“The Last of Us” Episode 107 Recap: Let’s Go To The Mall


The Last of Us: Ellie and Riley are on a mall carousel, Ellie is looking wistfully up at Riley, who looks lost in thought.

Stolen glances on a merry-go-round, could they BE any cuter.

Valerie: Riley leads Ellie into the building by way of a hole in the ceiling of a mechanical room. Riley sends Ellie out the door and down the hall and tells her to wait, and Ellie once again says no first, but then yes when Riley asks her the second time. Ellie also reminds me of me because she can’t just relax and let nice things happen to her, instead she has to ask if Riley is going to kill her, recognizing an abandoned mall as the perfect place for murder.

Nic: Hahaha I mean look, it’s not NOT the perfect place for murder.

Valerie: Ellie follows Riley’s instructions, and there’s a cute little nod to the game when Ellie’s flashlight flickers and she has to bang it to get the light to stay on. Ellie calls out that she’s arrived, and Riley turns the lights to the mall on. Ellie stares in wide-eyed awe, but that’s just the beginning. Riley has a whole evening planned, in which she shows Ellie the 4 Wonders of the Mall. Ellie grins widely at Riley and says, “You planned stuff?” and it’s so sweet it almost breaks my heart; how many times in her young life do you think anyone has planned something just for this little FEDRA-raised orphan? Probably not very often.

Nic: This is all I could think about! Ellie’s reluctance to let go and enjoy this night that someone went out of their way to plan FOR HER.

Valerie: A-ha’s Take On Me plays as they run into the mall, and if I had a nickel for every time a piece of media has weaponized this song against me, emotionally, I’d have at least three nickels, which is too many ding dang nickels if you ask me.

Nic: When the camera specifically panned to the A-ha cassette on Ellie’s desk I was like “oh wow, what a nice little nod”, not even CONSIDERING that they would use the song against us like this.

Valerie: Before they can even get to the first floor of the mall, Ellie loses her entire mind over the escalators. It’s so damn cute. She runs up and down it and assumes this is the first Wonder of the Mall, so Riley amends her list to five and says sure, this can be the first.

(Another side note but as they walk they pass abandoned places, including a booth that has a sign that says “back in 5 minutes” covered in 20 years of dust. It reminds me a little of when I went back into my old day job’s office in 2022 and the one-a-day calendar was still on March 13, 2020.)

Ellie wants to explore, but Riley is on a mission, though they do end up getting a little distracted by the lingerie store as they note what was and wasn’t picked clean. Riley doesn’t understand why anyone would want to wear something so uncomfortable, and laughs trying to picture Ellie in it. Riley walks away and Ellie lingers, fixing her hair a bit in her reflection, wondering if maybe she wants Riley to be able to picture it.


Valerie: SO. ADORABLE.

After walking a little farther, Riley asks Ellie to close her eyes, and once again Ellie says no on the first ask but yes on the second. Ellie then tries to fight a smile as Riley takes her hand and leads her. When she’s allowed to open her eyes again, she sees a carousel in all its sparkly, horsey glory.

Riley turns it on and hop on neighboring horses. (The carousel throws another nickel at me by playing a merry-go-round version of Take On Me. Emotional warfare.)

Nic: I didn’t catch this until my third viewing and now I’m even more emotional.

Valerie: They smile at each other and drink more whiskey and enjoy the ride and each other’s company for a while. Riley looks like she wants to say something, but doesn’t, and when the ride stops, Ellie has more questions. Ellie tries to convince Riley to stay, saying they could be the ones to fix things, to be in charge of FEDRA and make it better, to make the future whatever they want it to be. But Riley admits that since she turns 17 next month, she already got her assignment and it’s shit. (Literally: sewage detail.) She panicked and ran and the longer she was away, the easier it was to be away. And the more impossible it seemed to go back. Ellie is the only thing she misses, which is why she came back at all.

Instead of turning the ride back on, Riley decides it’s time for the next Wonder, and gestures to a box that Ellie assumes is a time machine, and while it IS bigger on the inside (I’ve never met a limit of people who can fit in one), most of us would just call it a photo booth.


Ellie and Riley exchange glances in the photobooth. Ellie looks extremely nervous.

:gay panic:

Nic: And listen, the photo booth is one of the cutest sections of any video game I’ve ever played, yet somehow Bella and Storm made it cuter?! They sit down and immediately the machine asks for $5. Ellie’s pissed for like 2 seconds before Riley pulls out a crisp $5 bill she knew she needed because she had been waiting to experience this with Ellie. And the look on Ellie’s face is one of surprise with a bit of blushing and a side of “is this really happening?!” I’m honestly shocked I didn’t bruise myself with the number of times I grabbed my own face because of how cute those two are. They go through a bunch of poses and when they see the printout, only one comes out good, but Ellie loves it so Riley lets her keep the photo.

It’s time for the 4th wonder of the mall though and it’s *drum roll please* AN ARCADE!! Riley sure does know her girl, because Ellie stage whispers that it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. Everything is lit up, there are sounds that I imagine Ellie has only dreamed of; she doesn’t know where to start. But then she spots Mortal Kombat II, Riley’s favorite game, and heads right for it before realizing they don’t actually have any money to play. In another case of masterful planning though, Riley had spent an hour breaking into the coin machine the day before so they could play to their hearts’ content. Riley teaches Ellie the age-old button smash technique before winning the first round with bonus “FINISH HIM!” and “FATALITY!” quips that brought me back to my childhood. It’s at this point, when our gals are the epitome of happiness, that the camera pans out and over to a very creepy doll shop where we see a web of fungus leading to a singular infected, attached to the wall, and waking up.

Valerie: One thing this American Girl doll store reminded me I’ve been meaning to mention, is that one thing that makes the show even more unsettling than the game is how many recognizable brand, store, and restaurant names there are. In the game it was all generic and made-up, something slightly to the left of true. But here, especially in this mall, you have things like a flickering CVS sign and it grounds it in our reality. Spooky!

Nic: But it’s back to the besties and HAVE THEIR FACES BEEN THIS CLOSE TOGETHER THIS ENTIRE TIME?? Ahem. When Riley pulls away, Ellie’s disappointment is palpable. They’ve run out of coins and Ellie needs to be up for chores in a few hours and can’t get in trouble again, so she starts to leave and offers to hang out the next day. Riley is desperate for the night not to end though, so she bribes Ellie with the promise of a gift. As they head toward the food court, Ellie poorly attempts to guess what the gift is (including a water pistol and a dinosaur, a fun little game easter egg). They get to the kitchen of a taco stand where Ellie sees a bedroll and supplies, and correctly guesses that this is where Riley’s been staying. Riley then reveals Ellie’s surprise…it’s Volume TOO of the Will Livingston joke book!! They tell each other jokes back and forth, cracking each other up, until they get to one about screenshots, a thing neither of them has any context for.

Something catches Ellie’s eye then, and she finds a slew of homemade bombs on a shelf and just like that, reality crashes down around her. She shakes herself out of her Riley-induced reverie to see what’s actually happening here. The Fireflies stationed Riley here and tasked her with building bombs to use against FEDRA. Riley knows she’s caught and to her credit, she doesn’t deny Ellie’s accusations. But she pleads with Ellie and promises that she would never let the Fireflies hurt her, but Ellie scoffs, because LOL if you think the Fireflies will actually listen to that. And the look on Riley’s face makes me think that she really did believe she could keep Ellie safe; and that’s even more heartbreaking.

Ellie storms out and throws her guard right back up. She yells that this night wasn’t actually about her, but Riley stops her. It wasn’t NOT about her. She tells Ellie that she’s being transferred to a post in the Atlanta QZ and even she begged Marlene to let Ellie go with her, she said no, so this is Riley’s last night in Boston. This made me pause, because at this point Marlene 1) knows exactly who Ellie is since she’s the one who put her in the FEDRA school to begin with and 2) would have no reason to think Ellie’s special because of her immunity since she hadn’t been bit yet. So was there some promise that Marlene made to Ellie’s mom about keeping her safe? Or was there just room for only one (1) FEDRA orphan in the inn?

Valerie: I think you’re onto something re: promising her mom to keep her safe!!

Nic: Ellie looks like she’s just been punched in the stomach, a pain worse than the physical wounds from her fight the day before. The one person she cares for, who I daresay she loves, is leaving. “People always leave” as the great Peyton Sawyer once said. (Wow, I just realized that that episode of One Tree Hill never happened in the HBO TLOU universe because the pilot premiered on September 23, 2003, and Outbreak Day was September 26, 2003. Wild.)

Valerie: People always leave…but sometimes, they come back.

Nic: I should have known you’d hit me right back in the feels, friend. Ellie begs Riley to tell her why she brought her here. Riley says she wanted to see her friend, but that’s not the answer Ellie wants. She prods with an “and?”, and Riley admits that it was to say goodbye.

You could argue that Riley’s being incredibly selfish here, and I don’t know, maybe there’s a bit of that. She gets to see Ellie one last time on her terms. At my big age of 36, and after lots of therapy, I could sit here and identify every potentially selfish aspect of this, but then I remember…Riley is 16. Yes, she’s experienced more life than I did at 16, but she’s still a kid who gets scared and who has these feelings for her friend that she isn’t sure what to do with, and she’s in the middle of a damn apocalypse; so she did the only thing she could think of to soften to blow of her leaving: she planned the most special night in hopes that just maybe Ellie would be able to forgive her. Impact is not intent, but Riley’s motives feel so pure here.

Valerie: I actually wouldn’t argue that Riley is being “incredibly selflish” here. Sure, she should have told Ellie at the top of the night that it was a goodbye night, not a just-for-fun night. But all that would have done was move this argument earlier in the list of wonders. I don’t think this was meant to trick Ellie into forgiving her, or even necessarily to soften the blow. I think she planned a big night to give Ellie one last memory of her to hold onto before they potentially never saw each other again, and came from a place of love more than selfishness. She had already been gone for three weeks, she could have just left and let Ellie think she died, or left a note and the joke book in her room and snuck back out, convincing herself Ellie would understand. You don’t need the forgiveness of someone who won’t be in your life anymore. This was all for Ellie.

Nic: You make fantastic points, as usual. Ellie says goodbye to Riley and walks away, but not before kicking over a garbage can in anger. She makes it through the doors they came in, lets herself start to cry, and then changes her mind and goes back in to find Riley.


The Last of Us: Ellie and Riley kiss in the mall

“They say we’re young and we don’t know, we won’t find out until we grow. Well I don’t know if all that’s true, ’cause you got me and, baby, I got you.”

Valerie: Before Ellie can take too many steps back toward Riley, she hears screams, so she starts sprinting. But when she finds the source of the screams, it’s just a Halloween prop, with an apologetic Riley sitting nearby. The 5th Wonder of the Mall was the Halloween store, saved for last because Riley thought Ellie would like it the best.

Riley is feeling down on herself but Ellie asks for the pun book as a sign that she’s cooled down a bit. Ellie sums up her interpretation of what’s going on, and Riley says she has it mostly right, but repeats that Ellie doesn’t know everything. Including what it’s like to have a family, to belong to someone. Riley feels like the Fireflies chose her, that she matters to them. Ellie points out that Riley mattered to her first.

Nic: OUCH.

Valerie: But Ellie breaks the tension caused by the weight of that statement by threatening to punch Riley with a hint of laughter behind her tone. She asks Riley if she’s sure, and she is, so Ellie just tells Riley that she’ll miss her.

Testing how forgiving Ellie is feeling, Riley asks if she can show her one last thing, and looks relieved when Ellie says yes. She pulls two masks out, a wolf for Ellie and a terrifying clown for herself, and plugs Ellie’s Walkman into the speakers. They put on the masks, climb up onto the display cases, and dance to Sonny & Cher’s “I Got You, Babe.” It’s cute and awkward and fun as they let loose a little, dancing and singing and laughing.

Overcome with the emotion of this moment, Ellie pulls her mask off, and seeing Ellie’s expression, Riley follows suit. With tears in her eyes, Ellie begs Riley not to go, and surprising maybe both of them, Riley says okay. With the adrenaline of relief, Ellie leans in and kisses Riley, something it seems she’s wanted to do for a long time. She apologizes, just in case, but Riley says, “For what?” and Ellie smiles so big, and they both laugh. They don’t know what’s next, but they’ll figure it out. Together.

Nic: My word, the look of nervousness and relief on Ellie’s face sent me hurtling over the edge.

Valerie: Unfortunately, what comes next is Chekov’s Infected, and the mushroom man we saw earlier clambors into the Halloween store and launches himself at the girls. They try to run, try to fight, but he’s bigger and stronger than both of them, knocking Riley over and pinning Ellie down. Riley eventually pulls him off Ellie, and Ellie stabs him in the temple, and Ellie laughs the maniacal laugh of relief that only comes when an adrenaline rush ends successfully. But it’s not as successful as she thought; Riley points out the bite on Ellie’s arm, fueled by denial, she desperately tries to wipe it off her arm, but it’s real. She screams “No!” and looks furious, until she looks over to the person she cares more about in this world than anything, and Riley holds up her hand; she’s been bitten, too. And now Ellie just looks devastated.


Riley and Ellie cry, Ellie puts her head in Riley's lap

🎶 Take on me (take on me)
Take me on (take on me)
I’ll be gone
In a day or two 🎶

Nic: None of this is funny, but I keep thinking about in the pilot when Marlene was like “take your time, I’ll be over here bleeding out” and now poor Joel knows how she felt. Meanwhile, Ellie’s upstairs doing some loot loot looting, getting frustrated and slamming drawers, and then we’re taken back to the mall where she’s breaking everything in sight because she’s pissed and scared and it’s the only thing she can control. She sits next to Riley who tearfully lays out what she believes are their options: 1) the easy way with the gun or 2) they keep going, they don’t quit, and they poetically lose their minds together. Neither of those options sound good to Ellie so she asks what option 3 is. All Riley can do is repeat “I’m sorry” over and over as they cry and hold each other, preparing for whatever comes next.

Valerie: Riley taking Ellie’s hand and saying, “Whether it’s two minutes or two days, we don’t give that up. I don’t want to give that up.” Not to quote you at you but: SOB EMOJI

Nic: Back in the present day, Ellie finally gets a drawer open and excitedly finds a needle and thread. She rushes back down to Joel, and this brave girl looks her Not!Dad in the eye, and starts to stitch up his wound. Weirdly, watching a bloater tear Perry’s head off didn’t bother me at all, but I can’t stand the sight of a needle entering flesh, so someone’s going to need to tell me how good of a job Ellie does here. Joel stares up at Ellie while she tends to him, and the two share a glance of trust and understanding as Joel grasps the hand of the girl he once referred to as simply cargo; this girl who now has his whole entire heart.

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Valerie Anne

Just a TV-loving, Twitter-addicted nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories. One part Kara Danvers, two parts Waverly Earp, a dash of Cosima and an extra helping of my own brand of weirdo.

Valerie has written 582 articles for us.


Nic is a Senior Product Manager at a major Publisher and lives in Astoria, NY. She is way too attached to queer fictional characters and maintains that buying books and reading books are two very different hobbies. When she's not consuming every form of fiction, you can find her dropping it low on the dance floor. You can find Nic on twitter and instagram.

Nic has written 80 articles for us.


  1. Excellent recap as always. I really appreciate how even in the middle of an apocalypse, we’re still seeing universal baby lesbian experiences like 1) falling in love with your best friend, 2) having some real weird feelings about Victoria’s Secret and 3) immediately apologizing after your first kiss. Even vaguely knowing what’s coming was hard, and the acting between Bella and Storm was fantastic and made it even more gut wrenching.

    • Also! I don’t know if anyone else was an American Girl kid, but I’m 99% sure that in the alcove marked “Julie” the store actually had a Josefina doll. Agreed that the real stores added some nice, creepy ambiance!

  2. The night that changed everything for Ellie. Great to just be a kid for a hot second, despite the cruel ending.

    A kid who finally gets to kiss the girl she wanted to kiss (gal pals, yep). Riley going out of her way to make this an unforgettable night for Ellie, because she cares so much for her. Oof… To know that Ellie survives, and Riley doesn’t makes all of this even more bittersweet.

    No wonder, present day Ellie refuses to walk away from Joel, and does everything in her power to keep him alive. Because they belong… to the light, they belong to the thunder.

    Which 80s song will haunt us next week, I wonder.

  3. Great recap as always! A little addition to your otherwise perfect commentary: the song they play on the merry-go-round is actually “Just Like Heaven” by The Cure… The Cure.. you know.. no pun intended

    • Omg you’re right. I knew it was familiar but since we just heard Take On Me that’s all my brain would tell me. Also I just looked up the lyrics to make sure it was the song I thought it was AND NOW I’M SAD AGAIN

      I’ll run away with you
      Spinning on that dizzy edge
      Kissed her face and kissed her head
      Dreamed of all the different ways
      I had to make her glow
      Why are you so far away, she said
      Why won’t you ever know that I’m in love with you

      • “Emotional Warfare” STILL CORRECT, though!! I played through Left Behind literally the day before the episode in preparation, like “oh I know what’s coming, this can’t hurt me” but once I recognized Just Like Heaven, it was OVER.

  4. I’ve been enjoying this show (and these recaps!), though as a non-gamer unfamiliar with the source material, some of the more action-centric episodes have fallen a little flat for me. *However*! This episode was one of the most incredible hours of television I’ve seen in recent memory. Really great writing and pacing and wow the tension. And Bella and Storm were truly amazing. The emotions that Bella conveyed with just their face and eyes!! The baby-gay cuteness and scared/hopeful teen-in-love energy both actors captured so perfectly! I need to watch it again knowing when the scary bits happen so I can enjoy their performances more (I spent most of the episode burrowed into my girlfriend’s armpit in fear of the zombie popping out of a dark corner).

  5. This is literally one of my fav moments of TLOU game (the dlc). Bella and Storm embodied Ellie and Riley. The subtle looks. The smiles. The VS store. The Photo Booth. The Halloween store. Every moment of their first date, both of them wondering, “Does she like me like I like her,” culminating in their first kiss. It was beautiful and faithful. 10/10 no question.

  6. every week I’m surprised by how much I like this show! honestly there’s remarkably little zombie content, I’m very much enjoying that.

    another song note- in the Halloween store they dance to an Etta James cover of ‘I Got You Babe.’ I only note this bc I think it is a superior rendition!

    also, re: Marlene and Ellie’s backstory- I have a vague memory of their early convo, and for some reason I thought Marlene suggested something that indicated she had a hunch that Ellie was immune, and *that’s* why she put her in FEDRA. which would explain why she doesn’t let Ellie join the Fireflies. am I the only one who got that impression?

  7. The mall they filmed in is the one closest to my childhood home! So wild to see baby gay Ellie wandering around a space I’m so familiar with, in her comfort red hoodie, with her best friend, not sure what to do with her big gay feelings. Very emotional!! She’s just like me fr.

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