Unicorn Plan-It Needs You, Like Really Really Needs You

Unicorn Plan-It Season 2 promises to be even more amazing/hilarious than Season 1. Are you ready for that much scissor-bumping? No, me neither, but I’m gonna get ready. There are new episodes just waiting on the other side of the imaginary line in the sand that separates reality from possibility! And that line is made of money. Also in Season 2 there’s going to be a lot of kittens, so.

Unicorn Plan-It will also be bringing on some exciting new guest stars, and unlike Glee, they won’t just write vague and confusing phrases on a whiteboard! One of the new faces you’ll see on Unicorn Plan-It is none other than Bruce Dern — you may know him as the father of Laura Dern, who is very pretty, or perhaps as a world-famous actor in his own right who’s appeared in over 80 feature films. And obvs there’s the fact that he was Frank in Big Love. (Probably his character in UPI will be a little different.)

But before you can revel in the glory that will be Season 2 of Unicorn Plan-It, it needs to exist. And it only has 7 days to raise the rest of the money it needs! So if you can, please donate. Do you really want to be in the position of letting down a unicorn? Or Ashley Reed, or Haviland Stillwell, or Sarah Croce? No, I didn’t think so.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. I think I funded the happiness of at least that tiny creeper unicorn watching Sarah Croce workout….

      • Nice backhand! Way to demean an artistic endeavor, and people who are trying to change our visibility in the media!

  2. I donated last time but I can’t remember the address I listed for my swag to be delivered. Have things happened? Do I need to contact my ex to see if he has my cast photo…? @_@

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