VIDEO! Getting in Bed with Kristin + Reneice: You Can Cook Food!

Reneice came over and we baked cookies IN MY BED
I mean, technically they baked in the oven but everything before the baking was done in my bed. We answered lots of fun food-related questions like how to cook good meals without an oven, what are the best spices to have on hand, and also told our baking fail moments. Plus, we even answered some relationship advice whilst rolling cookie dough balls.
Tune in next Thursday when you can get in bed with lil ol me and ask any ol question you like! Advice for everyonnnnne! x

Getting In Bed with Kristin + Reneice: You Can Make Food! | February 22, 2018 from autostraddle on Vimeo.

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Kristin is the co-director of A-Camp, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Everyone Is Gay & My Kid Is Gay, author of This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids, and co-host of Buffering the Vampire Slayer, a podcast about (you guessed it!) Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Kristin has written 60 articles for us.