The Comment Awards Are Gasping Out Loud

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hey there hi there ho there, campers! My puppy, Milo, is at an age where he has decided to start climbing the sofa to take the decorations off of the walls, and I am tired. But he sure is cute!

A collage of puppy Milo, sitting in a chair, running through the grass and sleeping in a bed

This week, The Morning Show continued to be gay!

Vanessa wrote about being interrogated by the entire fifth grade (?!?!) for Well, That’s Mortifying!

From Laneia: I Missed a Lot of Deadlines, a Lot of Family Movie Nights.

Himani helped a reader who was blindsided by a breakup. (Who! Among! Us!)

OH HI, SARA RAMIREZ. It’s been a minute!

How gay is the WNBA? Really gay. Like, ESPN announcers “asking for the wives” gay.

The CW’s safety and racism problems aren’t going away.

Are you ready for Girl in the Woods?

And finally, we mustn’t dwell. Not today. Not on International Fisting Day!

And then there were your comments!

On The Morning Show: We Are Having So Much (Gay) Fun!

The Pushing Smitten Award to msanon and Kristana:

my old lady heart is pop-culture smitten by your Pushing Daisies reference. also, have to say history agrees with you, Christina, as there is a reason The Cruel Intentions Kiss did not involve our National Treasure…

On Well, That’s Mortifying: That Time I Didn’t Know About Roger Clemens:

The Sox Fan Award to adunlap:

I think “I don’t follow politics

On So! How Is The Autostraddle Fundraiser Going?

The Mutual Benefit Award to Sally, Nicole Hall and Deli Twotone:

Do you thinks we could add an option to specifically donate $69?

On I Missed a Lot of Deadlines, a Lot of Family Movie Nights:

The To-Do List Award to Ames:

This is beautiful and I’m tearing up at work (the library). Going to call my mom and renew my a+ subscription today

On No Filter: This Is a RED ALERT, Sara Ramirez Lookin Like a Whole Damn Meal:

The Quenched Award to Rooty Poot:

Re: Sara Ramirez Is there antonym for thirsty that still conveys how parched one can get over a person except your mouth is watering instead? Is it weird that I also gasped? Out loud? Don’t touch me or look at me. I’m fine.

And on The 2021 WNBA Finals Had Better Lesbian Storylines Than This Season of The L Word:

The Love & Basketball Award to Roxanne and Natalie:

Tv show idea: basketball wives. But only the wives of WNBA players

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


    • congratulations! and agreed, it was an awesome answer.

      i maybe can relate to your sports grudge. the giants threatened to leave sf in 1992 and i am still not over it.

  1. Thanks to the fabulous fundraiser and to Sally and Nicole for setting the scene and ! Thanks as ever QG, for helping us relive the brilliant week that was AS !

    Also, Eeeee, I remember well the days of chasing after a furball with a mouthful of decorations (the furball, not me). Enjoy it while it lasts LOL !

  2. thank you for sharing milo’s perfect face with us, what a cutie!! hope the couch-decorations shenanigans settle down soon

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