Happy Friday, muffins! I am headed out of town today to sit around in the mountains with friends who always heal my heart. We’re going to pointedly not talk about politics, and drink beer, and eat paskha and strawberries! I hope all of you have exactly the kind of weekend that you need to have.
This week, Molly took us to Spring Break.
Callie introduced us to Coady and the Creepies, the best punk-zine-meets-Saturday-morning-cartoon you’re not reading… yet.
Raquel reviewed Body Horror: Capitalism, Fear, Misogyny, Jokes, which is something you might be into.
The fifth season of Orange is the New Black is almost here! Will you be watching?
Well-played, Dickens, well-played.
Here are 61 Ways You Weirdos Described Yourselves When Signing Up For A-Camp. They’re all brilliant.
Erin’s still watching bad lesbian movies from the 90’s. This week: Bar Girls.
And then there were your comments!
On Queer Folklore: M Is for Macha, Mythical Irish Queens of Misandry:
The Game Award to emmapet:
On Saturday Morning Cartoons: The Ex:
The Behind the Music Award to Mey:
On That Time We Put On a Dead Lesbian and Bisexual TV Characters Haunted House at A-Camp:
The Falcon Around Award to Sally:
On No Filter: Evan Rachel Wood Walks Into A Banana Museum:
The Tourist Award to Vicky:
On Foolish Child #20: Foolish Marketing:
The YT Award to Shea and Chloe:
On Stranger, Less Heterosexual Things: Barb, We Hope:
The Upside Downer Award to donnamartingraduates, Calista and a/s:
On 61 Ways You Weirdos Described Yourselves When Signing Up For A-Camp:
The Bilympic Athlete Award to Katie and Chandra:
And the Tyler Durden Award to Brianna:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com! And thanks to the MVP who has been submitting comments almost every week – ILU!
i need to looking to see if i won a comment award when i read these. especially since y’know…i haven’t commented anything pretty much ever
I keep trying to click on the “show replies “button
I ALWAYS DO THAT. Or I always try to ‘like’ the comments
Oh, have a great time with your friends and the strawberries QG
Thanks carmen!!
Bi Pun Posse FTW!
Making bisexual jokes is hard because it can go either way
True, although luckily you can have both
It looks like we have two Katies on the team, so that should be bi-Kate-fuls of fun.
infinite props to Chandra for spreading the good word in the comments
She’s a biamond in the rough
can comments on comment awards get comment awards
Can you pun that bi me again please
Sure! You get bi with a little help from your friends
…Totally going to find a way to use this line someday on my friend/neighbour/forever-crush.
ugh i am a constant embarrassment to myself.
Your comment spoke for many of us, Brianna. I’m still not sure that #14 isn’t something I wrote in my own bio for A-Camp 6.0.
An embarrassment of riches, more likely
Hehe, Tyler Durden award…
Tourist Award ???
I find this especially funny since my friends keep telling me I should be a gay girl tour guide haha!
i maintain that this is mike pence’s origin story
It all makes sense now
Just got to my destination and saw most of these and you all are my LIGHT