Hi! Do you sit on Autostraddle all day long? Did you notice that the Top Ten Best Candy Situations post had a sentence containing the word “drus” instead of “drugs” for a good solid 12 hours and did you wish you could’ve fixed it yourself? Do you find yourself attempting to peacekeep during flame wars, rather than further stoke the fire?
Do you like doing things for free and being part of The Revolution?
Well, then you could be one of our new Community Managers!
We’re looking for one or two good Community Managers who are able to commit to various extended periods of time monitoring our vibrant community.
Your duties will include:
+ Monitoring comment boards for hate speech and other bullshit
+ When necessary, guiding mature discussion on comment threads and in groups/forums
+ Fixing self-reported errors and image embeds for commenters
+ Reading posts for spelling/grammar errors and fixing any you find or any that are pointed out by other readers (all our posts are copyedited prior to publication but somehow shit slips through just the same)
+ Adding links to posts
+ Alerting us about site errors or other technical problems
+ Performing some social media outreach
+ Helping to coordinate meet-up weeks
+ Possibly other secret duties
You should be:
+ A familiar face/gravatar in the AS community
+ Someone who has been reading AS for 1-3 years (or is familiar enough with AS’s last 1-3 years to convince us that you’ve been here all this time)
+ A spelling/grammar/fact-checking wizard
+ Competent at basic HTML
+ Competent at some kind of blogging platform (ideally wordpress, but if not then it’ll be easy to teach you wordpress if you already know about blogger or something of that nature)
+ Loyal, discreet and honest
+ A masochist
+ A resident of a state/country that is on American time zones
+ An independent, confident thinker
+ Able to commit to at least two entire days of consistent monitoring (However, as this isn’t an actual paid position, if you like, have a doctors appointment or a weird work schedule that week or you run your car into a tree or have finals or are giving birth or are going on a vacation to Halifax, it’s fine, you can be released from your duties whenever you need to be, it’s NBD.)
You will get:
+ Gay pride!
+ Free or discounted merchandise
+ Something to put on your rĂ©sumĂ©. [you can discuss with us what you see this being/if there’s anything you need to learn]
+ Recommendations/References for whatever
+ A working knowledge of wordpress
+ A chance to grow the role/”make it your own,” can look into pitching more ideas about developing AS’s community if you so desire
+ Possibly other secret things
If you’re interested in this coveted position, please email Laneia, cc Riese & Rachel (via [name]@autostraddle[dot]com).
Explain why/how you meet the qualifications and also give us your availability. Be honest/realistic. Attach a résumé.
Decisions will be made based on your schedule/availability and whether or not you meet all of the qualifications. If we receive more qualified applicants than there are hours in the day, we’ll literally just pick out of a hat because we love you too much to play favorites.
You should be… A masochist.
What are the secret things? If only I could spot spelling errors but my brain just skips right over them. SECRET THINGS!
“guiding mature discussion on comment threads”
mature = adult = make everyone talk smut all the time, yes?
Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day!!
I suppose that doesn’t quite work when you don’t have a community manager… but I think it’s cute that you are looking for a community manager on #CMAD. :)
a masochist and a person interested in secret things. lol
Good luck future community manager! I Wiccan bless you. I Catholic bless you. I breast bless you.
i would like more information re: this breast bless of which you speak.
Me too! There’s a Church of Breasts? I’m already converted
Breast bless: it is the strong hoping and sending of vibes that whoever gets this job with the inevitable stress gets access to lots of boobs. Usually involves pressing of one boobs to the other’s when invoking it in person.
apparently my offerings of luck have been insufficient. breast blessing mode: engaged.
did you read this post and wish you could correct the wrong accent on resumé?
there is a wrong one? I thought there was maybe one missing on the first ‘e’….
whoever can solve this mystery should apply asap:)
It’s rĂ©sumĂ©, actually.
(And no, I have a full time job…)
it’s CV actually.
(see how i just smoothly ‘guided this discussion on comment threads’ into the US against the world discussion? i would be perfect for the job)
Are there regional differences between using CV vs resume? I always thought that it was just that CVs could be as long as you want (ergo could include your entire publication history if you are an accomplished person who has one of those i.e. not me) and resumes have the one-page limit.
I was always under the impression that a CV is just a list of your prior experience, while a resume is more detailed and includes a lot more detail about accomplishments and strenghts etc.
Can we please ignore the horrific example of sentence structure/general sense making? This will teach me to comment while also on the phone working.
Clearly, I will not be applying for the community manager job…
I’ve always heard CV used in an academic sense so that it includes your entire education, work, and volunteer experience, whereas a rĂ©sumĂ© is succinct and only covers work experience.
I’ve never figured out when it changes from resume to CV or what the practical differences are between the two (if there are any)
Uh, high school students should count. I’ll gladly skip school twice a week to fix your spelling mistakes.
Wow this sounds awesome! :D
Application sent! :D
Don’t you have to be on US timezone though? I thought of applying too but I wasn’t sure if Aussies were ‘allowed’. :/
yeah, although it’s a “virtual” office, we need our community managarette to be working approximately the same hours that we are, and by “we” i mean rachel/laneia/me — and we work a pretty standard workday though we start a bit earlier and end a bit later. our publishing schedule is mostly on North American time.
I’m sorry!
Aww that’s okay, no probs! :) I’m an editor and publications assistant, so if any other awesome opportunites ever become available for awesome Aussie folks, I’d definitely be keen. :)
ha, and here I am thinking that being able to cover the night shift would be an advantage!
well I still have a flexible schedule, so if that helps :)
If english wasn’t my second language and I didn’t feel completely self conscious about my spelling and grammar I’d totally apply.
If you guys ever need someone with no skills at all I’m your girl ;)
“If you guys ever need someone with no skills at all I’m your girl” thats pretty much what my cv says already…well the subtext does,y’know.
so I’ll ‘prost’ to that
yup, same here…
the last time i applied for a job at autostraddle i sent laneia a completely unfunny-trying-to-be-funny cv and promptly felt terrible about wasting her time and/or being unable to soften the blow of said cv with a grilled cheese sandwich situation.. womp womp, sorry laneia!
that being said, i would like to heartily endorse the word ‘managerettes,’ it’s a keeper
I was super excited when I was reading the first half of this in my informercial voice.. Because I thought “Hey! Thats totally me!!”
And then I read the qualifications and I was like.. “Aww, man.”
WELL, I don’t really fill those requirements, BUT, if you ever need somebody to illustrate (as in drawings) one of your articles, I would totally do it. I mean it. I love Autostraddle.
ps. I draw rilly gud. :3
I would apply to the thing!..except I cannot even get the gravatar stuff to work pour moi, so thats probs a big strike against me :(
If I had the time I would do this in a heartbeat, unfortunately the day job gets in the way
This would have been useful.
i would love to do this if i fell under what is probably the age requirement (18?)/ had a resume/ ability to work any sort of website thing outside of tumblr.
i could be considered masochistic, and i love AS, though.
Autostraddle = dream job.
Free time = non-existent.
I wish you needed an accross-the-atlantic community manager for when you’re peacefully asleep! Then I’d be first in line.
Wow! I’d not really want the job, but I understand that it’s quite a bit of work to moderate an online community. So, good luck to whoever takes up the roles.
I got stuck on Halifax. I think every autostraddler is going to come visit me now. I’ll have to fill my growler.
Ah! This is when being a lurker sucks. NEW NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: Get this position next year after spending a whole year being awesome in the comments section.
Challenge accepted.
Ok, I saw this when it was posted and was so excited to apply. Then I returned and the American time-zone clause was added. Sad day. One day I will be done with the Peace Corps and return to the States and I will find a way to devote myself to Autostraddle in a more official capacity :)