We Need Help: Seeking New Community Managerettes/Mods

Hi! Do you sit on Autostraddle all day long? Did you notice that the link to Hanne Blank’s Rumpus essay was actually a link to Riese’s mother’s chocolate caramel matzoh crunch recipe in Friday’s TIRTL and did you wish you could’ve fixed it yourself? Do you find yourself attempting to peacekeep during flame wars, rather than further stoke the fire?

Do you like doing things for free and being part of The Revolution?

Well, then you could be one of our new Community Managers/Modterns!

hahaha this troll thinks somebody's gonna feed it

hahaha this troll thinks somebody’s gonna feed it

Here’s the situation: Bren got an actual job earlier this year, which required Community Managarette Carrie to take over a large chunk of Bren’s Editorial Assistant Duties. Our other Community Managerette, Lemon, got an actual job too and is therefore not able to mod/manage. So Carrie’s time is now spread really thin and she’s not able to keep an eye on absolutely everything all the time (while also holding down her own full-time actual job).

Thus, we’re looking for two or three good Community Managers who are able to commit to various extended periods of time monitoring our vibrant community.

***We are really really really really looking especially for ladies who are not cisgender and/or not white to apply for these positions***

We require one of the mods to be on American timezones, and hope we can also find another mod to keep an eye on the site while we’re sleeping — I believe this includes basically every continent besides North and South America.

just gonna change this mansplainer into a dancing hot dog real quick...

just gonna change this mansplainer into a dancing hot dog real quick…

Your duties will include:

+ Monitoring comment boards obsessively for hate speech and other bullshit
+ When necessary, guiding mature discussion on comment threads and in groups/forums
+ Fixing self-reported errors and image embeds for commenters
+ Alerting us about site errors or other technical problems
+ Communicating quickly and respectfully with authors of flaming posts to ensure moderation is being executed the way they’d like it to be.

You should be:

+ A familiar face/gravatar in the AS community
+ Someone who has been reading AS for 1-3 years (or is familiar enough with AS’s last 1-3 years to convince us that you’ve been here all this time)
+ A spelling/grammar/fact-checking wizard
+ Competent at basic HTML
+ Competent at some kind of blogging platform
+ Loyal, discreet and honest
+ A masochist
+ An independent, confident thinker
+ Well-versed in what is offensive and what isn’t
+ Able to commit to at least two entire days of consistent monitoring (However, as this isn’t an actual paid position, if you like, have a doctors appointment or a weird work schedule that week or you run your car into a tree or have finals or are giving birth or are going on a vacation to Halifax, it’s fine, you can be released from your duties whenever you need to be, it’s NBD.)

You will get:

+ Gay pride!
+ Automatic spot at A-Camp and the opportunity to apply to be on the A-Camp Team
+ Free or discounted merchandise
+ Something to put on your rĂ©sumĂ©. [you can discuss with us what you see this being/if there’s anything you need to learn]
+ Recommendations/References for whatever
+ A working knowledge of wordpress
+ A chance to grow the role/”make it your own,” can look into pitching more ideas about developing AS’s community if you so desire, or writing things
+ Possibly other secret things

this flame war sure is hot

omg i can’t believe this troll is still talking

Special Note:

If you’re interested in this coveted position, please email Laneia, cc Riese & Rachel (via [name]@autostraddle[dot]com).

Explain why/how you meet the qualifications and also give us your availability. Be honest/realistic. Attach a résumé and a link to your Autostraddle member profile.

Decisions will be made based on your schedule/availability and whether or not you meet all of the qualifications. If we receive more qualified applicants than there are hours in the day, we’ll literally just pick out of a hat because we love you too much to play favorites.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!

the team

auto has written 766 articles for us.


  1. I’d love to do something like this, but I really doubt I’m a familiar enough gravatar. It would be cool to have something to do while at work, though (because I spend 20 hours a week working the front desk at a dorm, and most of my shifts are super dead and I pretty much just autostraddle and reddit during that time anyway).

  2. If only I wasn’t finishing my Peace Corps service in April I’d be all over this. Alas, I have to go back to ‘Merika and get a real job.

  3. I just applied. And after applying I realized that even though I ready almost every single thing that’s posted and troll the comments all the time, I don’t comment as much as I thought I did. I MUST REMEDY THIS.

  4. After anonymously visiting and thoroughly LOVING this site for months I read this and realized I could be penalized for lurking! It’s good to be known. If you don’t know me you won’t consider me for opportunities like this. So you scared me into finally making a profile.

  5. good luck future managerettes! typos stress me out probably more than they do for normal people, so I’m glad there will be more people around to fix them (in addition to your other, probably more important duties).

  6. Brave people.

    I don’t know if I was exactly a lurker, more like I just read articles every so often until a couple months ago when I started reading more regularly– but only in reading this did I realize I never actually introduced myself either. So– hayyy!

    Good luck applicants and already-established AS folk– ya’ll make the awesome!

  7. I was really interested in applying for a position but then I saw that I must be non cis or a WOC. I know that we need more non cis and WOC on this site but for thanks for discriminating against me for not posseing those qualities. Was it really necessary to have that included in the article, it does go both ways. Swap a few words for another and suddenly it’s considered racist. ***We are really really really really looking especially for ladies who are cisgender and/or not black to apply for these positions***

    • First of all “reverse discrimination” is not a thing. Comments like this are exactly why they are looking for mods who are not cis and/or white. In case you haven’t noticed, much of the ignorance and hate on autostraddle has been directed toward/about trans*women and WOC. People within those communities should have the ultimate say on what is transphobic and what is racist. Allies can certainly contribute, and marginalized communities shouldn’t have to educate those with more privilege, but at the end of the day, trans*women and WOC should have the ability to shut down transphobia and racism without having to rely on or argue with a cis and/or white mod who might be just as ignorant as those making the comments.

    • Um did we even read the same post. They were encouraging poc and trans people to apply, not banning everybody else. Affirmative action is correcting structural inequality not creating privilege.

  8. I’m tripping out man!!!! All the colors and the upside down-ness is freaking me out!

    *looks at calendar*

    Oh AS, I see what you did there…

    Good one! *hugs*

    • I really like the colors on the banner, but all the usernames and stuff are kind of trippy. And the weirdest/coolest thing about the upside-downness is that the + button looks indented instead of bumping up!

  9. For a little while I was disappointed that I probably don’t have nearly enough of a post record to be in the running for this.

    Then I remembered that I tend to run the other way when comment debates get heated, since flame wars freak me out.

    So yeah. Not applying. I wish you many qualified applicants. :)

    (Also, I love that even the little vote-up question marks are upside-down today.)

    • the upside down check marks are definitely my favourite part of today’s aesthetic change! Besides the pretty greeny-blue colour that appear just after the fully green colour

  10. So, this is supposed to be an April Fool’s joke, right?

    But then, it’s not even funny… :S

  11. I’d really love to be your girl down under (sorry), but I’m guessing this isn’t the sort of job you can do when you work 9 hours a day 5 days a week right? :(

  12. If grad school wasn’t a thing, I would be all over this, but I would replace any and all even mild TERF comments with dancing hot dogs, sooooooo maybe I wouldn’t be the best anyway.

    • actually you know what no TERF comments are mild, in my opinion.


    • I endorse your platform! Your non-candidacy for the sake of your Candidacy is compelling (I.E. it strikes close to home. Grad school is like a drug that really isn’t any fun but you dont want to quit it even though the effects it has on your life are both apparent and severe) and your desire to decorate the comments of TERFs with dancing hotdogs seems apt! (Though personally I’m for decorating comments like that with dancing hot dogs rather than replacing them outright.)

  13. This sounds awesome! though I probably don’t comment enough. However, I a in a different time zone!

  14. Is it anyone else’s ovaries hurting over the preciousness of that preggo queerish awesomeness?

  15. this was my actual job for a while (website tester, not moderator) so i’d be pretty good at the technical stuff and proofreading! but i’m not sure whether people recognize my avatar, and i don’t consider myself a masochist. hmmmm.

  16. Dear potential future managerettes/mods,
    I’ve been really good. Like, reeeeally good! I haven’t taken part in comment flame wars, or fed the trolls, or even just basically called anyone a dumbass (even the actual dumbasses) in like, forever! So you should totally apply for this. Because I won’t be any trouble. None. Not at all. Promise. Mostly. Maybe.

  17. i’m both non-cis and not white, but i cringed at the discriminating line. alluding to us as being the beacons of righteousness is very weird, and definitely smells like discrimination. i get there are issues with trolls and i suppose you are trying to remedy it the only way you know how, but it doesn’t look too good on ya.

    • I cringed a little too because it kind of borderlines tokenism. It’s like, “Oh hey, I’m not racist because I have a Black friend… yadda yadda.” It’s that whole “exotic” thing and how people treat you because you happen to be something other than White, etc. I get the point (and I know the meaning is well intended), but at the same time I’m wondering if there truly is anyway to solve such issues, without it sounding like the former or latter?

      • i think there’s a difference between tokenism and desiring diversity! i can’t speak to the experiences of a non-cis, non-white woman so i can’t speak for them. it’s good for all people to feel like their voices are heard and also represented. or maybe that’s just how i feel. very rarely, in the queer community, do i feel like i am alone. i can understand why autostraddle wants to represent all people who read this site, not just the cis/white ones. however, correct me if you disagree.

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