Happy 23rd Birthday, Rachel Our Senior Editor! You Win All The Things!

Today our Senior Editor Rachel is 23 years old! I bet you thought she was older than that, since she’s so wise and talented and smart. Nope, she’s just a little child with an oversized brain!

No really though if we’d known/realized that Rachel was only a tiny baby when she joined Autostraddle, would we have left her in charge while we all went to Dinah Shore and drank too much? Probably yes, actually, because as aforehinted, Rachel is wise beyond her years. Just look at her insight on:

Lesbians Until Graduation

How Dudeliness is Next to Gayness

Extreme Couponing

How the Lindsay/Sam Affair Will Outlast the Heat Death of the Universe

Vegan Comfort Food

The Tragedy in Seattle

Dorothy Allison

The DADT Repeal

The Prop 8 Trial AND The Prop 8 Appeal Trial

Unemployment AND Employment

Allen Ginsberg


Intern Laura, Miss February Julia, Rachel & Intern Lily at Pride 2010


These are the Top Five Titles of Rachel’s Future Memoir, as theorized by Rachel:

1. Who Are You People

2. Back Pain: A Life

3. My Life in GChat

4. I Need A Vacation From This Vacation

5. Build A Better Life via Online Shopping and Supermarket Tea


If you’ve not had the good fortune of spending time with Rachel in three dimensions, it’s possible that you are unaware that she talks kinda like Daria.

Did you hear about the time Rachel’s Dad asked her “So do you keep in touch with your friends on email and stuff when you’re on the computer? Is that what you do?” See what Rachel has to deal with just to bring you The Truth and The Word?!!

Okay you should all go make some vegan desserts and some tea and sit there and think about Rachel for a while. BECAUSE THIS IS HER BRIGHT SHINY DAY. Happy Birthday Rachel!

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  1. Happy birthday, those future memoir titles are fressshhhhhhh.

    yes, the extra letters make it more true.

  2. Happy Birthday! In honor of your awesomeness here is a vegan, gluten free cookie recipe. I swear these are FANTASTIC. Just don’t eat the batter. You have to wait.

    Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies for Birthday Tea Time

    1 1/4 cup Bob’s Mill all purpose gluten free flour
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/4 brown sugar
    1/2 cup granulated sugar (Florida Crystals is where its at)
    1/3 cup canola oil
    1 tbsp ground flax seeds
    1/4 cup soy milk
    1 tsp vanilla
    3/4 cup ghirardelli (sp?) semi-sweet chocolate chips

    Mix it all together and bake at 375 for 12 minutes. Vegan birthday extravaganza.

    For Women.
    For the Love of Women.

  3. Happy Birthday! Feliz cumpleaños!!

    you like it or used to like my picture ^^

    Have a great time celebrating

  4. happy birthday! I can’t believe you’re younger than me and doing all these great smart things!

  5. Happy birthday, Rachel! I hope you remember to wear your “kiss me it’s my birthday” tiara when you go out to celebrate! (You do have one, right?)

  6. At the Autostraddle table at Dinah Rachel asked if anyone had any sunblock she could use and I was the only one that did. I feel like that was an early birthday gift of some sort.

    Though had I known that at the time I would have definitely included some In-N-Out..or a vegan cupcake…or BOTH.

    In any case – HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!!!!!!

    you enhance my knowledge/comprehension of life so much
    you dont even know

  8. happy birthday! and welcome to michigan :) it’s my outside-of-college-home so i’m leaving it pretty soon, but we’ve been trying to get together an autostraddle/baby gay group for awhile so maybe you’ll have more success? (not enough early 20s lezzies here.) anyway, good luck with the move! and check out stiletto’s in inkster, i’ve heard it’s cool.

  9. I would say happy birthday but everyone already said that so I will say “Elephants!”

    am I too stoned for itnernets? maybe.

  10. yay!! happy birthday. you’re kind of the only reason i followed the prop 8 trial (i debated skipping out because i was worried i’d get too mad/have too many angry/sad feelings.) and i’m pretty sure i won a game of lgbt history jeopardy cause of you. THAT’S RIGHT. I knew who Judge VAUGHN FREAKING BAD ASS WALKER WAS etc etc etc. You/Autostraddle make life worth living.

  11. You’re 23? Rachel, dude, c’mon. You’re the most bad-ass 23 year old ever. You are so smart and life-savvy. Enjoy your day!

  12. Happy birthday Rachel!

    There’s no one else I’d want to share my name with. I am astounded, impressed and inspired by you and your enormous brain every single day. You’re fantastic on top of amazing. You make our name look good.

  13. RACHEL can we send you dorky birthday cards/e-cards?

    Also why is the URL for this article “autostraddle.com/this-video-game-is-a-thing-wip/”?

    • they gave it a secret spy name so i wouldn’t know what it was while they were working on it, isn’t that the cutest thing omg

  14. Happy Birthday!!!
    Also, welcome to Michigan! Being able to point out where you live on your hand is pretty great…

  15. i skipped out on the internet yesterday, OBVIOUSLY I WAS MISTAKEN BECAUSE I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY. but happy belated, wishing you love and light and happiness for your 24th year on the planet!!

  16. Happy birthday (belatedly)!
    Also, seeing the Kzoo book arts center in the teaser photo made me incredibly happy – I’m from/currently living in Kalamazoo!

  17. rachel, i was late for this, but happy birthday. i love you so much in a not creepy way. hopefully.

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