We Won A Thing: Autostraddle Triumphs At GLAAD Awards, As Does Kerry Washington

feature image by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for GLAAD

The 26th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles were triumphant on multiple levels.

Ellen and Portia actually walked by us on the red/blue carpet and for the first and hopefully last time in my life, I slipped into a terrifying moment of Paparazzi Mode. I have no regrets.




I had nice chats with the star and the showrunner of Faking It about what to expect next season…

So how much lesbian sex can we expect next season

"Your recaps are amazing," she said to me sielntly

We got the scoop on New Girls On The Block, a new reality series about a group of trans women friends…



Host Tig Notaro made me laugh my ass off. 

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

I’ve seen Tig now at BlogHer and at GLAAD, and at times she was too dry for both audiences (obviously much moreso at BlogHer), but always exactly as dry as I like my comedy. Like parched. It’s marvelous.

The winners for Outstanding Comedy Series (Transparent) and Outstanding Drama Series (How To Get Away With Murder) were both shows created by females, which’s a minor miracle in an industry that remains so extremely male-dominated.


This is my facebook friend Jill Soloway (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

Shonda Rhimes’ “How To Get Away With Murder,” starring Viola Davis (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

My A-Camper (and Autostraddle contributor) Cleo gave a speech about Glee and then Alex Newell sang a song and it was amazing.

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

Alex Newell (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

I even managed to forget that I am dying a slow death from fevercoldmonster for a solid half-hour…

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We found a fancy little pool though

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… AND AUTOSTRADDLE FINALLY WON THE GLAAD AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING BLOG! That’s why the women in this pictures are so happy, it’s because they just found out that Autostraddle won Outstanding Blog:

this happened

I guess it’s possible they’re happy about something besides us, but what are the chances, really? (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for GLAAD)

Our award wasn’t actually announced out loud — along with most smaller awards, like Best Comic Book, the winners of Outstanding Blog were flashed on one of many large television screens for us to see but nothing happened onstage. However, if it had been announced out loud, I bet this girl and this guy from Girls would’ve wanted to give it to us:


Andrew Rannells and Laura Jane Grace (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

Portia’s like, “my favorite thing about Autostraddle? How can I pick just one?”

 (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for GLAAD)

Look at these winners:

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So glaaaaad to be here #glaadawards

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Almost as exciting as us winning an award was Kerry Washington’s speech when she accepted the Vanguard Award, presented to an ally in the entertainment community who has made a significant difference in promoting equal rights for LGBT people. Here’s Ellen introducing her…

…and here’s Kerry Washington BLOWING YOUR MIND:

It was a very star-studded evening! Actual homogay ladies in attendance included Samira Wiley, Hannah Hart, Antigone Rising, Jessica Clark and Nats Getty.

glaad 2015

I have to say — and I realize that as a WINNER, my account of the evening may be biased, but it felt very triumphant, the whole thing, like a fancy parade. It also felt slightly less male-dominated than usual, and the trans female representation was outstanding — guests included Laura Jane Grace, the entire cast of New Girls on the Block as well as Transparent folks including Alexandra Billings and Our Lady J.

Our Lady J

Our Lady J with her bedazzled crutch

I smiled so hard when Cleo was onstage that my face nearly froze that way. I clapped so loud when Kerry Washington talked about the importance of not just LGBTQ stories but diverse LGBTQ stories that I nearly slapped my hand off my own arm. My girlfriend got to talk to Daniel Franzese, the actor who portrayed the first queer character she really fell for. It was an evening infused with joy; one which acknowledged how far we’ve got to go and how far we’ve come in equal measure. The aggressive fundraising that happens at these events is often pretty easy to scoff at, but I also recognize how real the need to raise funds is, so it doesn’t bother me. They’ve got a lot of people to pay and programs to run — and hiring really good people requires providing them salaries competitive with the for-profit sector work they’re leaving behind!

Like I said, the winners of smaller awards like ours don’t get up and give speeches. But if I had given a speech, I would’ve thanked my team first and foremost, and also all of you. I would’ve thanked all of you who’ve given money, bought merchandise, joined A+, come to camp, shopped through our affiliate links, donated a campership, left a comment, hosted a meet-up, attended a meet-up, shared a post of ours on social media, sent us a delightful e-mail, told your friends about us, wrote about us in your publications or on your blogs, given us an interview, ran into us at Whole Foods, taken a reader survey or ever tried to explain what “Autostraddle” means to anyone, ever. I would’ve thanked my incredible team: firstly, my Executive Editor and Best Friend Laneia and my Co-Founder, Tiny Dancer Alex Vega. My Managing Editor Intern Rachel, sister wife for life. My Senior Editors Yvonne Marquez and Heather Hogan. My founding team: Tess, Crystal (whose praise I sing from the highest hills), Stef, Carly, Robin and Natalie. Gabby and The QPOC Speakeasy. Every single Autostraddle Subject Editor, Contributing Editor, writer, developer, designer, tech person, photographer, camp staffer, intern, illustrator, merch girl, comic artist and all the other humans who make this place run. These humans work so hard, and so many of them have worked or do work so hard for so long for free, too. All the souls who make A-Camp so fantastic, and the guests like Deanne Smith, Hannah Hart and Julie Goldman, who have leant A-Camp their starpower and used their powers for good. I would’ve thanked my dearest mother and my little brother. My girlfriend, Abby, for making me happier than I ever knew possible, and Quickbooks, for basically the same reason. Also my Dad, even though he’s dead so I’ll have to tell him about it later. Also Tinkerbell. The most important thing to take away from all of this is that it’s basically all because of Tinkerbell.


Preparing for a victory lap

It’s going to be an exciting and transformative year. I can feel it!

And here is the complete list of winners from Saturday night’s award ceremony:

Vanguard Award: Kerry Washington

Stephen F. Kolzak Award: Roland Emmerich

Outstanding Film – Wide Release: The Imitation Game (The Weinstein Company)

Outstanding Drama Series: How to Get Away with Murder (ABC)

Outstanding Comedy Series: Transparent (Amazon Instant Video)

Outstanding Individual Episode (in a series without a regular LGBT character): “Identity Crisis” Drop Dead Diva (Lifetime)

Outstanding TV Movie or Mini-Series: The Normal Heart (HBO)

Outstanding Music Artist: Against Me!, Transgender Dysphoria Blues (Xtra Mile Recordings)

Outstanding Daily Drama: Days of Our Lives (NBC)

Outstanding Comic Book : Rat Queens, written by Kurtis J. Wiebe (Image Comics)

Outstanding Digital Journalism Article: “31 Days of PrEP” [series] (Advocate.com)

Outstanding Blog: Autostraddle (autostraddle.com)

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. Y’all already know you win Outstanding Blog in my heart every day, but I guess it’s pretty cool that other people agree. Congratulations!!!

    • Also Portia is totally in mid-wink in that first photo.


      Also your acceptance speech made me cry a lil bit, so I’m going to pretend you did get the chance to stand up there and say it on stage.

      In all seriousness, as far as I know this was the first LGBT blog/website of note to actively take steps towards fully embracing and celebrating ALL people who fall under that umbrella, and to work hard to make this a truly safe place for everyone. And that is something to be damn proud of. You guys should have won this ages ago. <3 <3 <3

  2. all praise is due to Tinkerbell on this day, as on all other days. i love you all so much and am so proud! i am even more proud to work with you, co-staffers, and be supported by you, beloved readers, than i am of us having a GLAAD award. i wish i could make everyone a grilled cheese in celebration.

  3. Congratulations!

    And Kerry Washington’s speech is one of the best things I’ve ever heard.

    • Wow wow wow Kerry Washington, right?!? ALL of that. About more stories, more diverse stories, more queer peeps in front of and behind the camera, not feeling like there’s limited spots at the privilege table ALL of that. Wow.

  4. I could not be more honored and humbled to be a part of this team. It is one of the top three best things to ever happen to me. (Obviously Tinkerbell is number one.)

  5. Congratulations AS! Well deserved.

    Ok now Riese, tell me EVERYTHING about being basked in the light that is Rita Volk…

  6. Laure June Grace as always looks so adorable. Was her wife there too?

    Also, no thank you to Jenny Schechter and Shane giving so many feels to help inspire the early days of this site?

  7. Literally jumped up and down when I saw the FB post. YOU GUYS. Where would we all be without this place!! Where would I hang out on Fridays! How will I know how to lesbian. The entire Autostraddle team is so un-fucking- believable. You guys rock and thank you all for doing what you do for this place, for A-Camp (COMING IN MAY/JUNE), for every straddlr. There isn’t enough words!! #feelings Congratulations!!! Everyone raise that flask!!!

    • Thanks for saying all of the same things I was thinking!!! Autostraddle deserves all the awards ever. And since I have done several of the things Riese mentioned in her speech, including trying to explain what Autostraddle is, to numerous people – you’re welcome, Riese. Would absolutely do again (probably will, my guess is sometime within the next week, haha).

    • AS, successfully teaching us how to lesbian, with only TV recaps of Glee episodes and fancy avocado sauce recipes.

  8. This is grounds for a party. I’m thinking maybe, May 30th? Angelus Oaks, CA? What do you guys think?

  9. YAYYYYYY! Congrats! Totally deserved.
    I tried to explain to some of my friends what AS means (because we all now it’s not just a website) but it’s always better if they see for themselves. I guess that Autostraddle is like all the great things in life, you have to “live” them to really understand them.

    Also I’m jealous you got to stand so close to Rita Volk. So jealous.

    And standing ovation for Kerry Washington.

  10. MEGA-CONGRATULATIONS! Y’all looked amazing and happy and cute. AND CLEO! HOLY SMOKES! Running things, that one.

    Happy news all around, and thanks for saying this:

    “It was an evening infused with joy; one which acknowledged how far we’ve got to go and how far we’ve come in equal measure. The aggressive fundraising that happens at these events is often pretty easy to scoff at, but I also recognize how real the need to raise funds is, so it doesn’t bother me. They’ve got a lot of people to pay and programs to run — and hiring really good people requires providing them salaries competitive with the for-profit sector work they’re leaving behind!”

    As a human person working for an org that has just a fraction of GLAAD’s budget, this is really nice to hear. We wouldn’t do these events if they didn’t enable us to deliver so much more to our communities long after the event sparkles fade!

  11. I am SO psyched for you all!!! And for us, too! Thanks for existing, Autostraddle! *Throws confetti* *Jazz hands*

  12. Teared up a bit reading this article–I’m so happy for you guys!! And also the rest of us, who get to enjoy the fruits of your awesomeness!
    Smiling smiling smiling :)))

  13. For some reason this made me slightly teary-eyed. At work. GOSH. I don’t comment often, but I love you, Autostraddle.

    So happy for you guys and for all of us, cause we are all in this together
    Love you guys, here’s to many more awards

  15. even though you didn’t get to give a speech, i still found tinkerbell’s acceptance speech very moving. love you and this machine we built.

  16. I’m so proud of each and everyone of you. Now the world can properly acknowledge that Riese & Co. are as awesome and amazing as Kerry Washington, Samira Wiley and Ellen D.

  17. I am so proud of this little website. It’s full of your blood, sweat and tears, to a degree I don’t think your average reader understands. You built this site, this community, from L Word recaps, sleepless nights and sheer determination.

    And look at you now. Look at you now.

    Seriously, words cannot say how grateful I am for you and how proud I am of you.

    • This!
      Thank you for your endless work in creating this space for all of us. So, so excited to see other people acknowledge what we all know – how amazing you are!!

  18. Congratulations you awesome people who make this awesome place that we get to enjoy, and be a part of its amazing diverse community. Thank you!

  19. To all of you who make this blog/community possible, congratulations you deserve it. I’m really proud to be a member.

  20. Amazing news and amazing site and everything is just amazing. Especially all of you who work here!

  21. There is so much slaying going on in this post. I’m so so proud of you all!!! Three exclamation points!!! With or without an award, you make every time someone looks suspiciously over my shoulder when I’m browsing the site during precalc, and every time people ask me to explain what autostraddling is, completely worth it. I am very honored to get to be a part of it all.

  22. HOORAY. I’ve been waiting for this post since I found out you guys won, so I could congratulate you all. You 1,000% deserve it.

  23. sometimes i think autostraddle stays afloat solely due to the sheer force of will of the people who run it. thank you is not enough to describe the gratitude we all feel to you guys for everything that you do. <3

  24. CONGRATULATIONS!!! y’all deserve an award every day but this one is definitely a good start :)

  25. Well done all of you!!!!

    Well deserved too.

    Thank you for this fantastic revolution that you started.

    I know how valuable you all are to me and everyone else seems able to tell you the same on their own behalf.

  26. Party Time!

    What does the award come with, do you know? Like do you guys get a cash prize or extra VIP Queermo perks or something?

  27. <3

    I know that I and many others wouldn't be where we are without you.
    So thanks for doing you, because it changed my life.

  28. This dolphin is broke ass poor, she eats ramen most everyday, but look at dat gold ring around my avatar!

    Quite literally, I like Autostraddle so so much, I put a ring on it.

    OMG you guys won a thing, and it involved Ellen! Congrats, the wonderful lot of y’all.

  29. WELL DESERVED!!! Felicidades, Autostraddle! Thank you for all these years. I’ve learned so much from this community and even though I don’t comment at all and you don’t know me, I count you as important people in my life. A huge hug to each and every one of you.

    My second point is, omg, I need to know everything about Hannah’s outfit. Her shoes were AMAZING. So yeah.

  30. YAYAY!!! And congratulations! Never has an award win been so deserving : D

    Also, like many other commenters, your speech made me tear up, Riese. Thank you for being a literally incredible human being.


  31. As someone who’s been around since the old Autowin days, I have so many prouds. Well, I’m proud of you all for so many things, but this is the reason I’m proud right now. Yay!

  32. I’m late, but that just means I’ve had even longer to be excited.

    Yayyy! Congratulations!

  33. I’m late I know but I just wanted to say how proud I am. You all truly deserve this. Congratulations!

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