Things Men Tell You When They Think You’re One of Them

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It’s time for another edition of SE(N)O, an essay series on A+ for personal stories we wish we could tell on the accessible-to-our-employers-and-everyone-we’ve-ever-known mainsite, but can’t for personal and professional reasons.

When Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out, my friends and were right in the middle of Harry Potter fever. We were wearing Harry Potter shirts and ties, had just sat through a marathon of all the previous Harry Potter movies, and were excited to see the latest installment. The movies were really heating up, and the characters were full on teenagers, acting their most emo and ridiculous. I was there with my brother and some of our guy friends, including the Youth Pastor at ...

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Mey Rude is a fat, trans, Latina lesbian living in LA. She's a writer, journalist, and a trans consultant and sensitivity reader. You can follow her on twitter, or go to her website if you want to hire her.

Mey has written 572 articles for us.