Weekend Fix – GLAAD Awards San Fran & White House Correspondents Dinner & More!

Sooo … Saturday’s almost over and here we are, bringing you the daily fix at the day’s end — buttttt we’re kinda EXACTLY ON TIME actually early for tonight’s glaad media awards in San Francisco (guests include Chelsea Handler, South of Nowhere‘s Gabrielle Christian & Maeve Quinlan, Suze Orman, Chad Allen, QAF cast members, Gavin Newsom and our teenage mancrush Simon Rex) AND The White House Correspondents Dinner hosted by out lesbian Wanda Sykes (other guests include Mariska Hargitay, Chris Matthews, Demi Moore, Glenn Close, Alicia Keys, Natalie Portman, Felicity Huffman, Keith Olbermann, Tyra Banks, Meghan McCain, Kate Walsh; Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel).

So keep coming back to this post on Autostraddle all night (UPDATE: And tomorrow! ‘Cause there’s no glaad award stuff out there yet!) and we’ll give you what we always give you for important events: the most RAW haphazard thrown-together fourth-hand coverage of these two super-awesome and gay-star-studded events! Also, amazing:

“Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl), a Democrat, is attending as a guest of Fox News, and according to Us, he “hopes to be seated next to O’Reilly so that he can talk about his pro-Obama beliefs.” (source)

White House Correspondents, Glaad Awards and Daily Link Fix after the jump …

20th Annual GLAAD Awards in San Francisco

Due to different time zones, the reports from this event will be comin’ in kinda late. So far, I know that Chelsea Handler has said “drunk blonde girls and gay men have a lot in common.” True.

Laverne Cox won “Best Reality Show” for the Logo transgender dating series “Transamerican Love Story.” … Other winners at the Saturday ceremony included Logo’s “East Side Story” for outstanding television movie and PBS’ “In the Life” for outstanding TV journalism. “General Hospital: Night Shift” actor Chad Allen received the Davidson/Valentini Award, which is named after Craig Davidson, GLAAD’s first executive director, and his partner Michael Valentini. (associated press)

White House Correspondents Dinner

You can watch Obama’s full speech at The Huffington Post here. Some of Wanda’s bits are here and throughout HuffPo. Ashton Kutcher, more familiarly known to you as @aplusk, and his wife Demi, also spoke to CNN about twitter. The White House Correspondents Weekend Insider has great coverage as well.


Wanda Sykes’s speech was good, but I’m already cringing for how it’s gonna be played off tomorrow. Topics included George W. Bush leaving town, teachers needing more money, Obama’s basketball skills and paying taxes. Also some comparisons between Rush Limbaugh and Osaama Bin Laaden that aren’t gonna go over well tomorrow. Obama did give gay marriage a sweet shoutout, which I appreciated.

Some Wanda highlights:

“Sarah Palin isn’t here tonight … she pulled out at the last minute. Someone should really tell her — that’s not how you practice abstinence … (laughter/applause) … oh shut up. You’re gonna be tellin’ it tomorrow.”

“First lady, beautiful as always — looks very nice, and how dare you people give her crap about bearing her arms? This is a recession, sleeves cost money! … You have lovely arms … you have beautiful arms … not like the previous first lady, she needed sleeves, some of them needed ponchos.”

More WHCD Photos:

Anyhow, tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Whether you have three moms, two moms, one mom or zero moms, there’s always plenty of room for Fantasy Moms — discussed at length at our Autostraddle Roundtable. We’ve been mega busy at Team Autostraddle this week with business meetings, logo-design pow-wows, extended periods of drinking while working, superstar interviews, intern basic trainings, email sendings, article writings and Riese’s-phone-just-broke-ings. So big up to our super-cute Intern Army.

Speaking of things that are exciting and full of light & energy, I’m sure you all know that it’s that time of year again. What time? Well, if you live in America, this is HOT time! You know … the summertime. Cool off with our latest Girl-on-Gallery, chock-full of soaking wet smokin’ hot ladies (thanks to Reader Nyja again) What else is Hot … ? Stay tuned. Next week is gonna be really hot on Autostraddle for reals.

Daily Link Fox

+ Wanna rent Ilene Chaiken’s house for $9,000/month? You too can live on the set of the hit OurChart series Come on Ilene! While we loathe the oppressive beige tiles on the kitchen floor which would be much better suited to a restaurant kitchen and we’re more than a little surprised and disappointed about that frumpy beige slip-covered couch which looks like it was pushed up against the windows because it had no better place to be, we are are swooning for the wood ceiling that soars asymmetrically to a large skylight.” (@realestalker)

+ Tori Amos weighs in on the gay marriage debate: it goes against the teachings of MLK Jr. Sidenote; Haviland sent me this article and now “Happy Phantom” is gonna be stuck in my head probs forevs and evs. (@perezrevenge)

+ Meet Botswana’s Carrie Prejean: “When asked her position on same-sex relationships, she called them an “unnatural act,” adding, God made us men and women [… ] It is only proper for men to have relationships with women as God created us.” The crowd applauded. Which shouldn’t surprise you.” (@ Queerty)

+ In other unsurprising news, Palin loves her some Carrie Prejean! (@e-online) and Carrie’s position on gay marriage is, in fact, not like Obama’s. (@queerty)

+ Tyra Banks Invites Homophobes to Ridicule Themselves on National TV! (@Queerty)

+ Therapist Linda Goldman’s new book, Coming Out, Coming In, tells how Goldman learning that her son was gay led to her own “coming out” as the parent of a gay child. (@washington blade)

+ Obama’s about to Fire His First Gay Arabic Linguist, and he might not even have to: “A new study, about to be published by a group of experts in military law, shows that President Obama does, in fact, have statutory, stroke-of-the-pen authority to suspend gay discharges.” (@huffpo)

+ Also look Adam went home last night and sang the National Anthem! Aw, America!


You Love Us, You Really Love Us!

EurOut has nominated Autostraddle for something mysterious but obvs awesome. EurOut is officially twice as cool as us for saying the following awesome things about us: “They have the best and the most fun stuff on their site, and the Autostraddle Team comes across as very enthusiastic and fun. Not to mention very cool. I secretly wish I was half as cool as these girls.”

Defamer Australia cites Crystal’s Home & Away (The Lesbian Parts) Recap as “so funny, I find myself going back and re-reading it and laughing just as much as I did the first time I stumbled across it.”

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. “I secretly wish I was half as cool as these girls.”

    zomg me too!

    The last bit of this daily fix makes me happy.

    I’m not into the homophobe stuff though, I feel like if I read it I’ll get mad and break something.

    and LOL Ilene. What a joke.

  2. This Daily Fix was worth the wait. Autostraddle is doing totes stellar; skyrocketing to the top of the interwebs universe. The Automatic Team is unstoppable.

  3. Maybe because ellen is obsessed with showing the clip of him groping her but he isnt bolded anymore.. Magic

    you should bold mariska cuz shes important people with a fun name to say

    i cant see the pix they r too small on my phone. But i am sure they r lovely.. I mean im not on autostraddle on my phone ….

    hey remember that time i met keith olbermann and told him thanks? And he was extremely tall and i was like half his height? No? Well that happened . Ps he totally wears jeans n not a full suit on his show.. Fun fact people fun fact

  4. I’m glad to see A.S. getting recognition from others, Europeans etc. The team has put lots of work into the site and it shows.

    You also win the illustrious Mindy’s Favorite Website To Read While at Work Award.

    • I’m super honored to be part of the Team that snagged the ‘Mindy’s Fave websites to Read While At Work” Award.

      In related news, I give Autostraddle the “Alex’s Favorite Website to Work on While She’s Supposed to be at Work Working” award.

  5. oh dear , now I see what you were talking about with Mariskas outfit.. hmm, she usually is like all over the best dressed lists of award shows, what happened haha . its okay –

    and congrats on the recognition! well deserved

  6. I thought Mariska as der usual, stunning. This woman, dressed with a bag of garbage is still beautiful.

  7. *sigh* I could literally paper my walls with pictures of Mariska and Natalie (Portman).

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