VIDEO! Getting In Bed with Kristin + Riese: Holiday Gifting & Parties & More!

Riese got in bed with me and we showered the universe with all of our gift ideas, our party thoughts, a tiny Christmas tree, and the socks my mother-in-law gave me for my birthday. 'Twas a wonderful time had by all, and might even contain some tips for you as you scramble for gifts!

Getting In Bed with Kristin & Riese: Gifting, Holiday Parties, & More! | December 10, 2017 from autostraddle on Vimeo.

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Kristin is the co-director of A-Camp, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Everyone Is Gay & My Kid Is Gay, author of This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids, and co-host of Buffering the Vampire Slayer, a podcast about (you guessed it!) Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Kristin has written 60 articles for us.