Once upon a time, Riese asked us all if we wanted to help with “a whitney mixter related supercut video” to which I replied “I will potentially volunteer for this thing,” because I am a masochist. Before a few short weeks ago, I am happy to tell you, I had never watched a minute of this TV show, you guys. Not one minute. Of course, I read (and loved) Riese’s recaps and obviously I knew a thing or two about what to expect, so I bought a bottle of whiskey. However, when the rules to the drinking game are extensive (which they are), and I was marathoning every single episode of season 1 and 2 (which I was), and my roommate refused to watch them with me (which she did), I often passed out in the middle of episodes and had to go back and find the parts I wanted.
So know that it was with great perseverance and liver strength that I was able to make you this supercut of Whitney Mixter asking Whitney Mixter questions about Whitney Mixter and answering them. No one knows Whitney quite like Whitney does. Do we already know the answers to the questions before she asks them? Yes. Do we particularly care about the answers? No. What can we learn from all of this? I don’t really know. Maybe you can answer that.
Thank you, Lemon, for confirming what I already suspected.
Is there a part of me that wants to watch The Real L Word?
Also what exactly did she say…unindubitably? Did she mean indubitably? Dubitably? Letters no longer look like letters any more. Nor words like words. Probably because I’m not sure any of these are words.
If I was clever I would end this comment with a self-inquiry. Not quite there yet.
I owe you 8000 cookies and possibly a pony. Thank you lemon’s liver!
Why did I watch that? Why? I don’t know.
this was the best ever.
Are questions from Whitney all I’m going to hear in the next episodes. I mean, probably.
Is a frog’s ass water tight? I still want to know.
What a shame, Kermit was on Twitter answering questions when the Muppets movie came out… #AskKermit
Is this shitshow going to be on the air forever? Probably. Does anyone have any idea why? I don’t know. Is there enough whiskey in the world to deal with this shit? I mean, I hope so, but how could anyone be sure?
Have I ever even bothered to read the recaps, let alone watched an episode of this “show?” Okay, so maybe. I read the recaps. Like, one.
Did I totally enjoy this video, regardless?
LOVE the fact she doesn’t even know the majority of the answers to her self posed questions.
does lemon deserve a major reward? totally. will i bestow s’more treats on her tomorrow evening? duh.
+1 x1000
Is this the worst show on TV? I don’t know… It’s a possibility
Did I read the title of this as “The Whitney Mixter Self-Injury Supercut” five times? Yes I did. Who has two thumbs and thought this was going to be a much, much different video? This guy. Am I drunk right now? Only a lot.
Oh man, I did the same thing at least 5 times and I can’t even use the drunk excuse.
I did it twice, and I am also not drunk.
Does this video sum up Whitney? It’s a definite possibility.
Did I watch this three times in a row and laugh everytime? Is a frog’s ass watertight?
The great thing about Whitney is that she does the producer’s jobs for them. Who needs producers prodding them with questions?
Not this guy.
Hahah so true. Although I’ve heard that in those “confessional” scenes the producers not only prod them with questions but also have them rephrase the question as part of their answer. So was Whitney too drunk/high/not the sharpest tool in the shed and literally just repeated their questions back and tried to answer them? Like, maybe. And if so, that’s even more hilarious.
Did this make me laugh? I’m not gonna lie, it did.
Lemon, I didn’t think I could love you more. I was wrong.
Now I just want to watch a supercut of all the times Bette Porter told people what she was going to do rather than asking.
I’m confused =S
A whitney viaja muito nas idéias
wish I could know how to say that in english, it perfectly defines Whitney, but I dont know =((((
And now it’s my mission to find out. I’ll get back to you.
A Brazilian classmate of mine says it’s similar to the English saying “she has her head in the clouds.” Does that sound like what you meant?
uch! so much!