UPDATE Friday 7PM EST: The Bilerico Project is live-blogging the scene at the Senate building. Senator Skelos has confirmed that the bill will go to the floor tonight (albeit probably as late as possible) and that an agreement has been reached on the language in the bill w/r/t religious exemptions:
“The amended Marriage Equality legislation protects religious liberties without creating any special exceptions that would penalize same-sex couples or treat them unequally. The legislation strikes an appropriate balance that allows all loving, committed couples to marry while preserving religious freedom.”
It’s Friday, and as you all know, Saturday comes after Friday. So today would be a really good day for the New York State Senate to finally vote on same-sex marriage rights. Otherwise I think everyone’s gonna lose their minds. Patience is wearing thin, says The New York Times:
Frustrations flared in the Capitol on Friday as Democratic lawmakers and gay rights advocates suggested that the Republicans in the State Senate were deliberately delaying a vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage in New York.
It was a marked change of tone from proponents of gay marriage, and it seemed to indicate that their collaborative relationship with the Republicans, in whose hands the fate of the measure rests, had begun to fray.
“It’s outrageous,” said State Senator Liz Krueger, a Manhattan Democrat. “We were sent home last night without really any explanation.”
As of this morning, negotiations over protecting religious institutions hadn’t led to a final agreement between Republicans and the Governor, but Thomas W. Libous, the Senate Republican deputy majority leader, was confident that a vote would come today (Friday).
Time is running out and Senate staffers have ordered protesters to vacate the third floor hallway to enable members and staffs to “move freely from office to office.” They point out that there are “countless” other areas for protesters to continue protesting. Everyone is all-around very tired.
In the meantime, we can all stare at this empty room and listen to muzak:
Whoa, that’s some rockin’ music! It doesn’t really fit the empty room though. To mute (and risk the potential of forgetting I was watching something once the action kicks in) or not to mute.
Haha they’re not going to vote on gay marriage today. This is the government we’re talking about!
SERIOUSLY?!? Why are they not even in the damn room?
Tune in for the hope of gay marriage. Stay for the muzak.
2217 viewers including myself watching an empty room! Really?
And as of this post, they’ve even taken away our muzak. There is truly no justice to be had today.
oh honey, if there’s one thing i’ve learned tracking this stream for like 16 of the past 24 hours, it’s that the muzak will be back. the muzak always comes back.
Hell yes, it’s back. And kind of rockabilly?
Dance party, my place. Right now.
(If I have a dance party, it will stop me from gnashing my teeth and rending my garments over the fact that they still haven’t voted.)
And I thought it was just my computer.
that is SO funny, and yet at the same time, so pitiful, really. They should play other music though, maybe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3WwTLYNSec&feature=relmfu
I have been staring at this live stream for hours. I was so hopeful when they brought the live stream up this morning after refreshing the main page over and over last night hoping there would be something. I pretty much have the State Senate homepage memorized at this point.
Why are they doing this? I want to Glitterbomb the shit out this guy.
Now that I think about it, maybe they’re just on gay time?
Pingback: NY pols begin to clear way for gay marriage vote – Ocala | Inholland
I like to think they saved it for last minute before NY Pride weekend.. right? Right?
they were waiting for my birthday. clearly. which is today. so they are running out of time… they better hurry up.
From the article linked two comments up:
“Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is an Orthodox Jew and observes the Sabbath, which means he won’t work between sunset Friday and sunset Saturday.”
According to Google, sunset in New York is at 8:31pm this evening, four hours and 16 minutes from now. Is there like a second speaker who takes over, or does it finish with sundown? Last night they adjourned only around 11pm.
There has to be a deputy speaker. I don’t think I’m gonna cope if there isn’t. The fucking music man.
I was realllly into this super cute girl in high school. She led me on for WEEKS! Flirting, smiling, quick pecks on the cheek. Finally we were going to hang out without her boyfriend around on a Friday night. She said she had feelings for me that were “complicated” but she wanted to explore them. I arrived at the party and her friends were there already. I asked around, no one had seen her. Hours later I’m sitting with my friends, trying not to cry, and I see her come in through the front door. She talked to people and avoided me as my anxiety plummted through the roof. Suddenly, her boyfriend appeared from the kitchen, and pulled her into the kitchen and they quickly did some shots, and disappeared upstairs.
Me refreshing google news every so often, is totally me seeing her walk through the front door all over again, and again, and again.
Is it on? Oh there’s her boyfriend. What are they gonna do? She see’s me. But oh, I don’t know. Can’t figure it out.
Effin’ Teasers.
I hope we have a happier outcome here.
The music coming on just made me jump like five feet in the air.
The AtlanticWire just reported that they have come to an agreement on the religious exemptions but still no word if it will actually go to the floor today or not.
OMG it sounds like the vote is actually going to happen: http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/72562/ssm-vote-starting-to-look-real/
sorry I don’t know how to shorten hyperlinks!
Ok I’m getting reeeeeeeeeeeeallly impatient!! WTF!?
Let’s have it then. I swear, I’m gonna have to resort to drugs and alcohol to alleviate the stress and aggravation the stalling and this fucking music has caused.
Senators Saland and Grisanti are still undecided!! grrrrr
just heard that marriage is headed to the floor for a vote (currently 6pm EDT).
I’m truly upset. I wanted the Onion to be our new state vegetable.
so nervous.. and excited.. praying for a good vote..
Nobody hyperventilate when the session resumes. Reports from supporters in the chamber say that they’re going to be dealing with other legislation first and won’t be bringing SSM up for a couple of hours. Joy.
i hyperventilated. and then i read this comment. can they stop stalling now please? this is taxing my mental and physical health…
Yeah, that was short and sweet and pointless, wasn’t it? They’re now showing a stream of some form of committee. I have no idea. I’m getting a beer (or 15) to alleviate said taxation.
This is gonna make me take up smoking again.
The number of viewers just doubled. Nice!
Aaah, I think they’re actually in there now! But of course, my internet’s too slow to watch it…
Fucking loved it when during the Pledge of Allegiance, all the supporters shouted out the last ‘for all’.
6:30pm EST – Senate Stands at Ease. BOOOOOOOO.
Is there a way to see how when this will come up for a vote, like after bill X so I know what to listen for?
umm wtf just happened?
follow live blogging here: http://www.bilerico.com/2011/06/live_updates_on_ny_marriage_status.php
different updates via twitter feed here: @cityhallnews
last time I almost hyperventilated was when “WHO SHOT JR” – (Dallas) was on…this takes the cake
One of my closest friends is in the capitol building right now and he’s staying as positive as possible! I keep texting support, there’s a lot of haters saying horrible things to supporters. I’m urging him to keep smiling! And don’t stoop to their level! So proud of him, wish I could be there!
I wish I was there, too!
o boi this is what happens when you get 3 hours of sleep and then fall asleep mid-day
You were most likely better off without all the anxiety. My internet at work is terrible and I’ve been going nuts, afraid something would happen and I wouldn’t find out forever due to crap interwebs.
But really…very anxious day. Maybe, maybe not, yes, no, possible, tomorrow, today!, never, blah.
i feel like what i did is the equivalent of when your food is taking forever to come and so you go to the bathroom and it’s inevitably ready when you return
yes. I love when that happens.
It’s not an empty room now. They are on the floor (not dance, legislative). But they are talking about higher education. WHO cares about THAT?!
So my friend that’s in the chamber. Claims about 150-200 “civilians” in there, about 40-50% most likely within the LGBTQ realm or obvious (shirts, holding signs in their laps, alt. lifestyle hair, etc).
Woot! Thanks for the insider updates!
I thought I heard background chatter so I asked. He said yes, people are getting VERY restless. He’s been there 6 hours. DEDICATION.
cause it’s helpful.
the chick behind sen roy mc is kinda cute….just saying
I feel like a kid on Christmas being told that I have to wait to open my presents.
the rally is going pretty crazy right now, i think the evangelical protestors’ behavior (there’s a lot of praying and kneeling and weeping right now, it’s kind of scary) simply indicates how close we are. they’re desperate, guys! they know how close we are and they know we’ve got this. as for us advocates with the rainbow signs, we haven’t eaten, we haven’t slept, but we’re going to stand outside these doors until this state turns around and supports us.
my much more in-depth account of the rallying front lines thus far: http://summerresearchandinternships.blogs.brynmawr.edu/2011/06/24/adventures-in-rallying-at-the-new-york-state-senate/
Keep it up! You are making us proud!
Wish I could bring you some food. Stay strong, we’re getting there. And please ignore the hysterical fundies, they’re unworthy of your attention.
wow @ Anthony. Have certainly come across people like that, but I don’t think that intense. Or badly tanned.
Seriously tho. He said “he was a hottie”. NOT CONVINCED. I really feel for people like this and wish I could give them a hug and they would suddenly accept themselves :(
I’m having so much fun watching paint dry all over my rights.
Currently on the Omnibus bill, then the livery bills, then Rules and finally us.
Livery is pretty interesting to me because they are good and a life saver in queens. They actually show up within 120 seconds most of the time if you call. They are also usually very nice drivers. Not that that matters, but it’s a great service. And they never take issue with how short or far you are going. Whereas yellow cabs will tell you their credit card machine is broken if you are only going a short distance quite often.
Hahaha, every cloud!
I care so little about old dudes talking about mandate relief omggg but I have to so I don’t miss the good stuff, hurry up old dudes
I like that that guy said “Sheros”
they keep saying how these votes are important and historic and what not. and i’m sure they are. but those poor people out there rallying and waiting for the vote… dont any of the people in the senate care about them?
For fuck’s sake, why are they taking so long to vote on this? O_o
This music is THE WORST.
wtf was with that evil ass music. lol and now steel drums? someone is trolling here.
If they’re going to make us wait this long, then the least they could do is play some decent music. I suggest Sleater-Kinney or The Gossip.
Anything upbeat, seriously. Although I think Swan Dive would be an appropriate song atm.
They should play the song that Sebastian team-picked.
Is this music making anyone else suddenly crave a margarita? Or at least a fruity drink with an umbrella?
LOL! I’ve actually been milking a Margarita with my window open this whole time.
A mojito for me. lol Damn, I totally want one right now.
This music reminds me of The Little Mermaid. That movie made me realize a lot of things about myself.
Seriously, the music. I can’t even. AT THE COPA, GAY COPACABANA.
My computer dropped the connection and now I can’t get it back! Someone, please, tell me what’s happening!
They’re at ease and playing horrible music.
They’re in recess for another 5 minutes, video’s playing Chopin, the audio guy is on acid.
I thought riese was doing live witty standup during recess?
*waits for riese to do witty standup during intermission*
Now they’re playing creepy horror movie sounding music. I cannot deal. Anxiety.
Am I the only one that can’t hear anything?
I can’t either.
Word is they’re waiting for two senators. Maybe there’s no sound because they’re on recess still.
you are right
On Twitter: “New York Senate
Don’t be alarmed, the mics are simply muted, we are waiting for members to get back to the chamber.”
Oh good its not just me.
:( same
Will the Senate stop standing at ease and vote already, all this stalling is ridiculous
Crowds Gathers Outside Stonewall Inn. Damn, I wish I was there
I’m working out of town right now and missing all of pride weekend AND this happens. So I’m feeling pretty damn sad right now.
efjnoq[ouefqh-923y41hpube3bnd frustration is at toxic levels. Get the sound back ffs.
Ok, guys, this is it. They’re voting on same sex marriage next, Twitter says.
Sound back!!!
crossing my fingers here!
We’re up!!!!
i’m so nervous, this build-up has been ridiculous
I’ve been having a week long panic attack about this. Argh.
FINALLY! haha i knew it was the equality bill as soon as people said nay to receiving the message. really people?
stephen saland is up first, he’s one of the fence-sitters
*near fainting*
Oh, God, I’m so nervous…
On Twitter:
@GannettAlbany: Gannett has learned that Sen. Steve Saland will support #samesexmarriage and be the 32nd vote for passage in the Senate.
Go NY!!!
wow they’ve really made the bill air-tight w/r/t protecting religious groups
Hopefully that means that they’re voting YES. ;-)
arghhh this is like Prop 8 anxiety all over again. I suppose it hurts a little less because it’s not where I grew up but fffffffffffffffffffffff
prop 8 made me cry
yeah, i was so nervous i could barely work that day – when it passed i cried in my office, then left work to attend protests in weho :|
Saland is nervous… not good
I think he’s going to say yes by the way he’s talking
OMG I HOPE SO!!!! SeriouslY!! COME ON!!!!!!
he’s so nervous!!! he’s making me go BONKERS!!!! arghhhhh!!!
omg i already feel tears coming either way
OMG, the way he’s talking… I think he’s saying YES!!!
yes.yes.yes………..YES!! gahgaghahghaskgl
so, they’re currently debating the amendment to the bill. what are the steps after that? are there more things to debate over or are they actually going to vote? do they have to vote on the amendment first and then on the actual bill? I am confused/nervous/excited/overly emotional.
Also everyone voting in the negative. Douchebags!
RT myself, STFU DIAZ
GOOSEBUMPS OMGOMGOMG!@#$%^&*#$^&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGGHHHHHH!!!!
I am so confused by what’s going on right now. When do they actually all say yay or nay? Politics is obvs not my thing.
DId Saland just say he’s supporting the bill?? Is that what just happened?
Gaah, what’s happening? Did it pass? What are people cheering for? I can’t tell!
yeah total tears. I want to move on but this is so emotional.
Holy fuck, this is it.
OMG – i need a drink or two..or three
The bill is passed! YES.
But this was the amendment, right? When are they voting the actual bill?
right now i think. fingers crossed!
oh fuck. i got so excited…
So uh now when I’m in NY in December, I can get married? ?!!?!?!? This is amazing!
And I hope everyone has the BEST PRIDE EVER now!
Or was that the amendment OKAY HOLD THAT THOUGHT
On Twitter:
New York Senate
Again to be clear, so far we have only passed THE AMENDMENT. The MAIN BILL HAS NOT YET PASSED.
That Diaz is a dick. Shut the fuck up, you ignorant fuck.
agreed. I’m tired of him talking.
yes! the bill is passed! i live-texted everything happening to my girlfriend in all caps. i dont think i was very coherent since i was texting about how they’re protecting the bigots, but it passed!
I’m so confused. Did they vote on the actual bill, or was that just the amendment? Why is this guy still talking?
The amendment. The bill comes now, I think.
If Diaz ever stops talking and whining about the “loss of traditional values”
that was the amendment. They are voting on the actual bill now. That guy is ‘explaining’ his vote but really he’s just being a knob.
You go!!!! We’re crossing our fingers!!!
How exciting!
This guy is a damn troll.
YES WE CAN!!! MY whole street heard ME!! YAYAYEAYYYY ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!!!!!!!! These hrs were NOT gone in vain!!! WOW
I don’t know what’s going on but I’m watching at least… I hope there is a good outcome to this!
Stonewall Inn, 8 minutes ago
Thinking of 42 years ago, our people fighting
and tonight, our people winning…
OMFG, that Diaz guy is a fucking troll!!!
Does Diaz understand how the Senate works? Is this his first night?
Diaz is a fucking douchecanoe. There’s a time limit, jackass. Shut up.
And why the fuck is he a senator when I speak English better than him AND I’M FROM SPAIN????
Senator Duane is REALLY nervous.
I think this is just such a huge/emotional thing, rather than nerves
Duane is going to make me cry.
OMG, I’m getting teary-eyed listening to his story.
I just prepared a Victory Margarita.
Start spreading the news, / I’m leaving today. / I want to be a part of it – / New York, New York.
Duane is bringing on the tears here.
We’re watching HISTORY PEOPLE!!! awesomenesssssssss! *happy dancing***
Lady Gaga just twitted: “We did it!!” Everyone thinks they passed the main bill, but they only passed the amendment! :-S This is so confusing.
Huffpost tweeted it too. Everyone is confused, lol. This Grisanti guy sounds like he’s going to say yes though.
He’s making me cry. OMG. OMG. OMG.
GOOSEBUMPS YOU GO DUANE!!!! ( making me very emotional here….someone DRINKS PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!) WE ARE A FAMILY!!
Senator Duane is making me tear up. Senator Diaz made me want to throw things. Too many feelings to have so dangerously close to my nice new computer.
@andresdavid Sens Grisanti & Saland are proof of what happens when you educate yourself and meet a gay person. Beautiful. #NY4M
One more speaker and then the vote. Grisanti is in the bag.
i’m celebrating the impending YES vote on marriage in my home state with a beer made in the first state to allow gay marriage. i think it’s a fitting circle :-D
Grisanti is voting YESSSS!!!
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! GO NY!!!!!
Grisanti is vote 33!!! IT SHOULD PASS, PEOPLE!!!!
Pride in NYC is going to be craaaazy
Again with the recess?!
WOW!!!!!!Grisanti was on the fence….omg
Grisanti is my new hero.
OMGWTF no more fucking recess!
they’re just enjoying the 46,000 people watching the livestream
Chrome just crashed, and I come back to (pause in proceedings)? Aaaarghgh
On Twitter:
Capitol Confidential
“It’s a shame,” Ruben Diaz sez from his chair. We have a mini-kerfuffle here on #samesexmarriage in the #nysenate
Capitol Confidential
I didn’t hear that, but @MikieBarb did. Sez Parker was dropping f-bombs. Wants to speak on #samesexmarriage
Capital Tonight
Kevin Parker has left the chamber.
It seems that they’re fighting…
To hear these very senators come out with the things they are saying, is truly wonderful. Even in hesitation, or a veil of shame, they are doing the right thing, and I have so much admiration for them saying what they really feel, and not what their political roles tell them they should feel.
In two minutes we will know, people!!!
i can’t believe i’ve been sitting here for 4 and half hours watching this stream. no more debating! vote dammit!
oh god – tears are abotu to pour!
It seems senator Kruger is saying YES too. :-D
33 to 29! YEAHHHH! YEAHH!
[cheers and applause]
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crying so hard right now! shaking.
Go New York!
YESYESYESYES – It really actually happened! *HAPPY DANCE*
Now Michigan! lol
None for you Michigan.
Hey!!!! You are Michigan too!
On Twitter:
Stonewall celebrating: http://yfrog.com/h435caij
Senate celebrating: http://yfrog.com/kjbccrj
Outside the senate, celebrating: http://yfrog.com/khea6bj
Going to sleep now, girls. It’s 5 AM here in Spain. u_u
I’m so happy right now I could cry… :-D This was such a great step towards equality!!! Congrats, NY!!! I’m sure that soon every State will pass a bill like this one. :-)
Good night! :-D
To everyone who stayed up tonight, commenting on this thread and sharing your anxiety, frustration, hope and finally, joy, thank you for being amazing. I swear watching this for over 4 hours has shaved 3 years off my expected life span but it was so worth it.
Happy Pride.
That was AMAZING!! Thank you ALL!!!!
Best. Birthday. Present. Ever. ;)