Will New Jersey Get Gay Marriage? Magic 8 Ball Says “Outlook Not So Good.”

gay-divorceMARRIAGE: New Jersey voters oppose gay marriage legislation by a slim margin, according to a poll released this morning by Quinnipiac. The New York Times reports that efforts to legalize gay marriages in New Jersey may be faltering and Queerty says they should give up ’cause everyone else lost already.

GLAAD: “It is disappointing that ‘Good Morning America‘ did not give Adam Lambert the opportunity to tailor his performance to their audience,” Jarrett Barrios, president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, told the New York Post. “‘Good Morning America’ confirmed that sexual orientation did not play a role in this decision. GLAAD advocated that ‘Good Morning America’ work with and host Adam Lambert and continue to host openly gay and lesbian performers and guests in the future.”

Clearly they gotta appease the masses, but really GLAAD, really? Couldn’t you say “informed us” instead of “confirmed”? This whole thing is just a big fat example of how everyone is so accustomed to hot women being sexualized with other women or themselves (keep in mind; this is not about out lesbians or butch women — that remains the final frontier of what America is willing to see on stage) and men sexualizing women that they honestly don’t even realize that the act they saw performed was scandalous precisely because we cannot handle seeing gay men sexualized in that way? It’s not homophobic, it’s just a result of the world we live in. If the audience can’t recognize their own unconscious bias — has effects in everyday life — we’ll never get anywhere.

NOT ABOUT MARRIAGE: Queerty presents the most touching video about love they’ve ever seen.

GAY PARENTS: Even if there’s been confusion lately about the goodness of gay parents, there’s one kind of parents I know I wouldn’t want — an ex-gay parent! Lesbian partner wins custody case against ‘ex-gay’ partner: A Rutland Family Court judge ordered a first-of-its kind parent custody change Friday in a child-visitation dispute involving a Virginia woman and her former lesbian partner who lives in Fair Haven. In a 21-page order, Judge William Cohen granted sole custody of 7-year-old Isabella Miller to her nonbiological but court-recognized parent, Janet Jenkins.

CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS: Guys, straight people just wanna commitment ceremony each other too Let’s all watch Julie Goldman and Kate McKinnon and remind ourselves that, even though marriage is still unequal, there are a lot of funny gays. (@guardian)

FILM FESTIVAL: The Academy Foundation has given $30,000 to the 2010 Outfest. (@variety) and The Southern Voice gets a $12k matching grant for new gay publication (@ajc)

MARIJUANA: The AMA’s reversal on marijuana: For all the debate over whether marijuana has medicinal value, arguments that the drug has significant palliative properties or that it has none suffer from the same flaw: There’s little scientific proof either way.

LAWSUIT: Lambda Legal is filing a lawsuit against the Atlanta police department for the raid on the Atlanta Eagle back in September. (@cnn)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. okay… I get that the straight couple in Britain are trying to make a point, or whatever, and be supportive of gay rights… but it just seems SO RIDICULOUS to me. to talk about civil partnerships as a “right” that gay people have that straight people don’t is frankly kind of insulting. I mean, am I crazy?

    • Nope, you’re not. I agree. I prefer the we-won’t-get-married-until-everyone-can thing better. However, I really liked this quote “In a democratic state, all institutions should be open to all people” and I think that’s a good approach to follow.

      At least it brings more visibility and that can’t be a bad thing. And really, the argument of having institutions open to all people BECAUSE of the fact that there’s a democracy thing going on? So true.

      • I feel like the point they’re making is somewhat valid — that if straight people can’t get civil unions, than civil unions aren’t really “everything about marriage except the word,” you know? They are clearly “less than.” Unless it’s really just about them instead of about us. But I like to imagine that they’re doing it for the gays. I imagine that a lot.

  2. Just because we’ve lost in other states doesn’t mean we should give up. I feel like that’s when your dog gets hit by a car and it’s still alive and you leave it on the street. Also I feel like we’re really close (like with Maine) and someone is going to vote for gay marriage someday. I mean Massachusetts hasn’t fallen apart yet so I think that’s a good indication that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE FINE if the gheyz get married.

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