Hi there, Barbies, Kens, Skippers and Scouts! How’s your week going? Do you have a sudden desire to purchase secondhand dolls and stuffed animals and style them into queer-identified characters to sell on Etsy and at camp? No? Just me? Because I think an American Girl doll with short purple hair, double denim and an A-Camp tote of her very own would be pretty amazing.
This week, Mallory Ortberg simultaneously broke and healed all of our hearts with her Instagram.
Nora wants to give you a free haircut!
Rachel wrote about the protests and parties of Pride, and how natural their coexistence really is.
Tag yourself, I’m Barbie Dreamhouse Ken.
Here’s a gallery of warm-weather clothing in which YOU ALL LOOK SO GREAT. So great! Really great. Just perfect.
Need an excuse to make some caulk jokes? Also, there are boxer briefs. And DIY.
Erin brought us theories of the Lesbian Toaster. I’m still unclear as to whether it’s a toaster or a toaster oven, which is inherently superior as a cooking instrument, because you can make mini pizzas in it. I vote for toaster ovens.
Siobhan brought us this post about how Hatshepsut is the original Mommi. If Siobhan was a community college professor I would take all of her classes semester after semester until they kicked me out.
This is not a drill: the Steven Universe Soundtrack is out, and Mey wrote about it! Heart-eyes emoji for everything about this.
And then there were your comments!
On Did I Ever Look Straight Once In My Life?
The Kayla D Lang Award to Sally:
On NEW MERCH ALERT: Enamel Pins for Introverts, Weirdos, Lesbians, Queerdos, Poly People and More!
The Dare to Dream Award to Rachel W.:
On The Babadook or Cuca: More Internet Haikus:
The Lady Limerick Award to Kristana:
The And Also With You Award to Allison, Carmen SanDiego, and Chandra:
On No Filter: Why Didn’t Anybody Tell Me Mallory Ortberg Had Instagram?!?!?
The Sun Award to Chloe:
The I Bet She Gets That A Lot Award to Linnea:
On 75 Lesbian Ken Dolls, Ranked By Lesbianism:
The Ken of Center Award to Chandra:
The Welcome, Friend Award to Levi:
And finally, the Dear Jane Letter Award to Rous Rose:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com!
If I were a community college professor I would sneak you in the back after they kicked you out so you could keep attending
yessss, #auditforlife <3
omg the P.S.
The lesbian Ken doll comment thread was so much fun! And my two favorite comments won the awards (woo hoo!).
This week was just too easy! :D
Thank you for setting up my spike :)
You’re welcome!
Everyone was very inspired
What a glorious comment boquet this week!!! ?
Garden Party Ken
Dammit, I tried. Thank you for the award!
fixed it! thank you for your amazing Barbie letter <333
Also I love Jacob Tremblay so thanks for this
Here goes.
It worked!!! Thank you!!!!
“And Also With You” is my reflex answer to “May the force be with you”
Spotted the fellow Catholic.
They do this at my family’s Episcopal church, too!
1 part of me is like What the Fuck is this Babalook that everyone keeps talking about ad the other part is like don’t open that can of worms, don;t go down that rabbit hole.
You know, it’s a really good movie