Your CSA Box Must Be Eaten: 19 Ways to Make That Happen

by Rachel and Hansen

Hello and welcome to this new thing we’re trying out where we help you figure out what you’re gonna put in your mouth this week. Some of these are recipes we’ve tried, some of these are recipes we’re looking forward to trying, all of them are fucking delicious. Tell us what you want to put in your piehole or suggest your own recipes, and next week we’ll check in and talk about which things we made, which things we loved, and which things have changed us irreversibly as people. Last week, we ate broccoli.

hansen and rachel

You’ve got a CSA box full of vegetables and you want to be the kind of person who prepares and consumes all of those vegetables, but sometimes that’s challenging. Here are 19 recipes to use up some of the weirdest vegetables at the bottom of your box!

1. Beet Greens (Beets)

Beet greens are actually one of the most delicious accidents I’ve ever come across. Lots of garlic and olive oil make them so, so delicious. I love them on their own, in salads or over other roasted veggies that may seem dry without a sauce or dressing (I see you acorn squash).

2. Pasta with Garlic Scape Pesto (Garlic Scapes)

3. Kohlrabi Kimchi Salad (Kohlrabi)

4. Sauteed Radishes and Turnips with Orange Butter (Radishes and/or Turnips)

5. Spicy Red-Pepper Jelly (Red Peppers)

6. Sausage and Pepper Pasta (Peppers, Tomatoes, Herbs)

This is one of my favorite things to eat in the history of ever.

7. Shaved Fennel Salad (Fennel)

8. Baked Radicchio and Mozzarella Pasta (Radicchio)

via Chow

9. Grilled Radicchio Salad (Radicchio)

10. Kohlrabi Home Fries (Kohlrabi)

11. Kohlrabi and Apple Salad with Caraway (Kohlrabi and/or Apples)

Kohlrabi and apples are a match made in food heaven.

12. Salsify Fritters (Salsify)

13. Vegetarian Spring Rolls with Shredded Kohlrabi (Kohlrabi)

14. Balsamic Green Bean Salad (Green Beans)

15. Smoky Roasted Turnips (Turnips)

Okay, so obviously I’m most likely going to be too lazy to actually cook this in bacon grease but oh gosh, can you imagine how delicious that would be?

 16. Paleo Turnip and Parsnip Patties (Turnips and Parsnips)

 17. Celeriac and Kohlrabi Rosti (Celeriac and Kohlrabi)

18. Celeriac and Potato Gratin (Celeriac and Potatoes)

19. Celeriac and Blue Cheese Soup with Celeriac Crisps (Celeriac)

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


    • oh thank goodness I didn’t want to be the first one to admit this

      actually though what is Kohlrabi?

    • yooo i am right there with you. what in holy hell is celeriac? also, what’s a csa box? i lived in west philly for chrissakes, how the f*ck do i not know what a csa box is?

      • turns out i did know; i just never heard it of it being called a csa box. huh.

  1. Help! I want the kohlrabi home fries recipe but it takes me to the raddichio salad. :)

  2. Bookmarking for mid-June when I just can’t with all the veggies. My roommate and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

  3. Fennel is also good sliced thin with mandarin oranges. Great potluck/picnic salad that tastes like all kinds of alternative toothpastes (but without the toothpaste).

  4. omg thank you for all the kohlrabi recipes! we got SO much of it last year, and it’s a pretty boring veggie in my opinion. this will help get it in our mouths.

  5. Does anybody have tips for Jerusalem Artichokes? I somehow ended up with two pounds of them…

  6. Our scapes will be ready in a few weeks and that pesto recipe is brilliant! The kholrabi seems to be off to a great start as well. My palate thanks you.

  7. Thank you for this amazing and interesting group of recipes! They are very inspiring!

  8. This post is much appreciated. I am eagerly awaiting the challenge of using my entire CSA share. Gotta eat’m all.

  9. My girlfriend and I picked up our first CSA box today! I feel like SUCH a grown up now.

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