There Must be 50 Ways to Delay a Gay Marriage Bill

Gay rights legislation seems historically incapable of moving towards any actual resolution anywhere in this country. Except for when they do, like DADT being overturned or Prop 8 being ruled unconstitutional, and then inevitably the other side flips out and figures out a way to move towards delaying institution of [x] gay rights measure or reversing [x] gay rights measure which subsequently ties up advancement towards equality pretty much eternally, which is awesome.

For example, last week in New York we expected a vote on same-sex marriage and did not get one. Today seemed like a good day to do that. From New York Magazine:

All day, advocates on both sides of the same-sex-marriage debate have been chanting, singing, and stomping about the halls of the state house in Albany, hoping to have their voices heard by state senators currently considering the controversial issue. Unfortunately for them, it looks like another day will go by without resolution. Cuomo’s office reportedly spent the weekend negotiating concessions to fence-sitting Republican senators who said they feared that religious groups who oppose the issue weren’t sufficiently protected. But after the Republicans caucused this morning it didn’t appear that any movement was impending.

After meeting with Republicans Cuomo had another meeting on rent-regulation issues and a proposed property tax cap because the state’s rent regulations are posited to expire tonight and everyone wants that taken care of first. As of 6:15 EST, they’re still talking about it.

As the bill is publicly one vote shy of passage, any Republican looking to join Team Totally Right is a bit hesitant to become that “one vote” who changes the game. New York State Senator Greg Ball asked his twitter followers how he should vote – go give him your YES.

A vote may not happen ’til mid-week.

Oh meanwhile David Tyree says he’d “give up his historic Super Bowl 42 catch” to stop same-sex marriage from happening, which honestly is a small price to pay to prevent anarchy. I’m sure this has attracted a lot of attention from the Time Traveling Football Fan Anti-Gay Bizarre Tradeoffs Association.


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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. We Shall Overcome Someday
    But could this day be, like, soon? I’m kind of tired of waiting

    • I know, I am too. *pats on the shoulder*

      On the other hand, we’ve moved things pretty quickly. The Stonewall riots only happened in 1969, when the ENTIRE government, institution, and general public was wholly against gay people as perverted freaks, mentally insane, or people being possessed by demons. That was only 42 years ago. The world keeps moving faster and faster, it seems. Now, only the most die-hard of die-hards keep a hold onto the old notions, and plenty of people think those die-hards are a little crazy. Our full equal rights will come.

      It will happen soon. I can feel it.

      • Deep in my heart I do believe that this will happen in my lifetime, I really do. I just don’t know if I will be here to see it.
        Being the foreign half of a bi-national couple, I have a tiny Expiring Visa issue. The longer it takes to repeal DOMA the less time there is on the Visa.
        If only my american significant other could sponsor me for a Green Card… Too bad she is a second class citizen.

        • Your situation ANGERS ME.
          Legalizing gay marriage deeply effects your life, and it effects the life of straight people/bigots in no way.
          WHY WHY WHY
          I’m so glad I live in Canada.
          You and your wife should come here and both be foreign :D

  2. I like how most of the comments on that ESPN article are “stfu David Tyree” themed.

  3. “I’m sure this has attracted a lot of attention from the Time Traveling Football Fan Anti-Gay Bizarre Tradeoffs Association.”

    This made me giggle, and I’m not the giggling type. Lol.

  4. I have spent a lot of time in the last few days creeping on a few NYS republican senators’ facebook pages. Encouragingly, most of the comments left there this week have been thoughtful requests for a yes vote.

    Trolls have mostly been schooled/deleted, so this is actually a really enjoyable/heartwarming reading experience. And it’s a fun place to leave my thoughts. Hey, my senator already got his ass behind this….time to harass the others. I DO live in this state even if I don’t vote in every district. Shit matters, especially when that shit is 5000 comments from NYers on a facebook page for equality and five assholes repeating the same tired lines against it.

  5. Someone will have to find a way of making gay marriage not only legal, but compulsory. That way Drew Barrymore and Kathy Griffin and that super awesome guy who got kicked out of the military for being gay but was really wise and hyper cool can stand up at a rally and go, “last chance, can the gays get married?”
    conservatives and mormons “HELL NO!”
    “We gave you a chance…GO ON MADDOW!” Then Rachel Maddow, who is smart and charming enough to pull this off, will cast a legal lesbo spell on the USA. Rednecks everywhere will wake up in a marriage bed with their bar buddies and raise their fists to the air crying “damn you gays!” but then they’ll learn to love it. Or they’ll NEVER like it and we can all be like “see, it’s not a choice!”
    I am willing to accept this idea has a few kinks to it…but I’m supposed to be moving to America and right now…no thanks.

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