Well Hot Damn: Announcing a Limited-Time Action-Packed Fundraising Flash Sale and New Perks for $100K!

Our flash sale is now live! Check out what’s on offer here, and act fast – when it’s gone, it’s gone!

It’s been a busy few weeks here at autostraddle dot com, and a busy few weeks for y’all — you’ve accomplished so much! You’ve joined A+ in such staggering numbers that we had no choice but to go forward with a steamy all-original erotica series to bring to you in the privacy of your quarantine (launching this month!). You donated SO generously, $50K in a week, that we’re going to be able to bring you a live recording of To L and Back! A quarantine revival of Queer IRL to document this strange moment in history! Real life queer sex-work-positive therapist Christina Tesoro will be able to provide a live session speaking to our collective mental health! We’re going to be able to give you a second week of the live original programming extravaganza that was Shelter in Our Place! It’s a weird time where many of us are by necessity sort of pacing the inside of our enclosures in physical space for lack of other places to go and things to do, but when it comes to this fundraiser, wow, you’ve really covered a lot of ground. Thank you!

You’ve done so much for us, we want to do something for you, too — something fun and high-energy! So we’re bringing back last summer’s intensive and deeply fulfilling one-day fundraising flash sale — an opportunity for us to raise a little money, but mostly for you to bask in the chance to take advantage of our team’s wild and wonderful talents. We’re a little Swiss Army knife of a group; our writers have been fiction authors, performers, tarot readers, talented fanfic auteurs, visual artists, and overall weirdos in addition to gifted media professionals — on Tuesday April 14th they’ll be auctioning off their talents to you fine people to raise money for this humble website.

Here’s how it’ll work: we’ll post that something is up for sale via our social media (make sure you’re following us now!), and the first person to snag it wins! Each item is one of a kind, and as soon as it’s gone, the next one will be posted. We won’t reveal yet what’s up for sale, but if we’re being honest, aren’t a lot of us sitting at home refreshing our feeds anyway? On Tuesday, do it for a good cause (us!).

We’re having this sale in part to get us the last leg of funding towards $100,000 – when we reach it (and we know we will, thanks to you!) we’ll be able to offer even more perks to provide some bright spots in this dark time. Riese is already hard at work organizing a magnum opus of a team lip sync project, a concept that diehard AS readers will likely be familiar with, and Sarah has some thrilling news for you about merch!

[Sarah voice:] Yes! Thank you, Rachel! This is all very exciting! As Rachel said, upon reaching 100k we’ll release two very special merch events!

Vintage Merch

We’re going to dig deep into the Autostraddle merch archives to pull out some truly vintage designs! We’ll put them up for a vote right here on Autostraddle.com, and the winner will be printed in the Autostraddle store for a limited run! Here are the amazing designs up for a vote!

straddle this 2011 / you do you 2012 / vintage a 2011"


We’ve never done a sale this big before. We’ll be offering 40% off everything in the Autostraddle Store for one day only! Get your wish list ready!

Do you want to help Autostraddle continue to be able to do things like this and also keep existing into the future? We hope you do. If you are able, we ask you consider supporting with a one-time gift or by joining A+ (Remember that erotica? It’s a weekly series.) <3

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Link to the store says “page not found” – looks like there’s a ” sitting on the end of the url.

  2. Oh cool! My chance to get a You Do You T-shirt! I’m voting for that!Besides, I already have an original Vintage A

  3. DAMN, stimulus checks are supposed to drop on *Wednesday*…I missed the last flash sale, too, but I hope y’all continue to do these for future fundraisers because they are so cool and I would absolutely get something if I had the money!

  4. I just clicked on the link for the Autostraddle store but nothing is marked off 40% yet…? I really want to support you guys by buying a lot of your merch today! :)

        • If I’m understanding correctly, the 40% off sale will happen after Autostraddle reaches their $100,000 fundraising goal, which they have not quite gotten to yet–as opposed to the “flash sale,” which is a different thing that is happening today (linked at the top of the page).

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