VIDEO! Getting in Bed with Kristin #10: Friendship, Aghhhh!

I sure do love getting in bed with all of you wonderful people, I WILL TELL YOU WHAT. Last week we dug into friendship: making friends, losing friends, coming out to friends, and of course... the television show F•R•I•E•N•D•S. I really had to push you all to actually ask me about the television show but finally a few questions came through and now everyone knows how I feel about Ross' relationship to Carol and Susan, and also which two characters I feel best represent me. (We also got to hear from Jenny on this hard-hitting topic and it was great).
We will be convening on a SPECIAL DAY for a SPECIAL PERSON for our next episode: This Saturday, April 8, at 3pm PT Brittani Nichols will be getting in bed with me whhhhaaaaat. If you have time, y...

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Kristin is the co-director of A-Camp, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Everyone Is Gay & My Kid Is Gay, author of This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids, and co-host of Buffering the Vampire Slayer, a podcast about (you guessed it!) Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Kristin has written 60 articles for us.