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The Autostraddle Insider Issue 92: May 2022

Letter From Your Editors

Did you hear? Spring has turned into summer!

Tomorrow’s the start of Pride (at this point, just a few hours!) — so let’s kick of the merry gay season with a little radical honesty. I’m writing you this letter from a 93 degree day, I’m in my underwear because this air conditioning is not doing what it needs to do, and I’m eating an ice cold piece of chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese frosting that I baked over the weekend straight from the fridge. It’s… working for me. I hope whatever weird and illogical quirk you did this afternoon to get through today worked for you, too!

May was so busy for Autostraddle! And yes, I know that I say that every month so you’re probably thinking, “Carmen play a new song already” — but hear me out! In May we brought on not one, not two, not four or five but TEN NEW WRITERS!! You’re going to learn all about them in this insider for, well, pretty much the rest of the year and we’ll have a proper “intro post” in early June. You might have also already noticed their bylines dotting our website! But can I just say that these are some of the funniest and energetic humans I’ve met? Sure, they are great writers (and thus far impressive about deadlines! Keeping me on my toes and forcing me to keep up with their hustle!) but they are so kind as a group? They’ve already shook up the energy of our office slack in all the best ways and I’m kind of obsessed. I know I’m biased because I helped bring together all these new hires, but top to bottom, the writers we have working for our website right now are some of the finest we’ve ever had. I am so, so proud of this team.

And speaking of BEING PROUD OF THIS TEAM! Do you know who is also new this month? (Silent drumroll in your head, please)… OUR NEW ART DIRECTOR, VIV LE!!!

We haven’t had a chance to properly introduce them yet because we really hit the ground running to get ready for our Pride series, which by the way is one of the largest we’ve ever put together. But that’s for tomorrow! For Today, I want to let you know that Viv is ridiculously cool and also so funny when I least expect it, which makes me laugh even harder. They have such ambitious dreams about where to take us that you’re going to see throughout the year, but if you want a sneak peek of their talents you should be checking out our Instagram. Viv has really been killing it with our IG stories, right?? We’re doing a lot of experimenting, both in our stories and on the grid, and seeing what works best for us as an updated visual brand.

If you can, after you finish this letter, please shout out Viv in our comments!! We have really thrown the entire kitchen sink at them this month (sometimes the necessity of a small team with too full plates) and they have constantly met every challenge with spirit and enthusiasm. We are so lucky to have them with us.

We’ve hit the halfway point of the year, so it feels grounding that after so many months of new hires (can you believe we started this process all the way back in last August??) we finally, finally have all our major pieces of the puzzle in place. Since this fall we’ve hired: a new subject editor for Sex and Dating (Ro), a new full time Managing Editor (Kayla), a Director of Brand Partnerships (Anya), a grand total of FOURTEEN NEW WRITERS (four in January and ten more in May), and now our new Art Director (Viv). But we are here now, everyone’s buckled in, we even have time to go outside and touch the grass and breathe some fresh air. If Spring is about reassessing, rebuilding and opening windows to see what’s new — Autostraddle is exactly where we are supposed to be. It’s bustling and busy and I love a little alteration, so let’s go with “buzzing.” I just don’t have the words to describe this energy!!!

May also brought us our last month with our Trans Community Subject Editor Xoai Pham. Xoai’s work at Autostraddle has been so gifted. Her skill and patience in working with first time writers, bringing new voices to our page, has been beyond impressive. Her ability to put together creative, eye catching, packages that are full of substance? I’ve learned so much, just from watching her work. We’ve all been sad to see Xoai leave, but also I know that what she’s going to do next will set horizons on fire. She’s that fucking good.

In her goodbye, Xoai edited the series Intimate Geographies, where queer women tell short stories about their sex lives and then record it for you to listen to while you read (audio storytelling is new for us, see what I’m saying about Xoai’s creativity! Were you into it?). The series was designed in celebration of the new publishing of Sex and the Single Woman — a cult classic anthology of decades, now updated with writing from our very own Xoai and Vanessa (who also edited a roundtable about the book) and so many other friends of Autostraddle. YES OUR EDITORS WERE PUBLISHED!! IN BOOKS! YOU CAN HOLD IN YOUR HANDS!!

See what I’m saying?? Yall we were B —U — S — Y!! And I’m not done! Shelli Nicole and Dani Janae worked together to bring us a month-long Fat Femme roundtable series on fashion that’s one of the packages I’m most proud of us publishing since I became Editor in Chief. They worked their entire asses off, and it shows. As a fat femme who never really knows how to write about my fatness, the space being held was such a balm for me. I keep coming back to it, full of gratitude.

This month’s letter is over a thousand words and I haven’t even gotten to May’s A+ content yet! But there were 13 new pieces this month, a record for a month where we weren’t fundraising. Want to talk about working their ass off? See Exhibit A, Nicole Hall, your A+ Director who’s also the editor of all our A+ content and keeps coming up with new ways to put words in front of your eyes. I adored every A+ piece we published this month, the diversity of them ranging from serious to lighthearted, sexy to community oriented, and everything in between.

I’m going to link all of our A+ content in case you missed it, but also shout out two of my personal favorites: The A+ Roundtable on Do We Have Kids? Do We Want to Have Kids? And The Autostraddle Team Maysturbation Survey Results (there’s a gif in there that moves in a way that you want to see, hot tip).

Speaking! Of! Which! May is Masturbation month. You still have a few more hours to get on that, if you’d like to celebrate.

WHEW! This letter was a marathon. I finished my refrigerator cake and I’m going to find a water bottle. See you again in June, Happy Pride.


Carmen / Riese / Nicole / Laneia / Kayla / Heather / Anya / Viv

A triangle divider icon in an iridescent blue gradient.
Glowing iridescent triangle divider.

Eight Important Excerpts From Editorial Conversations

Anya: it’s a warm but strangely cloudy day in brooklyn today
Kayla: love a weather report
We’re currently driving down alligator alley
Laneia: of course
Kayla: Have not seen a gator yet this time but it’s cloudy so they’re probably hiding
Laneia: “what do you think kayla and kristen are doing at ~noon on friday?”
“alligator alley”
Kayla: hahahaahaha
Laneia: why do they hide when it’s cloudy !
my weather report is what it will be until october which is: full sun, 100+ degrees, lots of pigeons
Kayla: Haha by hide I mostly just meant swimming in the swamps
They don’t really like to lay out in less theres sun for them to soak up
Which is relatable

Kayla: Love stopping at rest areas in FL because there are a million signs warning about poisonous snakes
And then at least one spider somewhere the size of a hand
Anya: florida is just so bizarre
Kayla: Made the mistake of finally reading about sinkholes the other day
Riese: and now are you in a sinkhole
Anya: sinkholes are one of those things that i can’t believe is physically real because it just seems so metaphorical
like that’s actually real??
it feels like a literary device
not a real thing
a hole that appears out of nowhere that things can vanish into?? that’s a story not a phenomenon

Kayla: I feel like I should write something funny and gay about the “coastal grandma” trend
Nicole: you have me googling coastal grandma
it kind of seems like straight people have, at last, discovered ‘mommi’ or ‘beach mommi’
but i don’t wanna erase any queer coastal grannies either, you know?
Kayla: Yeah I do wanna be like I tried to tell y’all about this
Four years ago
Riese: Yes once again the straights are late to the plate
Nicole: right???
four years late
Straights Discover Beach Mommi Four Years After We Screamed About Cableknit, Call It ‘Coastal Grandma’
i feel like if anyone has a right to talk about this, it’s you Kayla
and also Christina lol

Sa’iyda: after seeing her beautiful meals on IG, i half-jokingly suggested to Vanessa that we should start a “real housewives of autostraddle” series. but like, actual housewife shit, not that weird, fake Bravo style drama.
Shelli: omigosh the way i want to find a happy medium of becoming a housewife but then a total working mom hottie babe
Sa’iyda: i’m not a hottie (literally sitting here in sweats, wrapped in a blanket) but i can do the rest!
Lily Alvarado: Shelli that is my every day struggle!
Kaelyn: Noooooo. “having it all” is a lie. I’m so sorry, ya’ll
Shelli: I am lounging around in a lavender mid length silky slip, matching rollers in my hair and fuzzy houseshoes….. all i am missing is a champagne flute of orange juice
Vanessa: shelli you are perfect
Niko: dream life
Vanessa: i don’t want it all i truly do just want a baby strapped to my hip and like, a life like one of those “off the grid” women on instagram where they spend all day making dinner from scratch but how do they finance it all?!?!?!
i’m being rhetorical i know they just have rich husbands but ugh
Niko: well, to be fair, some of them also have rich parents

Kayla: what — and i cannot stress this enough — is happening in this photo
Nicole: Me explaining something about tech to my older girlfriend
i also do tech support for my older girlfriend
Nicole: I know and I love this for us
Anya: they’re reading carmen maria machado’s essay in IT CAME FROM THE CLOSET: QUEER REFLECTIONS ON HORROR FILM

a cyborg sits at a transparent table next to a futuristic-looking girl with pink hair and tattoos that look like circuitry. there is a tablet and a book visible on the table. the entire image is rendered with 3-D illustration
Cyborg woman teaching girl with book via Donald Iain Smith / Getty Images

Nicole: where are Viv’s cool friends at?
Laneia: https://develop.autostraddle.com/get-25-off-everything-in-autostraddles-pre-pride-sale/
Nicole: oooooooh!
Laneia: they sit at the cool table but also they said you could sit with them if you wanted
they have extra seltzer you can have one
they’ll tell you where the cool thing is happening this weekend!! no gatekeeping here okay they want you to have a nice time!
Nicole: they would tell me where they got that Caligula Inn shirt
Laneia: absolutely they would
Nicole: no gatekeeping, as you said
Carmen: Viv, i hope you tell your friends that we would like to be their friends!

[the next day]

Viv: that’s hilarious, they are the young people I choose to live in the co-op I staffed in college
because they were cool or something
I was the gatekeeper, literally

Natalie: ‘True Detective’: Jodie Foster To Star In Season 4 Of HBO Anthology Series, Marks First Major Adult TV Role
Drew: My brain just went on a real roller coaster as it went from “that show is still on?” to “it’s on its fourth season?” to “of course we’re getting another lesbian cop” to “wait has Jodie ever even played an explicitly lesbian character?” to “wait Barry Jenkins is involved????”
Carmen: I’d like to stop at questions #4 and #5 please

Laneia: (“ikjhkj” was me putting a chip in my mouth and typing “wait” with one hand)
Carmen: lol I thought you were gen z laughing
Laneia: !!!
carmen omg
Carmen: you know how gen z laughs like this sjdfsjsfkdfjskfsfjas
i was like, “look at laneia, she’s keeping up with the trends! good for her”
Laneia: nope just a mom eating bean dip, the saddest thing i’ve ever typed out loud
Carmen: aldfkaldjafaj
(i also did that wrong 😞 and i’m not even a mom eating dip, i’m just a very hot woman sitting in her underwear wondering what was even the point of air conditioning 😞)
Laneia: [responds with a 🚨 emoji]
Carmen: laneia not hot in the 🚨 way
hot in the “i’m gonna die like this” way
Laneia: hot two ways
like potatoes two ways but gay

Glowing hollow iridescent triangle divider.

What We’ve Been Reading

Cover of ¡Cuéntamelo! featuring a femme in black and white on the cover

¡Cuéntamelo!: Oral Histories by LGBT Latino Immigrants by Juliana Delgado Lopera

– Drew

cover of Akata Woman featuring a Black girl in shades of gray with some kind of futuristic looking symbols in white on the cover

Akata Woman by Nnedi Okorafor

– Heather

cover of Calamities. it is composed of the title written in large black ink letters along three lines

Calamities by Renee Gladman

– Vanessa

the cover of Exalted: a novel, with some witchy looking illustrated hands on the cover holding a star and a moon

Exalted by Anna Dorn

– Kayla

Cover of Experiments in Skin shows a figure rushing by an advertisement centering an Asian model

Experiments in Skin: Race and Beauty in the Shadows of Vietnam by Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu

– Viv

Cover of How to Do Nothing featuring the title text among a bed of colorful flowers

How to Do Nothing by Jenny ODell

– Abeni

Cover of I Kissed Shara Wheeler with a blonde white woman holding up an envelope with lipstick kiss marks on it

I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuinston

– Katie and Meg

Cover of Kaikeya showing a silhouetted 
 figure wearing elaborate jewelry that is illustrated in whites and golds

Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel

– Ashni

the cover of this is mostly text against a Utah landscape. The extra texts besides the title and author name reads: "On July 24th, 1984, a woman and her infant daughter were murdered by two brothers who believed they were ordered to kill by God...The roots of their crim lie deep in the history of an American religion practiced by millions...

Under the Banner of Heaven by John Krakauer

– Riese

This cover has an old-school illustration of a black cat on it.

We Were Witches by Ariel Gore


A triangle divider icon in an iridescent blue gradient.

This Year’s Met Ball: Let Them Eat Cake 2k22

Cloaked figures emerge from a black background, each with a halo of cake behind it, the central figure having a light bulb under its hood.

Carmen: Hellllllooo @channel (we almost never @/channel in vapid fluff! but!) — TONIGHT IS THE MET BALL!! And yall know the deal, if you see a gay on the red carpet, post at least their name here/ a photo/ a funny commentary/ any and all of the above. I’m doing a roundup for tomorrow (if there are enough gays to round up) and any help would be great!
Drew: Is this also a safe space to bully the straight people who are boring
Carmen: thee safest place to bully straight people
I should probably look up the theme for tonight? Because I just opened up my feed and Cynthia Erivo is also wearing white what’s going on (I love her look, just wondering if anyone… wore a color)
Oh we’re doing generic “American Fashion” part 2? DIDN’T WE DO THIS AT THE FAKE MET IN SEPTEMBER AND IT WAS BAD THEN
Drew: Of all the themes that needed a part 2………
Drew: Apparently the dress code was specifically “Gilded Glamour”
Carmen: no. I vote no.
shea: I do not know if I’m hip enough to understand the Met Gala outfits because I usually just think “oh cute cute” or “what is…that?”
Drew: Oh yeah I know nothing about fashion beyond vibes
shea: i don’t like any of these vibes
is the vibe “basic chaos?”
Carmen: oh yeah met gala night at autostraddle is just a spectrum of “gays looking hot,” “step on me tessa” (that’s me), and “oh hunny no”
shea: “‘Gilded’ means to show how wealth and glamour were used to conceal the social unrest and turmoil of the era”…….oh okay.
Drew: Right !!!!!!
shea: they could’ve just worn bedazzled “live, laugh, love” shirts.
Carmen: sorry i’m late coming back BUT WHY THIS THEME OMG
This year’s Met Ball: Let Them Eat Cake 2k22
Analyssa: Chloe Grace Moretz (probably queer) also in mostly white lmao

Drew: I love this masc moment for Chloe
But I will say
None of these even feel on the bad theme
If I was at the Met Gala I would go as dead Lily Bart from The House of Mirth
Carmen: Is Chloe gay ok wait Analyssa helped
Analyssa: Rumored!!!
shea: is this a singer or a Nickelodeon child star?
Drew: Child star, unsure if she was ever on Nickelodeon haha
Carmen: WHERE!! IS!! TESSA!!
Sorry I know the big stars aren’t there yet, this is a slow rollout
But Zendaya isn’t coming and Rihanna isn’t coming, so I’m feeling very nervous
Riese: wait i really thought chloe was out
anna wintour smiling in these photos like she is the only one who thought this theme was a cute idea
Sa’iyda: i knew these people were gonna fumble the bag on assignment
there’s a whole show called the gilded age and yet, THIS is what we’re getting?
Drew: I just feel like there WAS a way to do the theme and comment on the theme the way people did the Catholic year
Carmen: Was the Catholic year the last great Met?
Drew: Camp was great because it was so bad which in a sense made it camp ??
But yeah Catholic was a special year
Carmen: Fun fact is the Catholic year was also the first year we started covering the Met! Because Lena’s cape
(I just stopped myself from typing out something very mean about Ana Wintour because this is a workspace, but just know I hate her and I’m very much in my Andre Leon Talley feelings about it)
Riese: i have read about the theme and it’s a real journey
Em: idk if it’s just me but seeing Anna Wintour’s outfit is giving me major Moira Rose vibe
Riese: items and concepts cited incllude: The House of Mirth, Mark Twain, The new York Times building, “Thomas Edison’s light bulb”, the “new-money Vanderbilts”, the Emma Lazarus poem on the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the invention of the telephone, the impracticality of wearing light colors while walking the streets of new york
which i would argue remains true to this day as someone who did wear white pants in new york one time and suffered dearly for my mistake
Carmen: I suppose I’m not surprised Serena van der Woodsen understood the assignment, this theme is very Gossip Girl
Riese: well bustles were big
Carmen: hmmhmm they were
Analyssa: And she’s a chair of the gala!
Em: It’s Thomas Edison’s lightbulb for me
Riese: personally i would go as Thomas Edison

Glowing iridescent triangle divider.

What We’ve Been Watching

Naturally the AS team is getting their fill of bicon, Angelina Jolie.

the cover of hackers featuring a vintage 90s computer and an overlay of a motherboard over angelina jolie and another actor


– Nicole

the cover of 17 again. zac efron wears cool child clothes on this cover. at his feet are boring adult business clothes.

17 Again

– Kayla

the cover of cruella. emma stone is here in black and white with cruella's signature black and white hair


– Shelli

the cover of grease 2 featuring a white blonde greaser guy and a white blonde pink lady girl.

Grease 2

– Vanessa

the cover of grease with jon travolta holding olivia newton-john, all decked out in 1950's clothes


– Vanessa

the cover of detective pikachu, featuring pikachu in a sherlock holmes kind of cap

Detective Pikachu

– Heather

the cover of eyes wide shut with Nicole Kidman looking at the viewer while also kissing another actor

Eyes Wide Shut

– Viv

the cover of the sound of music featuring julie andrews in the center wearing a dress and apron gesturing in front of a mountain

The Sound of Music

– Ro

the cover of original sin where a nude angelina jolie is held from behind by antonio banderas

Original Sin

– Drew

the cover of sing 2 which shows various animals dressed as musical performers. it is animated.

Sing 2

– KaeLyn

Glowing hollow iridescent triangle divider.

PR Emails That Lost Their Way

More often than we’d like, people email us about things that demonstrate they might be missing the point.

An email. Subject Line: Justice Puzzle: Did I put anything there?
Body: PITCH   

Question/Puzzle: Did I put anything there?
oh player...you are mistaken...I didn't put anything there...
everything is something else than anything I can imagine, but...
...everything is something else than anything you can imagine, and...
everything is something else than anything anyone can imagine,
since the beginning of humans, or before humans began
do you imagine reality was waiting for humans to happen for reality to happen, or....
do you imagine reality was ready since the beginning of reality for all human stories, including the ones where humans said one story, and...

...something else was really happening?

Justice may be blind but it is fun or else justice wouldn't be fun, and then
you wouldn't have freedom from justice to have fun over and over, and that...
...well that wouldn't really be fair, would it really?

Glowing iridescent triangle divider.


This is just a doodle from Nicole’s notebook :) They hope it brightens your day!

Nicole has doodled something in their notebook. It is labeled "somehwere in Nicole's strawberry patch" and features a few anthropomorphic strawberries, two normal shaped and sleeping and one that is growing in a way where it has two numbs on the bottom. It has a face of devious concentration and a thought bubble reads "I'm gonna grow some feet and walk my way right out of this patch!"
Glowing hollow iridescent triangle divider.

KKU Lookbook

Hello, I’m back to tell you about my looks this month! The theme of this month? CHAOS. It was the last month of my twenties, which is not the main reason it has been a chaotic month, but it still feels like a relevant fact. Most of the photos for this Lookbook were taken before I was actually finished putting together a look. I was very go-go-go this month, and I was also simply in a bathing suit a lot!!!! (Florida Brag) The two recurring throughlines in my outfits for May were: the color pink and cutoff shorts.

Look 1: So here is an example of me not quite being done with a look —my hair is still wet! She’s a gal on the go! This is an oversized linen blend blazer from H&M ($50), and it’s currently out of stock (but I’m linking the actual blazer in case it comes back!). I found some lookalikes at the Gap (on sale for $86), Banana Republic ($230 and available in several colors), and J.Crew (on sale for $118) —this last one is available in sizes 00 to 24 and comes in multiple colors. Honestly, if you do go with white like mine, I find it sometimes difficult to style this in a way that makes it not look like a lab coat lol, but the hack seems to be to wear it with shorts, a miniskirt, or leggings. With jeans/slacks/etc, it looks like a lab coat! Here, I’m wearing it with my new favorite cropped brown cami tank, which was from Marshall’s, but here’s a close match from UO for $25. The white shorts are from the Gap (on sale for $25). For accessories, I’m wearing an opal necklace ($38), a gold cuff ($15), and Madewell heels that used to be my gf’s before she embraced her butchness (I am very thankful for her femme castoffs!!!! I practically got a whole new wardrobe out of it!). They’re from several years ago, and I couldn’t find a close match from Madewell, so here are some close ones from Nine West for $108.

Look 2: Enjoy my messy Airbnb room!!!!!!! My gf and I took a trip to Saint Petersburg during May for a book event she did with the lovely folks of Tombolo Books. If you’re ever in the area, check them out! I wore this outfit for one of our date nights while there ($1 oysters!). My ultra-versatile chunky heeled black mules ($45) make yet another appearance along with my $80 “petal pants,” easily some of the most comfortable pants I own. The shirt is Marshall’s, and wow do I love wearing a bustier crop top! I need more! Here’s one for $40 at ASOS. Here, I am styled with my retro dolphin bracelet, which inspired a roundup of Beach Mommi/retro dolphin jewelry and a necklace I stole from my mother forever ago. It looks kind of like this one I found on Etsy ($36). I’m also wearing one of the rings from this $8 mix-pack.

Look 3: I truly wore cut-off shorts SO often this month!!!! And I foresee that continuing into next month. These are the Gap from several seasons ago, and the closest match I could find are these Levi’s for $69. The shirt is ASOS (on sale for $9). The pink heeled slides were an extremely splurgey 30th birthday gift from my gf, who spoils me 😇. They’re Gucci, but Steve Madden makes extremely close dupes for $50! Also wearing a turquoise bar necklace ($30+). And tiny purse ($30) makes another appearance, along with special guest Lola the french bulldog.

A triangle divider icon in an iridescent blue gradient.

Meet A New Contributor!

Get to know some of our newest faces.

A.Tony Jerome lounges on a day bed on top of a white cover. They are a Black human wearing glasses, shorts and a yellow shirt, and they have short hair. They look like they are in the middle of gesturing or saying something.

A.Tony Jerome, Writer

Social Media:
Instagram: @lexplayagame
Twitter: @ATonyJerome1

What’s something you’ve been really proud of lately?
Being like very intentional in remaining present. Trying to be still and open. That shit be hurting but I dig my fingers in the earth and miracle of miracles I’m still here.

If you could only use one emoji for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If you could invite four famous people (dead or alive) to dinner, who would you choose and why?

Toni Morrison, Janelle Monae, Dr. Eve L. Ewing, Hanif Abdurraqib.

I’m trying to be a sponge, I just want them all to talk and for me to revel in the . I call Toni Morrison Mama Toni in my head and her work both on and off the page have been instrumental to me getting free. Janelle Monae is who I listened to in high school, who was one of the first people to remind me to dream Afrofuturistaclly and not weighed by white colonialist expectations and also I obviously have a crush on her. Dr. Eve L. Ewing is great at marrying the past, present, and future both in Electric Arches which I put along with Janelle Monae in my imaginings of black people as inherently free and taking care of one another in a way that demands us free. Hanif Abdurraqib is a poet I love to read, hear, and just be in company with. He’s great at exploring the nuance of humanity, like the possibility that tenderness is necessary for rage, sadness in deep seated joy, and his music taste expands me exponentially. Being in the presence of all of them, I just think would allow me to grow in the direction I can’t see but know I need to reach for.

Who was your first woman celebrity crush?
in a movie: Ms. Honey
celebrity everything else: Alicia Keys

Glowing iridescent triangle divider.

Failure Is An Art Form

We are here to normalize trying, failing, trying, and failing again!

“I don’t have a lot of kitchen failures, but when I do, they are spectacular. My parents came to visit my girlfriend and I in Miami, and my mother wanted to have one of my famous “seafood trays.” I make them every time I have out-of-town guests (unless someone doesn’t eat seafood). It’s a tray full of goodies: crab legs, lobster tails, scallops, littleneck clams, shrimp, hot sausage, corn on the cob, chunks of red onion, golden potatoes. Not everything can go on the tray at the same time, so it takes time and precision to get the tray right. But then I present it all on the tray at once, and it’s a gorgeous display. So after 4+ hours in the kitchen, I went to assemble my tray and foolishly tried to lift it with one hand while holding something else in my other hand. My wrist gave out, and the tray dipped, and it was too late. Everything I’d just worked so hard to season, cut, clean, cook sloshed out onto the kitchen floor. We salvaged what we could, still ate ALL the seafood and most of the veggies, pretending my kitchen floor is cleaner than it actually is. We were so hungry, and I’d worked so hard. No one made me feel bad about the screw-up, but it put me in a bad mood for the rest of the night, because I’m very hard on myself!!!!!” — Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

“I forgot to put out the garbage last week and you know what I had a lovely, uninterrupted evening. It was beautiful, the forgetting.” — Nicole

“I’ve been living out of three suitcases for two weeks because I cannot unpack. It’s too hard.” — Carmen

A triangle divider icon in an iridescent blue gradient.

Whose Team Do You Play For?

Results from the quiz "which 90's movie made you gay." 18.8% got A League of Their Own, 13.9% Foxfire, 12.4% Now and Then, 11.1% Girl Interrupted, 10.9% Set It Off, 10.9% Empire Records, 7.1% Clueless, 6.4% Sister Act 2, 5.8% Fried Green Tomatoes, 2.7% The Craft
From the quiz “Which 90’s Movie Made You Gay?”
Glowing hollow iridescent triangle divider.

So Many Scorpions

There is a background of a hand desperately reaching out of sand. It is wavy like a bad VHS tape. In the front a fierce coyote looks on.

Ro: Ok I don’t have pets and I’m truly just lurking in this channel and enjoying all of your animals, but if wild animals are accepted here, I have content to share! Yesterday I encountered two young coyotes napping in the sun and I’m obsessed. I had to take the pic from far away, but hopefully, you can see them.

two coyotes sleep on the lawn in a cemetery

100% accepted
Sa’iyda: i will never say no to baby animal content, even if they could kill me
Ro: The coyotes around here are only interested in rats and rabbits, so I think you’re safe.
Heather: baby coyotes are basically just puppies!
Nicole: is this accurate though:joy:
i feeeel like they still might be dangerous but who knows what do i know
Heather: you know maybe i should look this up, i am realizing my source here is barbara kinsolver’s prodigal summer, a brilliant piece of fiction, and this one short story i heard on npr one time about a little boy dancing with some coyote puppies. standby for facts.
2 minutes later
Heather: okay i googled “will a baby coyote eat you” and google said: no, but leave them alone!
one time in 1980 a coyote kidnapped a child!
a coyote can take down a BISON? wow okay i have really been underestimating these puppers.
What Do Coyotes Eat
Ro: City coyotes are very used to being around people, so sometimes they can get close and that freaks people out! But they’re definitely not dangerous unless you mess with them or try to feed them. I walk in Chicago cemeteries pretty much every day and always see them. I’ve even given them all names. Can you tell I desperately need a dog?
Nicole: Heather I only just returned to this list of scary coyote facts.
Also! I had no idea about these coyotes in chicago cemeteries! That’s fascinating.
Ro: Oh yeah! There’s actually a local group studying them.
Nicole: So cool!
Vanessa: Heatheri realize you are not exactly someone who needs more on their plate but i do think people would 100% read an article titled “facts about baby coyote’s i learned today on google by heather hogan”
if you don’t want to write that i volunteer to write “facts i learned about baby coyotes when heather hogan googled them”
Darcy: reading Julie of the Wolves as a tiny child really made me ready to go out there and befriend any wild canine I met
sadly, I haven’t met any:thinking_face:
Laneia: darcy if you’d like to come to the suburban foothills and take a stroll at around 11pm, you’ll have your chance
Nicole: do you have wolves laneia??
Laneia: well coyotes! and then the scorpions
Darcy: SCORPIONS i cannot
Laneia: still a wild canine, not as mysterious
Nicole: scorpions!!
do you have to check your shoes?
Darcy: little murder lobsters!
Laneia: omg y’all there are so many scorpions
especially in the foothills
i had to check shoes when i lived there — actually i checked everything
one time there was one on a clean cutting board that was on the drying rack
bathtubs! they loved those. ANYWAY YEAH come get a scorpion!
Darcy: gonna OPT OUT on the scorpions
Nicole: oh wow
Darcy: scorpions, like quicksand, were things i thought i would encounter as an adult far more than i have, because of Lassie and Flipper reruns on Nickelodeon
Nicole: Omg quicksand is such a trip. But yeah, far more rare than on TV…
Darcy: nicole have you encountered quicksand???
Nicole: Just twice! In Wyoming
Darcy: JUST twice!!!
Nicole: the spookiest part was the way it looked like dried out dirt on top, but then it rippled
shea: Coyotes, scorpions, and quicksand? I am obviously not living as adventurous of a life as I once thought
21 minutes later
Laneia: shea i’m still absolutely losing my goddamn mind over “just twice!”
Nicole: lol
i did not talk about my decision to lean over it in order to fish out the cow skull i found in it:see_no_evil:but now i am but i feel like it is somehow a violation of this channel
because it is for alive animals
Laneia: nicole i need to lie down
Nicole: oh yes
Laneia: thank god
Nicole: I still have it. She lives with me now.
Laneia: i want — and i mean i need this actually — nothing more than to walk around your home as you point out things like “and this is the cow skull i fished out of a quicksand pit in wyoming”
Nicole: absolutely not i had no idea what i was doing
shea: allegedly
Vanessa: nicole i want you to write a post titled “things i said in #animalstraddle that made laneia need to lie down” forA+
don’t mind me just assigning everyone in this channel articles i personally want to read today
there’s a coyote that lives on the golf course that our townhouse backs up onto and my gf saw it recently and was like “holy shit we can never let zucchini out there without a leash for real!!!” (our HOA forbids animals to be outside without a leash but we sometimes break the rule and sometimes get in trouble about it) but then a few days ago i couldn’t remember the word for coyote so i was like “BABE BE CAREFUL ZUCCHINI IS OUTSIDE WITHOUT A LEASH, KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THE… JACKAL?????”
and i do not recall my gf laughing so hard at me ever in our lives

A triangle divider icon in an iridescent blue gradient.
The AS senior team works at their desks. From the top left, Viv sits at a clean black desk, wearing shaved black hair and a white tank. Their laptop is just visible. Then, Kayla is working from the car, wearing a stripy tank, jewelry, glasses, and a seatbelt all with a laptop balanced on her back. Anya sits at a desk with her laptop and her hand on her chin. Behind her there is some art on the wall and an embroidered chairback. Heather sits at a desk with additional keyboard and laptop on a rise and headphones on her neck. Heather is wearing a tee shirt and baseball cap. Behind her are visible bookshelves. Bottom row starts with Carmen on the left. Carmen is sitting in front of tall windows, her hair in a wrap, wearing a cropped tank top, and her hand on her laptop. She is smiling and wearing glasses. Then, Laneia leans over her desk and looks thoughtfully at the camera. She has a dual monitor setup and a cute little shelf. Is also wearing a tank top. Then comes Nicole, looking at the viewer, wearing a tank, headphones and clear glasses. Their desk in the back is messy and you can see a lot of stcky notes and stacks of notebooks and papers beneath their second monitor. Finally, Riese gives a peace sign, also wearing a tank top, from her ergonomic looking setup with keyboard, pad, lifted laptop and second monitor.


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The Editors

The has written 144 articles for us.


  1. not to parasocially relate to the entire team, but i love the insider every month! special shout out to anyone who said something completely jarring to everyone around them and followed it up with “no it’s just Like That here” because i have ended up in multiple conversations this month about tornadoes (we do drills in school! the sirens get tested monthly! sometimes you see them when you’re out shopping!) and all my central NY friends are like “what do you mean tornadoes are real”

  2. I think this is my favorite edition of the insider since I joined A+. I love all the features, every convo is gr8. So excited for the new crew. 11/10, would inside again.

  3. Thanks for the book recs! My library hold list was dwindling…

    Also I cannot even with the coyote/quicksand/scorpions convo, and very much want to find the cemetery coyotes when I’m visiting family outside Chicago this July!

  4. Heather I read the same book about a month ago and I loved it!!!!!!!!
    I listened to the audio book and thought it was a really great audiobook- the different characters all had different voices / accents which really helped me keep track of who was talking and personify them

  5. Lots of wonderful stuff as always.
    I could kind of relate to the first editorial conversation excerpt about alligator Alley. Welcome to my home state, Kayla, where I have lived my entire life! I had the unfortunate misfortune of having to ride alligator alley on several of my family road trips. But I would like to think that friendly, purple, Pinellas County isn’t quite as strange or terrifying as most of Florida is. Although there are plenty of gators at Sawgrass Lake Park, especially in the spring. In March they are breeding all over in there are babies galore it’s a true gator orgy!! 🐊

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