VIDEO! Getting In Bed with Kristin #8: Bisexuality with Mey Rude

My lovely wonderful A+ers, I am so sorry that this is getting to your inboxes a day late! You see, my parents are in town and also YouTube decided to be horrible horrific monsters and block  important LGBTQ content so I have been a little *SPINS IN CIRCLES, FALLS TO FLOOR*
That all said, holy shit, Mey Rude joined me last week to talk about bisexuality and it was the very best. We got into gender, dating apps, stigma, erasure, and oh-so-much more.
Also THIS THURSDAY! Mara Wilson is going to be joining me in bed whaaaaaat! Tune in (can you still say "tune in"??) at 3pm PT to get answers to all your Mara-related and/or gay-related queries from both of us. Huzzah!

Getting In Bed with Kristin: Bisexuality with Mey Rude | March 14, 2017 from au...

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Kristin is the co-director of A-Camp, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Everyone Is Gay & My Kid Is Gay, author of This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids, and co-host of Buffering the Vampire Slayer, a podcast about (you guessed it!) Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Kristin has written 60 articles for us.