Happy Friday, kittens! I’m joining a kickball team, and I’m terrified. Who’s got kickball tips for me?
This week, Kayla celebrated onions, and YouTube’s new restricted mode pissed Kristin off.
Here’s what Carrie wishes she’d learned in Sex Ed.
Over at the HRC, Katy Perry won an award, I guess.
Siobhan introduced us to the Morrigan, while Alyssa worked on achieving attainable goals. Like pants.
Laura would rather be on Europa. Take me with you!
Heather covered the “long, slow evolution” of gay Disney characters.
Erin asked what we’ve all been wondering.
And then there were your comments!
On What I Wish I’d Learned in Sex Ed:
The Hair Today, Pregnant Tomorrow Award to Ace:
On 40 Recipes Celebrating Onion Diversity:
The Iranian Breadstick Award to Al:
On NEW MERCH ALERT: Lavender Menace & Soft Butch Tees:
The Mary & Me Award to Mary:
The Low Bar Award to Nani Albornoz:
On The “Supergirl” Musical Crossover Cemented Its White Bread Mon-El Problem:
The Jonathan Levinson Lifetime Achievement Award to dufrau:
On No Filter: Annie Clark As The Ghost Of Easter Past:
The ‘Call Me Carmen, Mrs. SanDiego Is My Mother’ Award to Carmen SanDiego:
On The Fosters Episode 417 Recap: Remember The Rain:
The Fabric of Our Lives Award to Linnea:
On Top Five Places I’d Rather Be Right Now:
The Butt Club Award to Lex:
The Crone Like Me Award to a/s:
And on Are Straight Women Okay?
The Good Bacteria Award to TMECE:
The Ugly Mug Award to Faustine:
The Husbands and Wives Award to Chandra:
The Bestseller Award to thatottergirl:
The SVU (Sally Victims Unit) Award to, well, Sally:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com!
@theotherone I know, I picked it, but can we just all take a moment to celebrate, again, the pun that is LIFE OF BI
HAHA thanks, that means a lot coming from you! I come from several generations of punsters, so I am glad the years of training paid off :)
Otter, are you also Otter on tumblr/AO3? If so, I have read (and loved) a crap ton of your fic. (If not, never mind about the fic, and “life of bi” was freaking genius.)
No unfortunately, that’s not me–sounds like my Otter siblings are up to great things, though! Regardless, thanks for the pun appreciation :)
(P.S. am I too many smiley faces? This whole post legit made me smile all morning)
NEVER too many smiley faces!
Well, then I shall just say that I have really liked 100% of the Otters I have met online so far! And I agree with Queer Girl that smiley faces are fab and you should use as many as you like. ?
Aww you guyyys :)
I feel like the entire comments section on that Single Women article deserves one giant, sparkling comment award. I wasted half my day refreshing the page and laughing yesterday. Honoured to have made the cut!
In my original draft, the Comment Awards this week just said
“On Are Straight Women Okay:
Every single comment. All of them.”
BRB going to read that article while it’s super slow in my office.
Twill not dissapoint
This. Such a fun thread.
HAD THE SAME THOUGHT. Omg the comments on that article are LIFE <3
That thread is glorious
My sentiments exactly!
its making my canned lentil soup lunch eaten at my desk at work SO MUCH less bleak
I’ve had that exact same lunch break, Linnea
OMG, you made this gals days, I wasn’t expecting a comment award for that. From the bottom of my queer trans heart thank you!
<3 <3 <3
I like how the name of this award implies that my face is hideous. :D
ROFL no, never Faustine! The manspreading mug is ugly!
I personally was a fan of this exchange. (Let’s see if I can get it on the first try this time.)
oh ffs
Got it. Sorry I always muck up this comment section with my INABILITY TO COPY AND PASTE APPARENTLY
hehe copying and pasting isn’t for amateurs
if Riese says it’s a rule, it must be true!
Yessss Nani
@queergirl, is it possible to get a comment award for commenting on the comment awards?
It’s not without precedent!
That my life of bi.
thanks queer girl! Now if I can only figure out where “All Seasons Callie” flannels are sold
Kickball advice. if you can kick a wrench you can kick a ball…no that’s not quite right.
Kickball, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars…nope not that one either.
How about just keep the ball on the ground and run fast.
lol I will try!
A MAJOR AWARD! Thank you, QG! I shall treasure it forever and ever.
PS: In my 8th grade health book, the answer to “which haircut will make you look thinner” was always Giant Texas Hair.
Woww. I’m glad that 13-year-old me never read this advice because it might have taken me even longer to outgrow this stage:
this is the best gift anyone has ever given me
I tip my giant bangs to you madame
I’m a little older, but here’s my only big hair pic…
Everyone was so inspired this week. Autostraddle is by far the best comment section. I love this community.
Here here ?
I love it too!
this is the purest comment section of any post i’ve seen in so long you all are the true mvps thank you
Aw we love you! Thanks for helping to create this space
now i have “friend like me” stuck in my head but friend is replaced with crone. i wish there was a scene of ursula singing this!
#lifeofbi ……….I love bisexual puns and the bisexual bisexuals who pun them
Of course, a truly bi pun would be two puns in one, right? Or in other words, bi pun, get pun free…
:D Thank you for commenting, as I was feeling a bit sad that my lifetime second-best-ever pun was going to be lost in the dusty corners of the Internet, unseen.
You are all TOO CUTE and funny, and now I have the urge to make everyone “bi pun posse” cufflinks or something
not unseen! that pun is a triumph
Fam <3 <3
*golf clap*
Making the world a better place, one comment at a time. Thanks peeps.
We are amazing