Hello and bless us everyone in this, the week of Sara Ramirez’s fully realized ascent to true bi butch babe stardom! I have honestly spent half my week talking about Sara Ramirez to anyone who would listen, and I’m not likely to stop anytime soon, BECAUSE LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN IT? Have you seen it? Hot damn.
Pull yourself together Queer Girl, you’ve got a job to do!
This week, Carmen invited us to an absolutely spooktacular movie night with the Sanderson sisters.
Busting out of your button-down? Doreen’s got tips for that!
Riese reviewed one of my very favorite shows on Hulu this season, Harlots.
Ever been haunted? Here are some of the team’s best ghost stories!
Want to sew your way to a Waverly, Carol, Bette or Denise for Halloween? Shannon’s here to help!
And then there were your comments!
On BREAKING: Natalie Barney and Liane de Pougy Break Up Because Amour Is a Lie:
The Brightest Burn Award to Blue cousin:
The Sweet Release Award to Nani Albornoz:
On Autostraddle Feelings Atrium: Sara Ramirez in This Suit and Suspenders With a Pocket Chain Around Your Heart (truly, I wanted to give everyone who posted in this thread an award, I will never be over this):
The Gaycation Award to Rachel:
The Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow Award to Another Rachel:
The HMS Butch Babe Award to Chandra:
And the Time Traveler’s Root Award to CognacSmalls:
And on 100 Jean Styles, Ranked By Lesbianism:
The In Immerse Award to Rous Rose:
And the Perfect Pair Award to Laurie:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? Or got some Madam Secretary fanfic you want to send my way? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com!
OMG,you guys! <3
everyone is amazinggggg
Absolutely! If I had any kind of photoshop skills I’d whip up a catalogue for “Sailing the Seven Seas on the HMS Butch Babe”.
Cruising, while cruising.
A win win situation.
“Cruising while cruising” yesss
Also friends, I tried to photoshop Sara Ramirez into the Comment Awards feature image, but only succeeded in learning that my photoshop skills have not changed since the fourth grade.
They had photoshop when you were in fourth grade?^^
lol yeah i think it was created in 1988? My dad used it for work.
Wow, I did not know that and I’m someone who personally remembers floppy disks!
owl yes! my school in like 1994 had computers which were super duper old even at that time, and they used those enormous floppy discs. it wouldn’t even really operate until you inserted the giant disc, and then you’d get to play some version of “bowling” that I’m pretty sure was mostly text-based.
Rous Rose: Still killing it
every time!
I hope you are as kind to yourselves as you are to others.
Also, <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.
Thank you for the Comment Award, Queer Girl! I’m glad all my pain and suffering lead to this beautiful moment.
In a perfect world, everyone’s jeans experience would be this:
My ultimate group costume for Halloween is a bunch of 80’s moms with one-syllable names like Deb and Pat and Barb, all wearing mom jeans and turtlenecks. We’d just drink wine and eat candy all night. This gif is pretty representative of that dream.
That’s beautiful.
I have the same dream, except it’s just me and the wine and the candy. All night.
P.S. If you’re looking for more inspo:

She’s not a mom, but she basically is.

yesss Roussss
whoops, how is this not a response
The only thing more #blessed than getting a Comment Award is getting one right after the real Rachel. Thank you queer girl!
I enjoyed that symmetry too! ?