The Lakeview Crew #9: Trans Day of Remembrance

In a four panel, hand drawn comic, Max explains the history of Trans Day of Remembrance to their sister. Max is warm, deep, brown skin with a light blue sweater and white collared shirt. Their sister has long dreadlocks with beads and a green jacket. Their sister comes home as Max is lighting a candle and asks what they are doing. Max explains that Trans Day of Remembrance, which is "The day we honor all the trans folk who paved the way for us, and all the trans folk who died because didn't have the safety they deserved." Max holds a photograph of Marsha P. Johnson. Their sister compliments them on their altar, and says they should be proud.

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Emma Rust

Emma Rust is a mixed race, Asian American comic artist, organizer, and advocate based in Portland OR. For more comics, follow them @emma_rust_ on instagram.

Emma has written 10 articles for us.


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