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Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
Yay! I’m human now!! Though life was good as a cat.
does this mean that the autostraddle avatar has to change now too? Because I like being a cat in a hoodie.
i think in some countries you’re still considered a cat, so it should be fine.
This is definitely one of those “OK yeah good but also WTF?!” developments. As you pointed out, Carolyn, it’s hard to believe that this hadn’t already been done / isn’t just inherently obvious to everyone.
It’s good that they’re diving more seriously into this discussion, though, especially since certain UN members are well behind when it comes to LGBT rights (to put it lightly) and perhaps would otherwise not even bother talking about the issue. Maybe this will pull them out into the light, as it were, even if they go kicking and screaming.
Pingback: United Nations Passes LGBT Human Rights Resolution – TIME | Inholland
There’s a ad with a smiling straight couple on the side of this page? I’m confused? Maybe they finally realized that Jesus likes us, too?
Ahahahaha thank you for pointing that out.
I clicked through just to see if they would acknowledge the existence of LGBT Christians, but nope. Right on the first page you have to choose whether you are a “man seeking woman” or “woman seeking man.”
So now I’m wondering: are they trying to infiltrate? #whosrecruitingnow
I always get the ads about getting a masters degrees in military history. Apparently they know I have a thing for women in uniform.
Ugh, can we switch? I’m always getting the ones with the hairy shirtless men.
I live in Australia so I don’t get the ChristianMingle ones. I do get a Zoosk ad for finding gay men, though…
i don’t know how to make it stop. we don’t have any connection with the advertisers, we go through a network called the gay ad network — they negotiate with the advertisers and then their ads feed through our site.
i have combed through all the “media buys” we’ve been approved for and cannot find this one. i don’t know why it’s here, but i will let them give us their money if they really want to.
Yay for slowly developing basic human rights… Also, umm, what the fuck is “LGBT persuasion”? I don’t remember anyone persuading me to like girls.
it doesnt ring like asian persuasion
This makes me happy, and this makes me incredibly happy:
I am also terribly excited to be a human! Now I can finally relate to everyone I know.
This makes me think of the the song, “How Soon is Now” by The Smiths.
Merrrr. UN decisions/declarations/whatevers are made about a lot of things, like, you know, water. I know we’re on here because we’re all queermos or queermo-allies and the site isn’t called waterstraddler, but my fucking country hasn’t recognized potable water as a human right. That country is Canada.
So…as glad as I am that we’re recognized as human, I’m a little (A LOT) frustrated with what is now an equality/rights-seeking LGBT movement where I feel a queer liberationist, anti-capitalist model would serve us better. Then we can be free as queers, recognize that commodification of our natural resources sucks, and union busting gets us all into deep shit. I JUST WANT ALL THE BAD STUFF TO GO AWAY NOW, K? K.
It is very disappointing that this hasn’t happened before, but I think the significance if this is huge. If we can get the world to agree that homophobia is NOT OKAY, we have taken an immensely important step forward. If we can push homophobia out of the area known as political correctness, on a world basis, we’re getting somewhere.
To get equal rights, tolerance, acceptance, we need to be considered equals. The day a person realizes that we are just people, like everyone else, with struggles and feelings and families, and that we are not inherently wrong, that person will no longer feel entitled to to hate, discriminate or separate us from society. I still believe in the power of knowledge, of truth, and humanity’s ability to put the pieces together if we can just get them all on the table.
I think this is the perfect of example of the whole “It gets better” thing.
Yeah, in fairness, it shouldn’t even be newsworthy that basic human rights are being met in this day and age. However, the act that it is slowly being resolved, even if it is only a marginal resolution, shows the progress being made on a daily basis. Gradually, the world is starting to recognise that we’re not all family-hating, incest loving thugs who have the sole objective of ruining the pillars of functioning society in order to spread evil through the form of Unicorn piss.
Small victories like this make the fight worth it.