The Comment Awards Want to Know Your Toxic Trait

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi there, oranges and blueberries! What a week. Who else needs a hug, a nap, and an axe to throw today?!

This week, Batwoman was canceled because apparently the CW hates all things that are good and pure.

Gay! Snails! These pics are giving me a Marcel the Shell vibe and I’m HERE for it.

Kayla loves mess, so this week’s quiz will tell you your toxic trait.

Heather thinks we should read I Kissed Shara Wheeler. Ok, I will!

For Queering the Canon, Drew and some very exciting panel guests asked: Where are all the trans romcoms?

89 Abortion Funds That You Can Give To Immediately, obviously.

Now that I know Grace and Frankie ends happily and with a smidge of Dolly Parton, I will pick back up on wherever I left off immediately!

And in Foolish Child, Dickens made an important point: new glasses are an entirely valid way to celebrate (and aid in!) Lesbian Visibility.

And then there were your comments!

On These Miniature Snails Are the Small Pocket of Joy You Really Need:

The Flung Out of Space, Directly Into the Garden Award to frangipan:

I do not comment very often but I really needed to say: Patricia Highsmith was really into snails. Would be interested to read part 2 of the Queer Snail Thesis!

On I Tried Instagram’s Latest Favorite Tinned Fish Product and It’s a Perfect Weekend Treat:

The Hot Wartime Summer Award to Rentacle:

This is delightful, and I also feel like I’m dreaming it all because I had no idea that any of this existed – trendy tinned fish? Tinned fish collabs? Hot girls eating tinned fish? Okay, I can adjust to this new reality!

On Quiz: Decorate a House and I’ll Tell You Your Toxic Trait:

The Love and Sawdust Award to Caitlin:

also the answer choice of ‘hiring friends/queer woodworkers to design all my furniture’ sent me into a full spiral daydream of my kickass custom furniture and the queer carpenter who built both it and our enduring love

And the Am I the Drama Award to thisaintit:

Yes I do have zero toxic traits. And yes I am a Leo, thank you for asking. Finally some good Leo praise

On Queering the Canon: Where Are All The Trans Rom-Coms?

The Any Film Can Be! Award to TinTin:

I’m still watching, so there is more, but thank you so much for making me think about this! Such an eye opener about cis films that read as trans! I do that kind of “slashing

On “We Do What We Do In the Dark” Is More Than a Lesbian Age Gap Romance:

The Happy and Seen Award to Ely:

Hey, As always reading anything wrote by drew Gregory makes me feel so happy and seen. I’m a trans guy with a complicated relationship to media (nothing special there) but reading you made me understand what a trans gaze could be.. there’s a special feeling of closeness that comes from reading your articles and I am so grateful for it. Wishing you all the best

On “Gentleman Jack” Unwraps The Vast, Rich Tapestry of Anne’s Fruity Past:

The Tufts on Tufts on Tufts Award to Teka Lynn:

It’s very true that Anne Lister collected her girlfriends’ (plural) pubic hair. However, in context, “tuft hunter

And on Rainbow Reading: A Fictional Happy-Ever-After Doesn’t Always Satisfy When It’s a Real Life Happy-Ever-After That I Want:

The Dream Journal Award to Gina:

a bunch of queer writers doing a reading to support trans youth and i don’t even have to leave my house? i was going to try to come up with something clever about the team reading my dream journal or something, but i don’t have the bandwidth this week. but am i already registered? hell yes. and is this one nugget of absolute perfection in the veritable mountain of shit that is…everything else right now? you fuckin bet it is. so excited

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


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