The Comment Awards Are Dating Through the Zombie Apocalypse

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

You did it, you crazy kids! You raised over $140,000 for Autostraddle! What! A! World! I love you, and this community, so damn much!!!

This week, Kayla showed us our fates in the zombie apocalypse. I mean zombie movie. No zombie apocalypses today, please.

Grey’s Anatomy has its first non-binary doctor, an actor with the greatest name for a TV surgeon that I’ve ever heard, E.R. Fightmaster!

Vanessa helped a reader who doesn’t want kids…but their partner might.

Kristen Stewart is engayged! The twinning is STRONG with these two.

Sara. Ramirez. That’s it, that’s the headline.

There were some AMAZING Halloween costumes in this week’s No Filter.

And then there were your comments!

On Reine #27: What Your Halloween Costume Says About You:

The Yay or Neigh Award to Heliotrope:

When I read “Horsegirl

On Quiz: What’s Your Fate in a Zombie Movie?

The Protest Too Much Award to :):

😂 Sounds like someone died early.

And the Wait, Is This a Date? Award to shiftdruid:

When we got to the bar I definitely thought this was going to turn into a quiz about your ideal steamy lesbian date with a bartender butch and that there would be no actual zombies. Ah well, I got Highest Kill Count, she seems like the kind of person to be impressed by that, I hope we at least hooked up before biting it

On Queer Community Comes Together, Pulls Off Gay Christmas Miracle!!

The Life Partners Award to T:

After spending most of my gay life and more than 75% of my life life reading Autostraddle, I finally joined as an A+ member. Super excited to support y’all who I feel like have supported me for forever. One very small suggestion I’d have for the next fundraiser/merch drive is to consider including the total cost of how much an annual membership would be in addition to the $X per month. Because I am embarrassed to admit that my brain did not realize that it was only $30 for a Cobalt and would have signed up years ago had I known. But glad to be here now!

On Well, That Was Fast! Kristen Stewart Is Engaged!

The Stars Don’t Lie Award to Chess:

If astrology is fake then how is Kristen’s chart SO REAL?

On Pop Culture Fix: Surprise, Game of Thrones’ Bisexual Sex Scenes Were a “Frenzied Mess”:

The Darlin’ It’s Better, Down Where It’s Wetter Award to Kristana, maddie, and msanon:

Starting with a fish joke? I sea what you did there. Ready for season two of “Saved by the Bell”. Love how they get meta.

And on No Filter: Niecy Nash, There Has Never Been a Better Halloween Costume, Not Ever, It Is Perfect!

The Pit of Desire Award to Dkc2017:

Did I really get so hung up on Sara that I missed Niecy’s costu—oh, there were *two* odes to Sara’s pits this week.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queer girl.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. hope folks didn’t miss Iarrann mé’s inspired play wrapping up the thread:

    Currently, anyway. Coming to AS and seeing a pun thread going always gives me such a happy peaceful feeling. Pacific, one might say. No worries atoll.

    or the fun tentacles Deli Twotone wrapped around the theme in a separate one:

    No fintimacy director on GoT ? You’ve got to be squidding.

    love when the punners get going :)

    thanks, queer girl!

  2. Doing the math, I deduce that commenter T has been reading Autostraddle since they were 4. Impressive

  3. oh my god I got my first award?? I’d like to thank the academy, my mother for the complex traumas she put me through as a child, Carrie Fischer in her Endor scout outfit for her foundational impression on my sexuality…

  4. Oh my god, I received my first award? I’d like to express my bubble shooter gratitude to the academy, my mother for the various traumas she inflicted on me as a child, and Carrie Fischer in her Endor scout suit for leaving a lasting imprint on my sexuality…

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