Oh, kittens. I hope you’re doing whatever you have to in order to get through this week. My heart is with you.
This week, some of you got the alternative lifestyle haircuts of your dreams.
What if Tiger Beat was just full of butches and tomboys of the 20th Century? What if that?
Kayla wrote this about food and coming out and family and I think you should read it.
Saturday Morning Cartoons has a new artist, Brittney!
Sam’s telling the story of her transition, one outfit at a time.
Alysse’s listening to her own voice, and rocking high femme stiletto nails.
And then there were your comments!
On Yo! That’s Not Cool #1: Hi, My Name Is Brittney Williams:
The Oh, Frock Award to Lex:
On Make Your Own Kickass Block Printed Patch:
The Blockhead Award to Nina:
On 41 Super-Hot Butches and Tomboys of the Early 20th Century:
The Hot Flash Award to Lex:
And the Wings to Fly Award to Freakazoid:
On Show Us Your Planners: A Queer Organization Roundtable:
The Planned and Cultured Award to Nani Albornoz:
On No Filter: Chelsea Manning Leads The Revolution Straight Into My Heart:
The Must Love Dogs Award to Carmen SanDiego and Stef:
On 8 Gayest National Holidays In August:
The Yes, Mistress Award to Alaina, Faith and Chandra:
On Lez Liberty Lit: Silent Book Club:
The Bookends Award to dufrau:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com!
Rejoice! The upvote button has returned! ? ???
I’m honestly considering going back through all of the last week’s posts and upvoting everything I wanted to upvote while it was broken.
I started doing that then I got tired
Only works for me on laptop for some reason though? Which is annoying as I mostly look at AS on iPad.
It’s still small problem compared to not having it at all
Really? It was working on my iPad last night…
It should work on your iPad. Try clearing your cache.
Thanks, I’ll try that.
It’s an iPad 1. Would that influence it?
still broken. I’ll just use laptop more. It will be a prob my end I think
Thank you @vitamincee for bringing back the up vote button!
You’re welcome! Keep your fingers crossed it doesn’t crash the DB server again. :)
Ok, @carmensandiego, @queergirl, @iskout and @chandra, listen to @vitamincee, keep your comments on the simple, low and bored side or we’re gonna break the thing once again
hehe NEVER
No! I’ll come in like a wreeeeeecking baaaaall
I don’t think that’s possible :P
But what value is the like button if there is nothing to like? If a pun remains unpunned, was it ever a pun at all? It’s such a punundrum.
Also that pic of Frida and Chavela Vargas is so pure ❤️
Truly adorable
Si, puro amor (pure love)
thank you thank you
I’m still not over vintage queer Tiger Beat… That’s quality journalism right there.
– great picture of Chavela Vargas and Frida Kahlo
– “Oh, Frock” made me snort
– Stef, let’s go pet dogs!
Just a warning I do not actually sound like Scarlette O’Hara or something, but y’all can pretend while reading those two comments.
Also the frock was cotton with a pattern of peas my aunt made and the restroom was at Cracker Barrel.
Not helping lower expectations at all xD
And I had grits for breakfast
A drop biscuit too.
I’m in tears it’s so funny, my natural accent is so flat. It only has bounce when I’m reading Spanish or talking to people from Bama.
Yankees get so disappointed by the accent of people in NOLA.
And congrats to the US friends here
On this day in 1920, Tennessee ratified the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting American women the universal right to vote. It did so by giving the amendment the needed two-thirds majority of states to make it the law of the land. Its approval came by the narrowest of majorities: 50 of the 99 members of the Tennessee House voted for passage.
well, the white women only
Technically people of color had the right to vote by federal law but well “states rights”, egregious legal stumbling blocs, and outright violence keep them from the voting booths.
Ignorant people say stuff slavery was a century ago get over it because they don’t know the shit that came after. Slavery’s just the half of it.
WHAT IF we were all silently reading this in the same bar/cafe and just kept glancing up and smiling at each other? WHAT IF??
*Looks around* if any of you are in my office cubicle, you’re doing a REALLY good job of hiding…
I don’t want anyone secretly in my house though…
I propose we have a no-talking-required introvert meetup/hangout/book club session at A-Camp next year.
Yes yes yes. Introverts unite… quietly, thoughtfully and armed with books.
possibly with a second room available so the social introverts among us don’t disturb those who really do just want to read and not talk at all
Omg @snaelle you have no idea how often I wish this!! ?
Also also also, Fried Green Tomatoes movie night was an unqualified success and we are now taking suggestions for the next movie! Date and time TBD but hopefully more accessible for the Brits this time.
Unqualified success you say? I’m going to qualify it right now: it was adding a pinch of cayenne, cinnamon and whipped cream to hot chocolate good!
I second this! Movie night was phenomenal! Even if it did give me insomnia because I kept giggling about the train puns…
Great train puns
Freightfully sorry your sleep went off track, but would you say it was worth it overall?
It was definitely worth it. Full steam ahead fur future movie nights!
*For, not fur. We’re not to cat puns… yet…
Now you’re just ruining perfectly good hot chocolate.
Well, this means that after this scene nobody will comment or talk for the next 20/30 minutes, you know, hands will be busy…
Ok, I know it’s a little early, but we will be watching Carol at Christmas, right?
There are no accidents, and we would’ve watched one way or another. Everything comes full circle; be grateful your idea was sooner rather than later.
This comment means everything to me.
Oh, if you manage time more suitable for Brits maybe it gives me a chance to join as well. I am in +1 GTS, or +2 rigt now during summer time shift.
Oh, sorry, it’s UTC.
Looks like you’re just one hour ahead of the Brits! Yay!
Yep, exactly.
I think we’re going to try to do the next one earlier on a weekend so that otherly-timezoned friends can join :)
…Which means we’ll probably end up watching Bound on a Sunday at a church-like hour. Works for me
We can worship at the altar of Jennifer Tilly.
I’m devout of Corky
I’d very much like to be notified about the next date! I wanted to watch Fried Green Tomatoes, but didn’t have an available copy on hand. :\
Are you on Facebook? There’s a FB group where we’re discussing dates and times, etc. https://www.facebook.com/groups/128036901067962/
Alas, I am not. I do have Twitter though. @thegreatestcait
@cait-marie87 I don’t think we have anything going on Twitter. We’re using WhatsApp for the movie night chats, so if you have that, you can send @queergirl a private message here with your number and she can add you to the chat group. It’s looking like the next one will be Aug. 27th, time TBD.
So like, what food related argument are we going to have in the comments this weekend?
plain yogurt is a good substitute for sour cream, fight me
Plain yogurt is THE BEST FLAVOR
And yes, that includes frozen yogurt too
Yes, Carmen, you are correct. Original Tart is the only appropriate frozen yogurt flavor and all the rest are just pretenders.
THANK YOU! I’ve been saying that for years
I don’t like sour cream, so I support this.
Amongst people who know me well I have a famous aversion to white and fluffy foodstuffs (marshmallows, white cake, whipped cream, meringue, vanilla ice cream etc.) so I shall watch this fight passively from the sidelines.
i would argue neither sour cream nor yogurt is fluffy, but that’s really interesting! is it a tactile thing?
No, because I’ll happily eat things like chocolate mousse and ice cream and cake, etc. And I like the taste of vanilla in other non-white things like coffee. And I LOVE custard, which is similar but yellow. The going theory in my family is that someone must have tried to smother me with a pillow as a child.
“The going theory in my family is that someone must have tried to smother me with a pillow as a child.”
OMG I nearly spit my coffee out reading that! It’s lucky most of the white, fluffy foodstuffs above have non-white counterparts.
That smothering with a pillow thing gives me inspiration for a question….
Ask away
Oh nm, I see that you did below
But, didn’t you have sour cream on your nachos? I seem to remember your cat wanting some?
I will eat both sour cream and plain yogurt in small amounts because they are more creamy than fluffy, but I don’t like them enough to feel invested.
Plain yogurt as a sour cream replacement is a valid and acceptable life choice.
No one wants to fight QueerGirl
Good point. Ok, who wants a consensual internet hug?
*Raised hand emoji*
i’ll totally fight you, but internet hugs seem okay too.
I have more interest in seeing this fight than in Mayweather X McGregor
*joins the hug party*
Me, me, me! Please. :-)
I suspect some people would pay moneys to see QG and I fight each other, only for the “twin-on-twin” aspect.
Well, if YOU are fighting QueerGirl then I got $50 on you.
Sorry QG, it’s just that Kris’ got the eye of the tiger
I have to agree, QG is far too sweet and virtuous. My money’s on Kris
I’m both honored and offended
That cooling comment from Lex was exactly what I needed after that article. I was staring at it for a few minutes, even comming back several times. But there was no relief just heat doubled by another heat wave here luckily not so bad and long as previous one.
Since someone tried to smother Chandra with a pillow, let me ask you:
Is cutting a car’s brake lines the least efficient way to kill someone? How fast could you be going before you use the brakes? 5mph while backing out of your driveway? Even then, a car crash would most likely end up with bumps and bruises
I never really thought about that, but you’re right. Even if you didn’t need to back out of a parking space or your driveway, you still put the brakes on before taking the car out of park, so it should be obvious that your brakes aren’t working.
So it is the Least efficient way to murder
wait, i honestly don’t know how i know this, but wasn’t cutting the brake lines about a slow draining of the brake fluid, so it’s after you’ve been driving for a bit that the brakes stop working?
That would make more sense but still doesn’t necessarily guarantee that this driver won’t just be involved in a fender bender of some sorts
Unless you know their route, schedule, driving habits and set up the uh terrain with those things in mind.
Some people don’t brake in certain situations to avoid collision,they make evasive maneuvers instead.
Humans have killed ginormous animals by unterstanding they can’t brake or turn for shit compared to us and using ledges to send them over or incapacitate enough to make spearing easier.
If you know your prey, the terrain and how to manipulate it disrupting the breaking abilities of a vehicle could be very efficient and possibly keep suspicion awake from you.
Uhhhh not that anyone should do that. Murder is bad. Humans aren’t prey, they’re people.
This comment was… Educational
I wonder how quickly the fluid drains, because I imagine timing would be pretty essential.
(I know absolutely nothing about cars. I should probably remedy this…)
“I honestly don’t know how I know this” Suuuuuure.
I’m sure there are more inefficient ways, like… putting a poisonous spider in somebody’s shoe and hoping they put the shoe on before the spider crawls out. Or sneaking extra salt into somebody’s food over a long period of time and waiting for their high blood pressure to give them a heart attack. But so far, you’re making a good case for cutting brake lines being the least effective commonly-seen movie-trope approach to killing someone.
Well, I guess you could put a coiled snake inside someone’s mailbox and wait until they get the mail but that would most likely not look like an accident.
I don’t know, snakes can squeeze into small spaces. Twice we’ve had baby rattle snakes coiled under the door at work and there’s a draft guard! So not inconceivable to have one in your mailbox, depending on the type of box.
Also the type of snake, because you’re not likely to find a black mamba in say oh Scotland perhaps :P
So many variables to think of!
On the one hand: WTF there’s a rattlesnake under the door at work
On the other hand: awww it’s a baby how adorable
OK so I know I live in Australia but in suburban areas you still don’t expect slithery wild life to find its way into your home or workplace. Sooo imagine my surprise when,on night shift one night, at the big Psych Hospital I worked at, I came back to the Nurses Station, after doing a set of rounds and found a very comfy looking (very venomous) Brown snake getting ready for a nap, I think, behind the desk filing unit.
It was early spring so that probably accounts for it but I really never want to repeat the experience.
The snake was fine, I called the wildlife people and a really nice bloke came and took my new staff member away to be released back down by the river where s/he probably came from looking for a mate.
Gave me a nice little adrenaline boost to keep the yawns away till morning though. Actually till around mid afternoon really.
We have so much wildlife at work. In addition to the usual deer and turkeys there is apparently a beaver dam in a nearby creek, bobcats were spotted once, and of course the snakes. The babies are sooooo cute! But we aren’t supposed to go near them. They tend to show up in the winter looking for a warm place to sleep. Apparently, though, the snake handler people removed a HUGE rattle snake den recently and now my office has a rodent problem. So keep the snakes, I say! Just look down when you open a door ;)
No more snakes so now you get rodents? It’s the circle of life and it moves us all
@carmensandiego this comment has me a little worry, is this some kind of research?
If it is, just remember, I love you, Brazil is the greatest country in the whole universe, Pele is greatest futbol player that ever walked the Earth (even better than Maradona) and I “love” hawaiian pizza
@freakazoid1980 you know me so well! I’m impressed!
I see the Comment Awards are going crazy again. :)