porn and Caresha says she prefers to watch girl-on-girl because straight porn is like “been there done that”. I often have the same attitude in reverse! I’m glad Autostraddle once had a porn question in its survey so I could feel more normal about watching straight porn lmaoo

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