The Autostraddle Insider: Issue Three, September 2014

Letter From Your Editors
Hello Autostraddle Plus Members!
Welcome to the third edition of the Insider Newsletter, brought to you by the Senior Staff of, your #1 source for tips on helicopter flying and root vegetables. It's autumn, my favorite season and a season typically associated with "going back to school." In honor of that association, despite its lack of relevance to our lives at this juncture, this month's Senior Staff Photo will take a hop-skip-and-a-jump down memory lane to when we were little grrrls in the world heading off to school to learn how to be people so we could grow up and make this magical website!
[CLICK TO ENLARGE]  TOP ROW, L to R: Riese, Yvonne, Cee, Carmen, Stef // MIDDLE ROW, L to R: Chelsey, Gra...

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